
"This is the only single I had."-Fabi, on handing me a Sacagawea coin as change for my Diet Coke

So today was a good day. Even though pretty much all I did was homework. I woke up at 8:00 and I was STARVING. Unfortunately the dining hall doesn't open until 10:00 on weekends. LAME. So I decided I would effectively use my time to finish my Cultural Foundations paper. I went in to Susan's room to see if she wanted to get breakfast to go with me and we complained about how hungry we were. But I got back to my paper. Kelly cut me up an Asian Pear and we split it and let me tell you. IT WAS SOOOOOOO DELICIOUS. Then at 10:47 I sent Susan a text message that said "T-Minus 13 minutes until we get to eat." And then at exactly 10:00 me, Kelly and Susan rode the elevator down to have breakfast and we were the first people there. So we got all the best bagels and such.

I brought me and Angie up some breakfast and we ate with Kelly and Susan and chatted about music and it was good times. Then I got back to my homework and Angie went out shopping. I drew her a lot of maps and told her a bunch of vintage stores to go to but apparently they were all closed until 1:00 so I guess she just wandered around. In the mean time I got lunch with Fabi and continued to work on my homework. Because I'm still attempting to get it all done so I have none when I come to Clarkston this week. So then Angie got back around 2:30 and I brought her suitcases down to her. And we said our farewells. It was so nice having someone visit me and stay here and I loved showing Angie around and shopping with her. She's coming back in a month so that'll be awesome.

After Angie left I continued to do more homework. I was a homework fiend today. But I got everything done on my list for today. So yes. Then I needed a quick break so I showed Tina my super cute new boots. [Still no picture of the boots. Sorry!] And I talked about how they're my MKA boots. And so I took this picture of my Mary-Kate face.

Next I worked on my homework [story of the day]. But I got everything done on my list for today! I finished my Cultural Foundations paper, finished my peer editing notes for Noel, edited my Writing I paper [thanks to Kyle. He's my knight in shining armor] and then wrote my 2 page [which ended up being nearly 4 page] photograph description for Writing I. Here's the photograph I picked.

After that I talked to my bestest and she updated me on some WONDERFUL scandals. Guess who's back at Caribou. THE GREEK GOD OF SEXINESS! That's right. After 4 months away he's backkkkkk. So duh. We're going every day that I'm in town this week. Maybe even multiple times. Plus we have a plethora of C-Bou coupons thanks to Amanda Hoisington. And we're getting Hungry Howie's. Because there isn't one in the city. And I haven't had pizza since we had our HSM2 party at Nata-Lee-Ah's.

Later Fabi brought me some Diet Coke from the grocery store because I really really wanted some. But I had her buy cans because everyone kept drinking my 2 liter and then no one would replace it. NO GOOD. So Lindsay came home and I talked to her about her trip home and everything and I chatted with Susan after she got back from the Mets game. Oh! And Juliana's parents bought her a new mattress since she's a dancer and all and so now we have an extra mattress that we're going to leave in the living room for more seating. So me and Susan and Fabi rearranged some of the furniture!

Then I talked to Kyle for a little bit and me and Susan and Fabi went down to get free cookies from CoHo [That's the coffee house downstairs]. When I came back up I checked my email really quick and then Kayla got home. So she showed me all the things she bought when she was back in Virginia and I had some Diet Coke but now I'm exhausted AND I have my boring, far-away classes tomorrow so I need my rest. Hope everyone had a fabulous day and I'll see you all in [basically] 3 days!

Much Love.


"They go to concerts like it's their job."-Me, on Kaity and Nata-Lee-Ah's ahhhmazing concert going skills.

To make a long story short: I'm really really exhausted because we walked RIDICULOUS amounts today and all we did was shop. And by "we" I mean Angie, Susan, Fabi and me. And we ate at Tasti D. Lite. First time in weeks. Sooooo good. Oh. And I bought the cutest pair of boots in the whole world. Photos to come. But really. That's all we did. Walked to Soho then Chinatown then to Washington Square and then home. And I did loads of homework. But I still have A LOT left. Which is why this is SO short. And I'm exhausted. I have a lot of homework and I'm exhausted. Wow. I sound like a certain complainer we all know. So yes. It was overall a good day. Except my leg is killing me. To the point where it hurts to like...walk to the kitchen. I also met two of Susan's friends. They're giants. No joke. They must be like nearly 6 feet tall. But they're funny. Wow. I so don't want to work on all these stupid papers. And read 200 pages of The Not-So-Epic of Latin America. But really. It's only like 4 days till I come home.

