Coors light worked today. He's done with school. I'm jealous. Nothing really scandalous happened at work today. Except for the whole email with a picture of Jim [the guy who works for Delia's] and Blake Lively. Seriously. Everyone was flipping out. Natasha cried. Haha. She was like "I LOVEEEEE BLAKE!" Today was Britney Marathon day. We listened to all Britney all day. And little Justin Timberlake at the end. But yeah. Besides that...nothing too exciting. We were done shipping by 3:00 which was AMAZING.
After work I went to Best Buy to buy a new charger for my phone. My like died last night. It was so random. I went to use it and it just...didn't work. so strange. But the new one was only $20.00 so that's not too bad. The guy at Best Buy was really helpful. So it was just in and out. Then I printed some papers and such and was going to drop them off at GSP but it was too late. So I came back and checked my mail and got a card and two packages from my mom! One was presents for Susan, Fabi and Kelly. The other was stuff for everybody and it was all Reese's stuff. Mmm! That's totes my favorite candy besides like Dots. So I took the Reese's Pieces. So good! And then I checked my email and such.
Now I'm off to study and then go to sleep. I'm exhausted. I think it's the sickness kicking my butt. Night all!
Much Love.
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