So today's weather about sums up the entire day. 26 degrees out, feels like 20 degrees with WINDS AT 25-35 MILES PER HOUR. With rain. The sun NEVER came out today and it's been FREEZING in the room all day. Like no. I didn't even take my pajama's off. I just put MORE clothes on over them. And I slept until 12:30 because my cough is making me sleep deprived.
But yeah. I got up at 12:30 and had breakfast with Susan. Then I studied for my final tomorrow since I haven't had a lot of time to study since I've been at work so much. During my study break me and Susan decided to make a list of all the dorms we might want to live in next year. There's some really good ones. Our top choices are the ones on Water Street, Cliff Street and Carlyle Court. They have like amazing locations and the rooms are really nice. Because duh. We're totes being roomies. With Fab of course. And possibly Lindsay. Then I talked to Kyle for a little bit since we didn't really get to talk much last night. Then I studied some more and took a shower.
After my shower me and Fabi went down to get some dinner to go. It wasn't very good because it's Steak Night. Ew. And we talked with Susan about studying abroad. I think I might want to, second semester next year. But I'm not sure where. Either Italy or London. But not France I don't think. Possibly Spain? Who knows. I'm definitely taking the brochure home to look it over during break. After our nice long chat, me and Fabi planned out our day for Tuesday. We're going to Tiffany's near Wall Street and the last remaining unexplored Juicy Store on Bleecker. We're really excited. And then we might head uptown and hang out in the park if it's nice. We'll see. And I have to pack. Ughhhhhhhh packing. Not looking forward to it.
Here's some more pics from Thursday's Extravaganza!

And some from the tree lighting!

Now I'm off to study in the common room with Fab until Girls Next Door comes out at 10:00 because that's me and Susan's new show now that The Hills is temporarily over. Wish me luck on my final!
Much Love.
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