In other news, this sign is posted at the Tasti D. Lite in Washington Square. And no. It's not a joke. It's a legit sign.

Now I'm off to work on my MASSIVE amounts of homework, talk to Kyle and then go to sleep. Because, like I've said about 80 million times, I'm EXHAUSTED.

Much Love.


"Yeah I think he went to rehab like...RIGHT after that."-Angie, on Marc Jacobs letting Dakota Fanning be in his ad campaign.

This morning I slept in until 9:00 and it was SO good. Then I got right up, showered and started to completely rewrite my Cultural Foundations paper. Because last night I realized it sucked. So I got up and picked a COMPLETELY new topic and started that. But I only got about 3/4 of the way through a page before Susan and Kayla said they were leaving to go see Channing Tatum because apparently he's filming a movie on 5th Ave and 27th street. So Kayla went to Studio and me and Susan hung around there all day and we saw his trailer and the set. The movie is going to be called Fighting so yeah. Look for it in theaters next year. So then me and Susan walked to the Manhatten Mall. Yeah. Who knew there were still malls in New York City? It wasn't that good of a mall though. Sommerset is WAY better. After we shopped around there we headed over to Madison Square Park.

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Aren't those metal trees cool?

And then on the way home we stopped in PetCo [where the pets go!] and they had Chinchillas!

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Awww so cute!

So by the time me and Susan got back we grabbed some lunch and then Angie arrived! Excitement! So I signed her in and showed her around. She's tres jealous of our awesome penthouse. We dropped Angie's stuff off and then we walked to the Starbucks at Washington Square so I could sort of show her around and we hung out around the fountatin but eventually the wind caused us to get soaked so we left. When we got back we just sort of chilled until it was time to leave for the MoMA! So me, Susan, Angie and Fabi walked to the MoMA. Which I love. I mean really. It's my favorite museum ever. And I've been to the Louvre. So that's saying something.

Yay pictures!
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That's the outdoor garden in the center of the MoMA.
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

So we were like exhausted [especially me and Susan from walking all the way to 5th Ave and 32nd St.] and of course, when we got out of the MoMA it was POURING rain. So we ran to the Metro station and by the time we got off it had stopped luckily. So I checked my mail [I got a letter from Nata-Lee-Ah and some clothes from Delias from my mom!] and grabbed some dinner for me and Angie and we ate upstairs and chatted and such.

Angie decided she really wanted some pasteries because apparently she's like a HUGE desert fan. So she went to this bakery and got us all really yummy food! I got a "Lobster Tail" which is the pastery bellow filled with yummy custard. SO GOOD. This was particularly spectacular because the Frozen Yogurt machine was broken today. LAME.

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After that we just all chilled out. I called Sam and we had a nice long chat. And we're hanging out on Friday. I'm so excited! It'll be so nice to be back in my second home. And my home home! Only 6 days people! I'm SO excited to see everyone [aka Kaity, Kyle and my parents!] And then me and Angie chatted some more while I worked on my paper. Then I talked to Kyle and now I'm off to bed because we have a LONG day tomorrow. Night everyone!

Much Love.


"It's the weekend. Weeeekend! Our stupid boring class got canceled and we don't have to see Dudaaa!"-Me and Lauren on our LAS class getting canceled!

Today has been infintitely and fabulously better than yesterday. Sorry for the emo post. Really people. I don't even know. I was just SO stressed. But after a good night's sleep I've realized how far ahead I am and how psycho I was being. Seriously. Susan was like "Are you okay? We were really worried about you yesterday." But I'm definitely okay today. So I woke up today and decided that I was going to be lazy and not wash my hair. But my outfit was tres cute. [See crazy pictures below].

So I went to class and had a fabulous time in Professor Diyanni's class. The man should seriously consider being a stand up comedian...on The Odyssey? Haha. But yeah. We discussed Odyseuss and Penelope and Telemachus and all those great people. And it was fun. But I was really tired [too much sleep maybe?] so I rushed over to *$ as Tina would text it and the line moved really fast so I got my standard [come on people, you know this by now] and headed over to boring Latin American Studies. So I get there and me and Lauren [who oddly enough looks exactly like Lauren Frank] discussed last night's episode of Gossip Girls and then it was like 5 minutes after class should have started and Professor Darenblum wasn't there and neither was Duda [KSDJFLSDF]. So Lauren goes "Okay. We're leaving. She's not coming. Someone use the wi-fi to check their email." And sure enough. Class had been canceled. I kid you not, everyone gets up and is like "WOOOOOOO!" and we all rush the elevator. Because 1: the class is seriously SO boring and 2: it's the WEEKEND! So me and Lauren are practically skipping through the city singing about how our class got cancled and we wouldn't have to see stupid Duda.

