In all that excitement...I FORGOT TO SET MY ALARM CLOCK!!!!! Yeah. And I had an 8AM final this morning. EEP! But God was looking out for me today because I woke up at 7:10, only 7 minutes after when my alarm would have gone off. I GOT SO FLIPPING LUCKY! I would have died if I'd missed my final! But I made it on time and I think I did great and can't wait to see Professor Diyanni next semester. Best professor ever. Then I went to Starbucks and dropped off my library books. When I got back I talked to Susan and then her, Fabi and I went down to lunch.
After lunch me and Fabi went on our journey to the final Juicy destination! Well we got a little lost on the way there but it was TOTES worth it! OMG. The Juicy on Bleecker is even better than the one on Madison! It was heaven on earth. I refrained from buying the flats I really wanted. In fact me and Fab both refrained from buying ANYTHING. Yay us! Everyone in Juicy was lovely. And it was cool because it was in the Village. And I hadn't been that far west yet. Then we went to Marc by Marc...all 4 of them in the Village. Haha. Fabi got two wallets for her cousins and some cute little lipstick pens and I got a REALLY comfy t-shirt and an AMAZINGLY CUTE NECKLACE! It's my new favorite thing ever. And while we were in Marc by Marc there was this lady checking out at the same time as me and she was buying gifts for her employees and she asked the guy for another shopping bag and he was like "We can't give out other shopping bags. Sorry." And she was like "I'll pay for one. Please. I just really want it for the presents." And for some reason he just COULDN'T give her one so I was just like " can have mine if you want it." And she was like "REALLY?! OMG thank you SO much. This is so like the holiday spirit. Thank you so much. Have an amazing holiday...just thank you so much!" She was like flipping out over it. And then the guy behind the counter started in "Wow. That's so nice of you. I'm getting all teary eyed, SO holiday spirit." And I was just It's a SHOPPING BAG! Who cares?! But I'm glad I made this lady's day. I love random acts of kindness.

Marc By Marc purchases!
So then me and Fabi ventured to this cute store called Plaza Too. The people were SO friendly. Loves it! And they sold mostly cute shoes by like Burberry, Coach, Juicy and Kate Spade. But everyone was really nice to us. And we saw a cute dog. We walked around the Village a little more [and passed Magnolia!] and then I realized we were REALLY close to the Hudson River. Since I hadn't seen the water since I moved here Fabi said we should walk down to it. It was beautiful. It was just a really nice day too. And we saw Coney Island and Miss Liberty! I loved it.

Then we decided we could just walk to Tiffany's on Wall Street. Yeah. It was a LONG walk. That's like half of Manhatten we walked today. CRAZY! But it was a nice walk along the Hudson. And we saw Ground Zero too. It was my first trip to the Financial District and to Wall Street! We got a little lost but eventually found our way to the place that never fails to put you in a good mood...Tiffany's! We had to go to get Fabi's Mom's Christmas present. We looked around and it was just magical. We ended up getting her a cute pair of earrings. We took the Metro back home and stopped at Dunkin Donuts for some hot chocolate. Mmm!

I put some laundry on and then we had dinner with Susan [who cut me out a new Jonas Brother's picture!] and it was nice. One of our last meals together I think. OH! And I got a Christmas card from The Kungfu Girls. Love Mia and Ava! And I got some lunch for my 7 hour marathon at work tomorrow. Now I'm just relaxing and such. I might watch a movie since I'M ALL DONE WITH SCHOOL FOR 4 WHOLE WEEKS! But I'll go to bed early so I can be all rested for Wear Your PJ's To Work Day! So yeah. See you all SUPER SOON!
Much Love.
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