Girrrrrrrl. I worked on that paper until 3:30! But I got it done. Except for the footnotes. Because I don't know what footnotes are. So I have to figure that out first. Anyway the paper was supposed to be like 5 pages. Yeah. Mine is 7. Apparently I had a lot to say about Socrates' Trial. Who knew. My goal was to get like 3 pages done and then I was supposed to hang out with Stephen but I was just on a roll so I kept going. Except I forgot to call Stephen and tell him that. So yeah...I was a jerk. But then when I finished it was 3:30 and I had to be at Kaity's at 4:00 and I went to get dressed and you know what? IT WAS LIKE 80 MILLION DEGREES OUT! So I had to scramble around to find something semi-nice AND summer-y because I was about to die it was so hot. So that took me like...30 minutes. I scrambled to get dressed and make sure I had my camera and such and then I headed over to my lover's house.
So I pull up to Kaity's at like 4:10 and it's a good thing I got there when I did because her parents were FREAKING out. And duh. Who would blame them? They had to get the house ready/cook for 42 kids and all their parents! Mrs. Jerolamon told me that Kaity had gone to take pictures with Natalie so I helped her and Mr. Jerolamon get the house ready. I was a good helper. I like helping with stuff like that. Especially because the Jerolamon's are so hilarious. Except I didn't get to see Dink Daddy. Only K-Deezy.
There were various fiascos before everyone got there. The main three were first, the table cloths outside kept blowing up and Mrs. Jerolamon was about to bust a cap. So I asked her if she had any paperclips and then I untwisted them, looped them through the table cloth and then attatched it to the table. She was like "Jewlie. You're a genius. You're brilliant" [SHHHH]. The second big one was Kaity not being able to find her ticket. Haha. I know right!? But she found it. And then the third was the bee Mrs. Jerolamon accidently let in the house. That was hilarious. I know to her it was NOT funny but I was like crying I was laughing so hard. She was yelling SO loud. Kaity comes downstairs and she's like "Jewlie. WHAT is going ON?!" And I told her. And she goes "Oh. No." It was too funny.
So then I realized I wasn't going to have time to pick up Kyle before everyone got there so he didn't come to see everyone take pictures. Which was probably okay because I think he would have hated it. It was crazy and there were billions of people and it was BEASTLY out. Stephen and Anna both didn't have parents with them so I took their pictures for them AND took pictures for myself. I'm sure in the days to come I might put up a few more of these pictures but here's a start.
Best Betches!
Parts of the group.
Basically everyone. Minus a few people I cut off on accident.
Me and Britt! [She looks SO amazing.]
This is pretty much my favorite picture.
Loves it!
More group.
Even more group.
I won't even lie. I took this picture because I wanted one of David and Miriam together. She's so adorable.
David and Stephen.
Me and David.
Nick and David.
Stephen Nick and David [aka The DNS]
The DNS again. They pretty much had a photoshoot. Not even kidding.
Me and Stephen.
Me [standing on my tip toes to attempt to be as taller] and Nick.
Okay I lied. For some reason this is my favorite picture. It's hilarious.
So yeah. After the pictures were done [I was like THANK THE LORD!] I said goodbye to everyone and headed off to pick up Kyle. We were SUPPOSED to go see Across The Universe until I figured out it's only playing in B-Ham [NO THANK YOU] and so we went to Caribou [where I have been everyday since I've been here]. We were GOING to hang out with Anthony Anderson but he blew us off. The little bobobebe. So we just hung out at Caribou but I wasn't much fun because my stomach didn't feel well at all. Then we went to Depot for a little while and I continued to feel sick. Boo. But it was still a lot of fun. And then Ellie called and was like "Let's hang out tonite!" and it was time for me to meet Kaity at Caribou anyway so I took Kyle home.
Then I was off to Caribou for a brief chat with my lover and then I went home and Elle came over and we chatted until like 1:00. I had to sleep downstairs on the couch because I LEFT MY LIGHT ON THE WHOLE DAY AND IT WAS SO BEASTLY IN MY ROOM! So that made me angry. Elle left at 1:00 and then David called at like 1:45 to chat about Homecoming and its scandals which we didnt' get to go into TOO much detail on. But yeah. I was really glad he called. And now I'm off to bed so yes. Night everyone!
Much Love.
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