So my exam was really easy. I finished in like 40 minutes and then I had to drop off my writing paper at GSP. OH! This is how cold it was out. MY IPOD STOPPED WORKING BECAUSE IT WAS SO COLD! Yeah. That's right. It just like shut off. Poor Charlie 2. On the way home I stopped at Walgreens and bought everyone at Fred Flare Candy Cane Pens. They were a hit! Everyone loved them.
So I came home and had some left over Mac and Cheese from last Thursday's party [SO GOOD!] and got ready for work and talked to Kyle for a bit. Then I ventured off into the Artic to Fred Flare. I caught the subway BOTH times and got to work 20 minutes early. We hit a new FF existence record. 1510 orders we shipped out today. THAT'S INCREDIBLE PEOPLE! THAT'S INSANE! And everyone at work was in such a wonky mood. It was hilarious. Like EVERYTHING was funny. I don't even know why. OH! And Wednesday is officially Wear Your Pajama's To Work Day! I'm pumped. But yeah. Funny stuff at work today. I can't even go through it. I CRIED I laughed so hard. Chris was like "Oh no. Little J's having a moment." And Jen's all "THIS TATER POT'S LIKE HAYYYY GURRRRRL!" And Jen did her Gimme More Britterz impression. SO FUNNY! And we all danced to Will Smith's Get Jiggy With It. And Chris was like "He should have busted this out during I Am Legend". Oh! And Chris was telling me and Keith about his friend who just bought an $800,000 HOUSE and was like to Chris "Oh. I think I'm going to put off ordering anything." And Chris goes "I HAVE TWO WORDS FOR HER. BE-ETCH!" It was so funny. Keith started doing his funny laugh thing and then he goes "Yeah she's a...what's that thing you call people? A beebeenbop?" I ABOUT DIED. I was like "....bobobebe." And Chris goes "No. That's even too cute for her. BETTCHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
This Tater Pot's like "HEY GURRRRRRL!"
So yeah. I got off at 4:00. Sadly I don't know if I'll ever see Mo again. He might not be staying on like me and Coors Light. I hope he does. He's a really nice guy. He got me a glass of water today because I was dying [from my cough. 3 WEEKS!] And he always takes the REALLY big orders because he knows I struggle with the big boxes. Wednesday is the big day. Seven. Hours. Oh my. I CAN DO IT!
I got home from work and had some dinner and talked to my mom briefly. I GOT A 90% ON MY LATIN AMERICAN CULTURES PAPER!!!!!! I'm supes pumped. And really proud of myself. So I definitely got an A in that class. SO AWESOME! But anyway. Now I'm off to study and probably go to bed kind of early since I have a final and a big day tomorrow. SEE YOU BETCHES IN 2 DAYS!
Much Love.
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