Then I was talking to my mom on the phone and all of a sudden I pass this random guy looking down a gutter and I hear this meowing sound. So I'm all freaked out because clearly there's a cat stuck under the road! So this girl in front of me sort of stops and so I stop too and we're looking down there where the guy is standing listening for the cat and then the girl asks the man if there's a cat stuck down there and we look up and the guy looks at us and meows. That random apparently crazy/homeless man was meowing. Like trying to luer people closer to him and I know that doesn't sound that bad but it was SO freaking scary. The girl looked at me like she was really freaked out and we walked away quicky and she was like "Oh my good. That was so creepy." And I was like "I don't even know you but I'm so glad you were there when that just happened because that's how people get kidnapped and raped." And she was like "Yeah...that was really really scary." So yeah. That was my homeless guy story for the week. Not a good one like last week's Alicia Keys guy. I miss him. Haha.

So I got home and ate some chocolate cake that Tina had brought me like a week ago. Yeah. I am in college and I ate chocolate cake for breakfast. And then I read The Way I See It on my Starbucks. And found it hilarious so I'm sharing it with you all.

The Way I See It #225
"People don't read enough. And what reading we do is cursory, without absorbing the subtleties and nuances that lie deep within-Wow, you've stopped paying attention, haven't you? People can't even read a coffee cup without drifting off." -David Shore [Creator and executive producer of the television drama House.]

I found that brilliant and highly amusing. Because I HAD stopped paying attention. Ohhh the ironies of reading Starbucks cups. So after I finished my Starbucks I listened to Operator Please because I was in THAT good of a mood and just like....let loose. It was awesome [Did you have an AWESOME time at your AWESOME party? Did you drink AWESOME shooters and just sit around and soak up eachothers AWESOMENESS?] By the way. Usually if something like that shows up in my blog it's a quote from something. And I quote it because I think it's funny and it's whatever just popped into my head. So yeah. That explains that.

Then I decided it was time to crack down on that stupid Writing I paper. So I worked on the introduction and it's totally way better. And I rearranged a few things and I think it works now. So I forwarded that to Noel, this girl who's going to edit it for me for next week. And then I ate some of the chinese food Tina left me with Juliana and I told her all about Michigan and how we basically have nothing cool except the great lakes. And Mackinac. Which interested her. Surprisingly. After that I started my draft of my Cultural Foundations paper which is due Monday. I'm writing it on how basically everything in the book of genesis is completely unrealistic except for dreams, which are only realistic because they can't be proved or disproved. Yeah. It's actually really really boring. And long. And completely unnecessary. But I'm sort of at the point where I'm like "Okay it's a first draft, and I'm basically killing myself over my workload....so I don't really care." Because I seriously had like another mini-meltdown over my paper today. But I talked to my mom and she made it all better.

So I continuously worked on my paper from like 6:00-9:00 except for when Stephen called. And then Kaity called. And then Angie called. So I got kind of distracted. But I was happy everyone called. Especially Stephen since he never calls me anymore. But he got into Western and I'm so so proud of him! Now he's just waiting to hear from Central. But I'm sure he'll get in. He's a pretty smart guy. So then me and Kaity chatted about her scandals. Girrrrrrl let's just say next Saturday should be interesting to say the least. Then I talked to Angie, she caught an earlier bus so she should be arriving around 10:00 tomorrow morning! And we talked about our plans to go to MoMA [she's never been!] and shopping in Chinatown and Soho and it should just be a really fun and relaxing weekend. Then I got a surprise phone call from Mom [I know! ANOTHER call!] and we chatted about some of my scandals about next week but I'm excited to go to Pizza Fridays. I miss Pizza Fridays. And Mom! And Pookie and the boys. And I miss Sam. A lot. But she'll be home so hopefully we'll get to do something.

After I got done talking to Mom I put the finishing touches on the conclusion for my Cultural Foundations paper and then went downstairs to check my mail. And I got a package from my mom! It was this really cute hat and a t-shirt. And there was a picture of a pug dog on the envelope. So cute! So now I'm going to drink so tea and call Sam and Kyle and then go to bed early. Because frankly, I'm exhausted and stressed and that doesn't make for a happy healthy Jewlie. Plus everyone in the house thinks I'm crazy and going to jump off the roof. No good.

