Her place is SO CUTE! I love it! And it was AMAZING to see her! So we talked about party plans and omg she has the best ideas. I seriously love her forever for helping [aka basically DOING this for] me! She's so detail oriented and has all the funnest ideas. I'm really really excited. And so is she! Which makes me more excited! So we talked party and then we just hung out at her place and chatted and such and it was so nice to talk to her. I missed my big sis! And then Susan called me and said her Lindsay and Fabi were going to visit P. at work and then go to that store but that Kayla had rehearsal so she wasn't even going and that they were leaving in 5 minutes. Of course I was 60 something blocks uptown so I didn't get to go. But it was okay because I called Kayla and she and I are going to go tomorrow together.
So I told Katie what happened and she was like "You know what? I'm going to get dressed and WE'LL go shopping!" Which was like thrilling for me. Espesh cuz it was so nice out today and I got to spend more time with Katie! So she got ready and then we went to all these really cute little shops uptown. And I went the farthest I've ever been uptown, 94th street! But it was just so much fun and exactly what I needed. It was good to be outside, it's very refreshing.
When we were heading back towards her apartment/the metro Katie was like "Have you ever had Pinkberry?" Which duh. I haven't but I've totes been talking about it incessantly ever since one opened 10 blocks from the dorm and she was like "me either. We should try it. There's one on the way to the subway." So I was even MORE excited! When we got there it was PACKED. Like it's February and the line was out the door. But OH. MY. GOODNESS. It was really delicious. It comes in Vanilla, Green Tea and Coffee and then you can get all these different tasty toppings on it [Pinkberry is Frozen Yogurt. I forgot to mention that. Haha]. But seriously. You can get all this really fresh fruit on it and yummy cereals and such. It all looked so delish! I got strawberries and Katie got raspberries and it was SO GOOD!
Unfortunately we then had to part ways. But I'll see her next Saturday and duh we'll talk before then. So I go back on the metro and holy cow it was CROWDED! It was like no elbow room because it was like 5:00. I had to stand the whole time. UGH. Haha. It actually wasn't THAT bad. And so when I got off the subway Lindsay texted me that they were all at Urban Outfitters but I was too cold to walk over there so I just headed back and said I'd see them for dinner. Except then they all decided to get Chipolte. Which was fine I guess except we'd all made plans to eat together and I'd waited for them and everything. So then I just ended up getting a box full of stuff I probably won't eat.
Which brings me to the hate part of the day. I've been feeling really alienated from everyone lately. I don't know why. Maybe I'm just being retarded or whatever but I feel really out of the loop lately and now I'm questioning whether I want to room with all of them next year. I mean between school and work I am pretty busy. And I could work more hours next year if I wanted to. I don't know. It's not that big of a deal I guess. It just kind of sucks. So I don't know. I'm just going think about all that in the next couple weeks I guess.

On a brighter note I got my new Seventeen today and Rachel Bilson is on the cover looking TRÉS CUTE! I flipped out! I've already read the whole thing and will probably cut it up tomorrow or later tonite. And I made a mix for my birthday party! Only one week! I'm really really excited [in case you can't tell!] But anyway. I'm off to go work on my Writing assignment and maybe go to bed early. Hopefully tomorrow will be an ALL good day. Because I mean the first half of today was amazingly awesome and fun. Happy Saturday all!
Much Love.
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