I got a text from Susan to have lunch early, so I met her in the dining hall and we ate. And she brought me my salad dressing and we got to talk. Which isn't that big of a deal since we do basically all the time. But we let our frustrations out. And I saw Mike from LAS there too. Anyway. That was a good time. I lurrrrrve Susan Darling.
So I got back to the dorm and read some of Dante's Inferno. I've only got a few more Cantos left for next week. I looked over my Writing paper because I got that back. Yeah...it needs some uhhhh..work. Haha. If you know what I mean. Speaking of, apparently Nick [that little bobobebe] used only ONE of the MULTITUDE of corrections me and Kyle spent AN HOUR AND A HALF doing the other night. Last time I do that boy a favor. I won't lie. After that all I did pretty much for the next 5 hours was sleep and watch Friends. It was a nice relaxing day. I'm really ahead on all my homework so I can allow for that kind of wasted time. But really. Friends. Wow I love that show. I just sit at my laptop and laugh out loud and Kelly thinks I'm crazy.
After watching a plethora of Friends episodes I started to get ready for the Halloween parade. Tina did my makeup, Kayla helped me get into my costume and then I was ready to go! Everyone looked FABULOUS. We were running a little late to the parade but we made it just in time.
I was a Rose. Duh.
Tina did my makeup.
Fabi was the PERFECT Holly Golightly. [Good job Mom!]
Tina as Angelina Jolie
Susan as Hannah Montana.
All of us!
Kayla as a 1940's Spy and Sophie as Lolita.
Kelly arresting Kayla.
Rachel as Amy Winehouse [KAITY THIS ONE'S FOR YOUU!!!!! ISN'T SHE PERFECT?!]
Me and Fabi.
Tina and Ricky as Brangelina.
Me and Linds.
Susan and Me.
Linds and Fabi.
The Entire Group!
The 14th Floor Girls!
Me and Kel.
Now. About the parade. I won't lie, I pretty much hated it. There were literally THOUSANDS of people and I got crushed and smashed and pretty much molested by all these crazy drunk people. So yeah. Never again. But it was good that I went because now I know I don't like it and don't have to waste my time next year. I wouldn't even want to watch it. So next year I'll probably just go to a party or something. But no more parade for me.
A small fraction of the crowd.
The KFC Man.
A Treasure Chest.
Carmen Miranda.
DYLAN!!!!!! [That lucky boy got his butt on a float! He was a perfect Warhol]
Wii [Kaity you must show this one to Dink Daddy for me!]
The Metro.
More crowd.
Drag Queen Spice Girls!!! [My favorite of the night.]
Kayla and a Drag Queen Playboy Bunny.
Barely survived.
So me, Kayla and Sophie make it back [barely] alive and I call Kyle because he called while I was gone and we're on the phone discussing old school Nicktoons when all of a sudden...THE FIRE ALARM GOES OFF. Like really people. ANOTHER fire?! It was 11:30 at night! So I throw on some sweatpants, a scarf and my flip flops and then think [since last time this happened it WASN'T a drill] to grab all the belongings I can [aka purse, wallet, phone, camera, ID and elevator pass]. So I tell Kyle I'll call him back and all of us girls haul our butts down the 14 flights of stairs. And we're standing outside in the freezing cold for about half an hour before the fire trucks leave. Apparently something in the dining hall was on fire...? Who knows. So we file back in and I called Kyle back.
But now it's REALLY late. Luckily my first class tomorrow is canceled because of the museum assignment but still. I'm exhausted. As per usual. I want to see EVERYONE'S Halloween pictures. Seriously. Email, facebook, myspace whatev. I want to see everyone's costumes!
Much Love.