Much Love.


"Can Curt be my best betch?"-Kyle on...well it's self-explanatory.

This is where I'll be in one week. I MISS YOU METCH THE BETCH! And Kaity my bestest betch.

Today was a horrible day. I'm really stressed out from homework and my paper still sucks. A lot. But I'm dealing with it. Sort of. Basically I spontaneously broke down and cried 3 times today. No good. Tina and Kayla are really worried about me. But they're taking care of me. And Tina brought me up some Chinese food. Yum! So yay for for. But there was a bit of a scandal. Tina came up here with...RICKY. Dun dun dun dun [that's a me and Kaity noise.] So...don't know what's going on there. I think they're talking things out. But hopefully NOT getting back together. And then the girl who cheated with Ricky came up here to confront Kayla about telling Tina. But I haven't talked to Kayla about it yet so more updates on that tomorrow. It was ANTM night. Victoria is still my favorite. And Kaity's favorite. AND David's favorite. David called me tonite. I love him for calling me. And we talked and he calmed me down and I helped him pick out which senior pictures to get. He's so gorgeous. It's insane. And we talked about ANTM which was awesome. And we talked about how we're going to hang out next Sunday or maybe Saturday during the day. So yes. I'm talking to Kyle but I'm heading off to bed because I've had a terrible day and I need some sleep.

Much Love.


"I'm getting unwanted penetration!"-Fabiola, on Kayla trying to seduce her

So. Today was a very....dramatic day. I don't really want to go into all the details. But I'll give a brief run-down of everything. I woke up, decided not to wash my hair because I was exhausted and I wanted to review my presentation notes. Because you know, I had that presentation today for Latin American Studies. So I review my notes, have some breakfast and hurry out the door to Cultural Foundations. Well. I get about 3/4 of the way to class and realize. I DIDN'T PRINT MY PRESENTATION NOTES. I only printed my regular class notes. And of course I didn't email them to myself either. So it's 7:55 and I have to walk ALL THE WAY BACK TO THIRD NORTH. So by the time I get here, it's like 8:10. So I hurry up and email it to myself then run into Susan's room to print my notes and by the time all this is done it's 8:30. So I'm half hour late for class and I haven't even left yet. So I'm like "Okay...forget it. I can't go." So I email Professor Diyanni and tell him what happened and of course he's cool with it because he loves me. But seriously. I was like flipping out.

So I use the time that I should have been in class [my FAVORITE one too] to get ahead on more homework for next week. So I get my 2 chapters that are due Monday in Cultural Foundations done. So at least by then I feel a little...accomplished. At around 9:15 I left for LAS and I get there right on time and I'm sort of nervous because I hate public speaking but I try not to freak out too much. Professor Darenblum starts class and is all "Today we're going to be talking about the ABC countries, which are Argentina, Brazil and Chile, so now Jewlie is going to talk about Brazil and Chile." And I"m like "Wait....WHAT?! What about Argentina?" And she looks at me like I'm crazy. And I tell her "You assigned me chapters 27-29." And she goes "Oh...that was a comma not a dash." And I about busted a cap. I DID SO MUCH EXTRA WORK! And she tells me "I never would have done that because that would have been like 80 pages." And I say to her "Actually it was 77. And I did it." So of course she feels bad and I'm like "Whatever it's no big deal I'll just skip Argentina in my presentation." But of course on the inside I'm pissed. Luckily after class she calls me over and tells me she feels really bad and wants to give me extra credit. So yay me...?

Anyway. I walked home and worked on my Writing homework and some more Cultural Foundations homework and chatted with Fab. Then I took a brief nap and replied to all my emails and such. At 2:00 me and Susan went to get some lunch to go because they had Strawberry Frozen Yogurt! Mmmm! So we ate and chatted about various things that I can't recall because I'm pretty tired. Oh, actually I remember. We talked about the mysterious bags of candy that appeared in our rooms this morning. But apparently they're from Momma Ferguson [Kayla's mom].
We ran into Tina and she asked me and Susan to help her carry up our new sewing machines and various other things. And here's some pictures of the boxes. That only the three of us carried. All the way up from C2.

There was a yard stick in this box. Crazy right?!

All the boxes are in the closet. Along with my coats.

