Then I came home and got ready for work. We had a good sized staff today [though Coors Light was missing AGAIN today] which was good since it was Manic Monday. Keith even played Manic Monday for us today. He was like "Guys. I have a special song for you all!" And he runs and puts it on. We officially initiated Mo as a packer today. It was exciting. He'll be a pro in no time. And of course Jen and Diane were both asking how I was feeling and such. Which. I'm feeling better but still coughing. Boo. I picked up the last of my Secret Santa present and just boxed until I was like the MOST inboxicated I've ever been.
OH OH OH! And Keith is letting me help him make the ecard for next week! It's Gossip Girl themed so we get to shop for Blair, Serena, Jenny, Dan and Nate! How fun! And speaking of ecards...LOOK AT THIS WEEK'S!
That's right! It's our FF Family Christmas shot! SO cute!
So yes. Work was actually pretty uneventful. Oh. I boxed an order in a box large enough for me to live in. No joke. I turned to Keith and I was like "Well. If I ever go homeless now I know where I can find a box to live in." And Keith did his laugh when he thinks something's really funny that kind of sounds like a goose. Which makes me laugh.
After work I came home and made me and Kelly some soup. She's been working totes hard studying for her finals and writing papers and such. And it was Mmm Mmm Good! And me and Fabi had some chips too. Then I checked my email and all that jazz and watched last week's episode of The Hills since I missed it and studied for finals a little bit. I WANTED to work my on Social Paper but OH YEAH. I STILL DIDN'T HAVE THE TOPIC. Seriously. Professor Oliver is the world's biggest bobobebe. He's the DEFINITION of bobobebe.
Oh yeah. And Chris and Keith got Spice Girls tickets. I love them.
So yeah. I pretty much just did school work [and read a little Nylon!!] until it was time for The Hills. IT WAS INTENSE. That's all I'm saying. OH! And I forgot to blog last night that THERE'S AN OC SCENE IT! And I don't own it! And you can get it on ebay for really cheap so if you're looking for a Christmas present for me...there you go! I can't believe I don't own it. I was appalled that I'd been missing out on super fun OC Scene for OVER A YEAR! But yeah. I'm off to bed now.
Much Love.
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