Then it was off to work even though I wasn't feelign so well. But Jen was SO cute. She was like "What's wrong with your voice? Are you sick? Do you want some vitamins? Some cough medicine? Water? Do you want to sit down and take a break?" Awww! I love her. She was really concerned. She's kinda like an older sister to me. When I came in she was like "HEY CUTIE! How was your weekend? How was Legally Blonde?! Did you have fun with your mom?" And then I was telling her how I was going to be back on the 18th of January with nothing to do for 3 days if she thought Fred Flare would need some extra help and she goes "Actually...I was thinking you could just work here like...forever. If you need a part time job or something. Even if you just came in like one or two days a week it would be a HUGE help. We just love you so much. When you're not here all we do is talk about how cute you are and how much we love you. And we'd be really really sad to see you go after the holidays." SO I GET TO WORK FOREVER! I'm so thrilled. I love it there so much. So...yeah. How exciting is that?! And we got to watch the podcast today before everyone else. It's really funny. Amy Sedaris was the guest and she's hilarious!

Oh yeah. And about my quote me and Chris were packing on Friday and I found a package going to Surprise Arizona. And so then we were like..."what if every town had an exclaimation as it's name...?" So then we started coming up with them for all the states. Chris has OMG Ohio and Awesome Alabama. I got Golly Gee Tennesee and Fabulous Florida. And so we've just been throwing them around. It's really fun. And Keith found a package today that was going to "Ijamsville" Like I jam [like music] and we all thought that was a cool one. OH OH OH! And we broke last Monday's record today. And we even had one less staff than before. So yay us!
After work I went to Dunkin Donuts and got a latte and then printed off like a million papers in the computer lab [which was surprisingly full!] and then I grabbed a bagel in the dining hall and headed up to ask Susan how her day was and catch up a little. SHE GOT HANNAH TICKETS! AND JINGLE BALL TICKETS! Which means she gets to see the Jo Bro's TWICE! So not fair.
So now I'm off to shower and watch The Hills! Have a fabulous week everyone!
Much Love.
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