That's the wall updating I did yesterday. I think it looks fabulous.

And then me and Kelly and Fabi helped Tina bring up the tables for the sewing machines to go on. But we can't open them until we have our meeting with Dani [our faculty affiliate] because she knows how to put them together and such. So I came up and procrastinated by checking my actual mail and other various things for 2 hours [including calling my mom, sorry I yelled at you! And talking to Natalie!] and then I wrote my 100 word summary. Which really frusterated me. To almost the point of tears. But Fabi gave me some of the yummy peanut butter candy to make me feel happy again.

Me being all emo about my writing homework.

Fabi and her Mexican candy to the rescue!

After that I worked on more homework. Mostly I organized my schedule for getting everything done on time and such. Which made me feel a lot better. And then I started to read The Republic by Plato. Which I actually really enjoy. So I plan on finishing books I and II tonite after I update the blog. But then I needed a quick power nap so I set my alarm for 15 minutes later but it never went off because I got woken up. But it wasn't a bad thing really. See I woke up because I heard Tina crying. Yeah. Ricky [her stupid mean evil coniving jerk boyfriend] cheated on her. WITH A FRESHMAN. WHO LIVES IN OUR DORM. I know right?! RIGHT!? Seriously. And this girl KNEW that Ricky was dating Tina. Like really. WHAT IS THAT?! WHO DOES THAT?! So Kayla found out because this girls' roommate is in Kayla's studio so Kayla told Tina and it all went downhill from there. But the thing is, Tina was producing Ricky's movie. Like she DROPPED A CLASS so she would have more time to produce this movie. So duh. She's not producing it anymore. So Ricky doesn't have a producer. And she made a few phone calls, and he also doesn't have a camera man, casting director, space to film, space to rehearse and no crew thanks to Tina. Yeah. Bobobebes are going DOWN. So of course we all tried to help Tina but she's really just angry right now. But we did get to go downstairs and kick Ricky out of Third North. She wanted him to leave because he wanted to "talk with Tina about it" but she just wanted him gone. So me, Sarah, Kayla, Susan and Kelly all went down to the courtyard and Kayla looks at Ricky [who was on the phone with his MOM. Pathetic.] and says "Tina would like you to leave?" And Ricky says "What are you going to do? Kick me out?" And Kayla says to him, "No, I'll just call public saftey." And he's like "Seriously?" And Kayla goes, "Yes." So Ricky gets up and leaves and we followed him all the way out of the building until he was gone.

So yes. That was the scandals of the day. In other news, I'm really tired. School is starting to wear on me. And it's hard keeping up with all my homework. But luckily Angie is coming in a few days and we're going to the MoMA and to China Town and various other fun things and then it's only a matter of days before I get to come home and see Kaity and my Kyle! So yes. I'm off to finish books I and II of The Republic and then call Kyle.

Oh. And I didn't get any mail today. Boo.

Much Love.


"Oh...I'm going into the closet. Sorry."-Random Maitnence Guy, on thinking the closet door was the door to the elevator.

So today has been one of the best days in forever. Just a precursor. So I got up and went to my far-away boring classes. And even though I stopped at Starbucks I was still practically falling asleep during Professor Oliver's class. I can't help it. He's just so monotonous. But whatev. At least I'm done with all the reading through next Monday. Except the little bobobebe wouldn't tell me the essay prompt for the paper due next week. Even though I explained that Angie is coming in this weekend and I won't have time to write it. Which means he wants me to fail. Well. Not really but that's how it feels. So then I took a power nap between Social Foundations and Writing I and [to quote the bible] "it was good." But seriously. I love Writing. It's got to be one of my favorite classes. My Professor is SO nice and I love our assignments so much and I get what's going on in there and it just feels so...perfect to be in that class. So yes. I enjoyed that class and I walked home. Except for some reason I walked an extra block down Broadway so I had to cross over to 3rd Ave and then walk back another block to 11th street. Yeah. I'm retarded.

When I got home I headed upstairs and started to work on my homework. And I ate half a bagel. Mmm! Then I chatted with Susan a while and then Lindsay and then I continued to work on my homework. At around 1:00 we all went down to lunch with Fabi and chatted and ate yummy food. They had tacos! And today's frozen yogurt flavor was Cheesecake. So good! Then we all checked our mailboxes and MY TEEN VOGUE CAME! And I got a letter from Brittany! I was SO excited! I haven't started to write her back yet but I'm going to tomorrow for sure! But yay Teen Vogue!

