Anyway. Then it was off to Life Science where we continued our discussion of the Double Helix. I decided I should read that too now. Haha. So that's on my agenda for tomorrow. So we just discussed that and about how we have presentations tomorrow and such and our trip to see Bodies. I'm really excited about that. it's in 2 weeks. And it should be wicked fun. But we got out half hour early which was AMAZING! Me and Lindsay were really excited to get out early. So we headed back to the dorm and it was SO windy! I mean wow! I was literally being blown away.
So I read Utopia and then had lunch with Fabi and Lindsay. They had tasty mexican food for lunch. Mmm! After lunch I continued to read Utopia and then I took a break and responded to some emails and such and listened to McFly. Which brings me to my next order of business. MY AMAZING BIRTHDAY PRESENT FROM KAITY AND NATALIE! I got it last night but was too tired to blog it. They made me a McFly blanket! For those of you who have no idea what that means, they both made McFly blankets last year before we were really close and they're these giant fleece blankets that say McFly on then in the McFly font. AND THEY MADE ME ONE! I seriously like cried. Lindsay can testify to that. Haha. It's like the best present ever.

So after McFly and emails I took a shower and then it was time for ANTM! I'll try not to blog TOO much about the show but I can't help it. DUH! So here's my take on it. First of all Ty-Ty is crazy as ever. Her as the Homecoming Queen? SCARRRRRRY. Next, loved the cute little uniforms. So cute! Miss Jay looked especially fabulous. And now onto the girls. My two favorites are Dominque [she was called last and has the most kicking cheek bones ever] and Amy [who is a complete body double for Lisa circa Cycle 5]. BUT I am TOTES hating the blonde girl with the squidgy face. She SO should not have made it. Her and Miss Hawaii. Ugh. Great face, dumb girl. She was all "Even the food they give us here is like SO good." And I was just like "Girl say what?!". OH! And I like Whitney. The Plus sized girl....who is size 8? But yeah. She's got personality so hopefully she can bring it like Tocarra did. But enough about Top Modz. How about that eclipse?! Tell me you all saw it because it was awesome [and it's gonna be 2-3 more years until we see another]. Me, Kayla and Fabi watched it from Fabi's room. And Nick called me to make sure I was watching it. He's such a funny kid.
But I'm off to call Kyle because he called me 2 hours ago and I need to call him back. First class of the day tomorrow is canceled! EEP! Oh. And here's a video. I HAD to share it. There was no way I couldn't. It's TOO cute.
Much Love.
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