I took some pictures of the park by work today. Apparently this structure is modeled after something in France. And I pet this guy's really cute dog and he started talking to me in Polish so I like flipped out and ran away because I didn't know what he was saying to me.
So I got work and it was pretty empty [as per usual on the weekends.] Only Chris, Natasha and Amanda were there when I got there. But it was so funny! Chris had hung up this GIANT poster of Zac Efron right over Jen's computer. The funny part is Jen DESPISES Zac Efron. And she didn't work today so it'll be a little surprise for her when she comes in tomorrow. He also saved me a Jonas Brothers poster! He knows me so well. But he thinks Joe is the hottest Jo Bro. Anyway. They were still picking orders so I just made boxes for a while and then Justin Bobby showed up [LATE AGAIN!] and we started packing the orders.

Our tree at work!
A shot of part of the warehouse.
Justin Bobby boxing stuff.
Coors Light never showed up so we were one man down. Jim came in around 12:00 [LOVE HIM!] and he helped Natasha pick orders and then helped us pack too. It was supes fun. Jim and Chris and I talked about Gossip Girls and ANTM. Chris was telling us how Rufus is totally the same age as him and Jim and he goes "Yeah. We could totally have 18 year old children right now." And Jim goes "Yeah. If we were normal." Which Chris and I both thought was HILARIOUS. Oh. And for ANTM everyone is Team Saleesha except Natasha. She's Team Jenah. Jenah is totes the first girl to go on Wednesday guarantee it. I'm really bummed there's no new Gossip Girl this week due to ANTM. But it'll be even better when we see it in two weeks.
And remember how me and Chris love Surprise Arizona. And we like made up OMG Ohio and Golly Gee Tennessee? Well today Natasha found a package going to Cool California! It totes made my day! And we had a package go to a girl named Holly Wood. How crazy is that?!
Oh and apparently there's these two gays coming in tomorrow to volunteer and help us [they're some vendors we work with from some group whose name I forgot but Jim kept calling it Tuna. Which I know is wrong. But so funny.] and Chris goes to me and Jim "Yeah. One of them totes has the hots for Keith so you have to watch him for me." It was hilarious. We finished picking orders by 4:00 and then I headed home and got some dinner to go. OH! And Tina brought me a rose for good luck on finals.

After settling down and eating me and Fabi and Susan decided to head out to H&M to use our family and friends. But first we checked our mail and I got a letter from TB with TWO Zac Efron posters and a package from Aunt Jan that had all kinds of goodies in it. Fabi got a care package too so we had to go back upstairs and drop everything off.
So we finally made it out to 5th Ave and we saw THE CUTEST dog store ever. I was like flipping out that I didn't know about it when Auntie Sandy was here because she would have died. THEY HAD THE CUTEST STUFF. They had clothes, shoes, tosy, beds, leashes, collars, treats you name it. And everyone had their dogs with them. And it was just so cute. But there's a website so totes check it out! Anddddd we ran into Victoria's Secret. Yeah. I bought the CUTEST STUFF! And the tote was only $5.00!!!!
Then it was off to H&M and I got new red flats because I TOTES needed them. Plus they were only $11.00! Such a good deal. It was a nice walk home. The weather was great today. Dry and cool. Perfection! We walked through the outdoor christmas market in Union Square on the way home too. They had the cutest little knickknacks.
After we got back I put everything away and made some tea and hung my new Jonas Brothers poster. Now I'm off to have a quick chat with Kyle and then me and Fab and Susan are watching How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days!
Much Love.
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