So then I continued to work on my homework and I got distracted a few other times by aim, Susan, photobooth, you know. The usual. And so I was talking Greg on aim and I asked him if he was coming home for homecoming. And he was like "Yeah. Are you?" And I was like "Pshhh I wish. I don't even know when it is" And he was like "It's next weekend." And I was like "The first weekend in October?" And he was like "Yeah..." And I was like "Wait a second...maybe I CAN come home. I have that Monday off!" So then I went off looking for a bus. No luck. Then a train. No luck. Then for the heck of it, I'm like alright....I"ll just check the flights. Whatev. It can't hurt. So I check for a flight....AND I'M COMING HOME IN 9 DAYS! EEEEEEEE! Yeah. I'm coming in at 3:30 on Thursday afternoon and I'm leaving for the city at 4:30 on the following Monday. And it was only $160.00. And it's Homecoming so everyone else will be home! So basically it was fate that I come home next weekend! So I called my mom and she said it was okay and my dad said he could pick me up at the airport and so now I'm coming home!

When I called Kaity it was hysterical. Because I was like "Ask me what I'm doing October 4th at 3:30." And she was like "Okay...what are you doing October 4th at 3:30?" And I said "...COMING HOME!" And she was like "Wait...WHAT?! REALLY?" And we both started crying because she's my best friend in the whole world and DUH I miss her more than anything! I'm so excited to see her! And we're going to go to the game together on Friday night with Kyle and then me and Kaity and Natalie are going to have a sleepover after the game and I'm going to go to her house before Homecoming to see everyone all dressed up and it's going to be so much fun! Plus we get to go sit at Metch on Thursday night at C-Bou!

Of course then I called Kyle and I told him and it like didn't even click with him first. He was like "Oh. Cool." And then after a few minutes he was like "OH MY GOD YOU'RE COMING HOME NEXT THURSDAY! I'm so excited!" And I'm so so excited to see him. We're going to hang out Saturday night while everyone's at homecoming and at the game. But it's going to be so great to see them. AND MY PARENTS! I miss my mom and dad. And Stan the man! And Wilbs! My kitties! Awww...I miss them.

So then I proceeded to call everyone else and tell them I'm coming home and duh. Everyone is thrilled. So I talked to Tina and Susan and Kayla for a while and then we went down and grabbed some quick dinner. Everyone else talked and such but I had to finish my stupid notes for LAS. LAME. When I finished them I talked to Stephen really quick and he updated me on some scandals. I had some Frozen Yogurt and then I helped Tina and her friend Dan work on their homework. They had to make up a scene with some lines they were given and they wanted to make sure I got the plot because I guess last time it was too complicated. But I totally got it. So yay me. And Tina said I was one of the favorites. I love Tina. After that, I finished The Odyssey. Which was dumb. And pointless. Duh.

I also got a chance to talk with Brittany tonite which was fabulous. We're going to hang out when I get home next weekend. EEEE! So in conclusion, it was Monday night. Which can only mean one thing: THE HILLS. So of course I watched it with Susan and Linds. Loves it!

So now I'm off to talk with Kyle real quick and then I'm going to bed. Night all!

Much Love.


"Oh my God."-Kyle "Yeah. I know."-Kyle and I, on Kayla jumping around screaming BOBOBEBE!

So this morning I woke up at 8:03 and I didn't really do much. I checked my email, and I cleaned the living room and then I did all the dishes because both the sinks were REALLY full and it was nasty. So I was washing the dishes, and all of a sudden I realized that the sink was starting to fill up with water. And so I"m like "Okay...what the heck?" and I look down and there's these really big, really nasty huge chunks of chicken in the sink. And it smelled RANK. So I'm like "What the heck...who puts FOOD in the sink? Really people. We don't have a disposal. Come on. It's common sense." So I use a spoon to scoop all the chunks of chicken out of the nasty water and then use it to scrape off the drain and because the chicken had been submerged in water over night, it had this nasty bloated look to it and I was REALLY digusted by it. So I'm like standing there breathing out of my mouth because it's rank in the kitchen and I"m getting REAL pissed. So finally I get rid of it all, and drain the sink and then finish washing EVERYONE else's dishes even though none of them were mine. And I dried them. And I put them away. Yay me!

