The soundtrack to Spring Awakening
The Juicy Couture perfume!
A Caribou card!!!!!!!!!
HK candy
HK cookies
Clinique lipgloss in Air Kiss
A maroon sweater
HK Luggage tag
HSM2 game!
The Simple Life on DVD
Victoria Beckham's book
Aquamarine, Just My Luck, Bend It Like Beckham and Because I Said So
The OC season 3&4 on dvd
HK puzzle
Cute plaid shoes
Blue suede boots
Black and white cardigan from Delias
Banana tank top
Grey fleece striped hoodie
New Uggs
iPod speakers [I named him Rufus]
iPod case
iPod headphones!
So then I hung around the house all day watching my DVRed episodes of As Told By Ginger and talking to Kaity about what we got for Christmas and then around 7:00 my Aunt Jan and my Aunt Joan and their families came over. They're always a riot. Seriously. The total antithesis of my mom's family and I love it. How many family Christmas party's do you know of that include having your cousin teach your family the Solider Boy dance and listening to Bob Marley? And then we put in White Christmas and EVERYONE knew like every single line to the movie [and recited/sang them]. It was hilarious. And Aunt Jan made me a beautiful scarf and Aunt Joan got me a SUPES cute HK blanket and a Starbucks gift card!
After they left, I went upstairs and talked to Kyle for a little while and then I started sorting all my magazine cutouts since I have like 80 million of them! It took a long time! But I've got them all sorted and such so now I just have to glue them all. Missing my girrrrrrls in New York, but hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! I'm off to bed.
Much Love.