
"There is no fashionably late when you have reservations."-Kayla, on our lateness for dinner.

It's pretty late and I have the "London Tipton's Really Great" song stuck in my head so this entry is gonna be short and tomorrow I'll write more about today...if that makes any sense? Haha. So today was pretty low key. Me and Susan sort of slept in and lazed around until like 12:30. I was checking my email and discovered I had one from one of my professors for this semester reminding me to check blackboard and DO THE READINGS FOR TUESDAY/THURSDAYS CLASS!!!!! Wait...WHAT?! I have homework and I haven't even been to the first class yet! That's insane. So I go to see what the articles are and there's all these REALLY LONG articles posted for the whole semester. Now my first thought is: I CANNOT print these from my printer, it's TOO much. So naturally I think of good old Third North and it's free printing. So me, Susan and Lindsay all take the NYU bus up to Washington Square and walk to Third North to print all these articles.

Well about 80 pages later, we decide to have a late lunch at Third North! It was so weird eating there again. Of course there was nothing good because it was Sunday and on Sunday Third North is dumb and basically leaves breakfast out until 4:00 and then t's steak night. But I had a veggie burger and it was tasty bits! After lunch we headed back down to Water and Susan and I watched Disney Channel and hung out with Fabi and Lindsay. It was really nice because it was the first time we really got to catch up, all four of us. We decided to check out the gym and explore a little inside the dorm. The gym was really nice and Lindsay decided to run for a bit on the treadmill so the rest of us went back to the room.

Now. The past 3 days there has been this giant trunk outside of our RA's room and every time I walk past it, I'm SUPER tempted to open it up. Because it's been there for so long and I don't know what it's in it, so OF COURSE I'm curious! And I was all "I'm gonna do it" but then I freaked out and we all ran inside. HAHA. After Lindsay got back we all got ready because we had a little night out planned with Kayla to go to Lucky Cheng's for dinner and a show.

It was really great to see Kayla again and we all chatted for a little bit...and then we realized we were running WAY late [mostly thanks to Kayla. As per usual] and we had to HUSTLE to get there on time. However, we were still 15 minute late. So I have to admit...Lucky Cheng's is a very interesting place WHICH Kayla picked out. For those who don't know [which is probably all of you] it's a drag place. But actually, it was a hoot. We had a great time and while it's not something I'll probably ever do again, it was a once in a life time experience and something I will never forget.
Kayla's face here is SO paparazzi shot-esque. And her dress is HOT.
I cut our heads off on accident. But now we look like a Gossip Girl cover.
On the bus.
Us and our waitress. 

That all being said, I'm super tired and promise to post a couple more pictures from tonite tomorrow, once Fabi and everyone else puts them up on Facebook. OH! And don't forget...GOSSIP GIRL PREMIERE TOMORROW!!!!!

Much Love.

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