So after I put all the dishes away, I ate half a bagel and had some Chai Tea. It was tastey [bits!]. After that, I decompressed all the cardboard boxes that were in the house [which was like 80 million] and then Kelly helped me take them down to the recycling bin. Then I took out the trash. Today was cleaning day. Duh. After Kelly helped me do that, I complained about how much I really wanted some Starbucks but I didn't want to get dressed and walk all the way to Astor Place [even though it's like 2 blocks]. I'm really lazy. So eventually after complaining/talking to Kelly for like an hour I just put some jeans on and went down to the cafeteria and got some iced coffee. And it was good. I decided to get super ahead on my homework for the wekk because Angie is coming Friday and staying for the weekend. So I took my Social Foundations book down to the courtyard and did my reading there so I wouldn't fall asleep. Plus it was really nice out. And Kristi [the scary girl from the 13th floor ghetto] came over to say "hey" to me because apparently now that I hang out in the courtyard I register on her radar. Heck, if I picked up smoking maybe she would ask me to sit at her table. With her posse. So we chatted briefly. It was sufficiently awkward and then I continued to do my reading. After I finished it, I checked my mail and I got my Elle magazine with Reese Witherspoon on the cover. I was tres excited.

After that, I decided it was time for some late lunch. The selection..nevermind. There was no selection. It was 4:00 and they were STILL serving breakfast. And it wasn't even good breakfast. They didn't even have french toast sticks! So I just got a salad and made a yummy frozen yogurt parfait [quel suprise!]. I layered Vanilla frozen yogurt with granola, then yogurt, then coconut, then yogurt, then granola again and then yogurt and then chocolate chips on top. MMMM! Unfortunately I was still carrying my books and my magazine and my phone and my ID AND I was trying to carry my lunch too. So I made it to the elevator and then the door started to shut and I was like "CRAP! Where's my elevator key!" And in the midst of that, I dropped my frozen yogurt and granola went EVERYWHERE in the elevator. Lukcily no one was there to see it. I didn't clean it up. So I got upstairs and flipped through my magazine while I chatted with Tina. I love Tina. So I cut out some pictures from the magazine and hung them up around my area [pictures to come!] and then I decided I would get even MORE ahead with my homework.

Thusforth, I grabbed my copy of The Odyssey and headed back to the courtyard with Lindsay in tow. We worked on our reading until it got dark. During that point in time I talked to Kyle and my mom really briefly [sorry mom!]. I didn't quite finish The Odyssey but I only have 30 pages left and it's not due until Thursday. So it's all good [in the hood.] On my way up with Lindsay I noticed the granola was still on the elevator floor. And I turn to Linday and I say, "Hey Linds. Do you see the granola?" And she was like "Yeah. You did that didn't you?" And I was like "....Yeah. My bad." And we had a good laugh.

So then I changed to work out while me and Susan were waiting for our laundry and while I was waiting for Susan to be ready I talked to Kyle. Again. So I go into Lindsay's room and she asks me if I will help her take the food down for the laundry mixer and I'm like "Okay. Why don't you just have me and Susan take it since you're not going." And she was like "Okay. I asked Sarah to do it but she was acting all weird and said she wasn't going to go." And I was like "Duh. She wears the same outfit everyday. She doesn't need to do laundry." And Linds was like "Oh. Duh. I should have known that."

Apres ça, we headed down to do laundry and it was...fun?

While me and Susan were waiting for our laundry we worked out. And it was intense. Except for the weird asian break dancers that starred me down the LAST time I was in the C3 studio were in there working out to Missy Elliot. Seriously. She went out like 3 years ago. So me and Susan dealt with it [we starred them down] and I taught her some simple ballet stuff. It was pretty fun. Once they left we put on Cartel and I taught her some sweet leaps and jumps. And we did pirouettes and made up cheers. Yeah. We're cool.

Then we went to switch the clothes from the washer to the dryer but we could NOT find an empty dryer. It was SO frusterating. But then we finally found one after like 15 minutes of searching and we just shoved all our clothes collectively into one dryer. It was crazy. Then we were going to finish our workout but my musician radar was on and I heard boys playing guitars. So I went to investigate. They played Wonderwall. It was amazing. They're from the North Tower on the 13th floor and said we should jam sometime. Sweet. So I went in to C3 and there was no one in there and so I said to myself, "Yes. No one in here. Just the way I like it." Then Sophie was like "Hey." And it was awkward because I didn't know she was in there. And I was talking to myself. Luckily it wasn't just some random person in there. That would have been really weird. Because one, I would have basically implied that I didn't want anyone in the studio, and 2 because I was talking to myself. And that's weird. But then me and Susan decided to finish our little dance lesson except I just put on Fergie and we rocked. Haha. Yeah. It was highly amusing. Luckily no one came in and saw us. That would have been embarassing. But whatev.

