
"4 words. Chris in a dress."- Keith on the pictures from our party last Friday.

I had a scone for breakfast today! Mmm! I love scones. But okay. Me and Brandon were trying to like define a scone. Like what makes a scone a scone. Because it's like a cookie in that it's round and a pastry, but it's like a bread texture kind of like shortbread but it also is thicker like a muffin top. And it has things in it like blueberries also like a muffin but sometimes like a cookie. And a bread can have stuff in it too. But yeah. Scones. Weird. Scones are the new cookies. That's what we came up with.

Anyway. Social foundations. STILL NO MIDTERM. MY FINAL IS IN A WEEK AND A HALF! OH. And get a load of this. He's assigning us a 7 page paper due in like a week but he hasn't given us the topic yet! He was all "I'll email it to you today or tomorrow." Never got it today. We'll probably never get it. I HATE HIM. Seriously. Writing was pretty boring...but MONDAY IS OUR LAST CLASS EVER!!!! And all we do is turn in our last paper. So that's awesome!

After class I came back and watched Senior Speeches from Sound of Music and wrote Natalie and Kaity letters. I decorated them too. It was supes fun. Then I had lunch with Susan and came back and printed some stuff for Social Foundations [aka Spark Notes. Haha] and rocked out to The Jonas Brothers for like...ever. THE CONCERT IS TONITE BACK HOME!!!! Kaity and Natalie are there right now. I'm so totes jealous!

Then I watched ANTM and Gossip Girls with the girls and Kaity and Natalie left me voice mails of Jonas Brothers, Miley and Hannah songs! Which reminds me. I talked to them today while they were stalking the Palace. They're getting me a Jonas Brothers shirt!!!! And Kaity told me she has more Nick pictures for my Jo Bros wall!

That's a picture from our Fred Flare party the other night. Keith said he'd post more later. But that's Jen and her boyfriend. He's really nice. And I LOVE ME SOME JEN! She's like a big sister to me.

So now I'm off to talk to Kyle and then go to bed. But not too early because my class with Professer Diyanni got canceled for tomorrow. Which I'm actually kind of sad about. Since I love him to death. But that means I get to sleep in and I might hang out at Starbucks for a while and work on homework and such. But yeah. SLEEP IN! And tomorrow is our last Thursday class. Not our last set of Thursday classes but our last classes on a Thursday! SCHOOL IS ALMOST DONE!

Much Love.

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