After we were really really sweaty and tired we headed up to the penthouse and sorted through our laundry. I put mine away and called Kyle. Wow. We talked a lot today. But that's a good thing. And now I'm really tired and am heading to bed because I have my stupid boring, far-away classes tomorrow. LAME.

Send letters!

Much Love.


"Be safe. Don't jump off any buildings!"-My dad, on me not killing myself.

Today was an...interesting day. I slept in. Reall late. Until 9:45. But it was a good sleeping in. I didn't sleep well again last night. I woke up a bunch of times between 5AM and 9:45AM. And when my alarm went off, all I could think was "I can't get out of bed right now." So I just rolled over and went back to sleep. But I did feel bad because me and Susan were supposed to go work out in C3 at 8:30 and I didn't get up. But she was okay with that, although I really needed to work out. So...yeah. That sucked. But anyway. I got up and me, Lindsay and Susan went to breakfast. I ate so much. But it was so good.

Then we went back upstairs and I was just being my usual lethargic self, not really doing anything in particular. I called my dad so I could procrastinate from doing homework and we talked for a good hour. Then P. came upstairs and told me that Tina's giant Marie Antoinette poster was downstairs near the trash pile. So we went down to get it because duh. We wanted it. It's like from the original movie premiere and such! So we hauled it upstairs and then we discovered why it had been thrown out. SOMEONE [aka someone from the 13th floor] had given Kirsten Dunst a MUSTACHE AND BEARD. Like...really people? Come on. Tina LOVED that poster and it's irreplaceable [to the left to the left]. So cut off the bottom part of the poster where it says "Marie Antoinette directed by Sofia Coppola" and then I went down to Tina's room to ask her about it. But she wasn't there so I left her a note on her message board. I continued to do my homework and then Tina came up and told me that she woke up and the poster was like that. She looked really upset. It was sad. I felt really bad for her.

So then me and Lindsay and P. decied to walk to Borders. Even though it was raining. And was like 20 something blocks away. But whatev. It was nice to get outside and just walk around. So we got to borders and I looked around and to my excitement discovered that Mary-Kate was on the cover of Harper's Bazarr! And I found the new issue of Nylon that just hit the stands like...today so that was really exciting. I grabbed both of those and headed up the CD/DVD department. I was looking for Funny Face but they didnt' have it. Boo.

And then I get a text message from Fabiola. "Somebody jumped from u hall!" Today a freshman from NYU who lives at University Hall [3 blocks from where I live] jumped off the roof and comitted suicide. I don't know if you realize how terrifying that is. I mean. U-Hall is on Third and 14th street near Union Square. That is a REALLY busy area. And I can guarantee you that people were on the street when that boy jumped. Like what if you were on the street and saw that happen? What if you were that boy's roommate? Or his RA? Or his parents? He jumped from a 14 story building. And died. On purpose. In the middle of the day in the rain. And the RAs expect there will be 2-3 more in the next couple weeks. They call it the "ripple effect". That's all I really want to say about that now.

So I sort of didn't feel like shopping anymore so I grabbed my magazines and the cds I got and me and Lindsay and P. left to walk home. Luckily it wasn't raining anymore. It was a much faster walk home. And it's really nice down there [Grammercy Park area]. And on the way home we ran into these stones near the Stueyvesant Park area [because it's in the Peter section]

So that was cool! And then when we got home I checked my mail [nothing] and headed upstairs. Tina and Melis were there discussing Tina and Ricky's movie. And so I worked on the rest of my homework and then I took a nap, but my mom called and it woke me up so we chatted for a while. Then I grabbed some dinner [more pita and hummus!] and worked on my homework some more. Then Kaity called but I had to call her back after I finished my homework. So I finshed it [finally] and called her back and she told me her scandals about Crazy Lady and they were HILARIOUS. You have no idea. She's really crazy. But our conversation got cut short because she got to Memer's. So then I swiffered the whole house [minus one part of the common room which Kayla did] and then I put some tunes on and talked to Sophie for a while.

I started to label the models/celebs in my books because now I have P.'s amazing model knowledge to help me identify like...everyone. Ever. And I waited for Kyle to call me back. Which he did eventually and we talked for a while. And now I"m going to go to bed because it's been a tiring day.