My Zac Lover!
Then I went to upload my pictures from yesterday and that's when I figured out possibly the worst thing of the day. I CAN'T FIND MY USB CORD TO HOOK UP MY CAMERA TO MY LAP TOP! Which means a couple things. 1-Nick Johnson like 99% has it because he probably accidently took it when he grabbed his external hardrive yesterday. 2-I can't upload any pictures until I get it back. 3-I probably won't get it back [best case scenario] for about 2 weeks! Which brings me to 4-I probably wont' have pictures every day! U-G-H [as IDK Jill's Brother would say in the Cingular commercial.]
So I rampaged the house looking for that and never found it and I finished packing and then the rest of the moring I just watched some new Suite Life and Hannah Montana episodes. So that was relaxing and then it was time to go to the airport. So we get there in plenty of time thanks to my paranoia and so me and my mom have a Pumpkin Spice Frapp and just sit with dad until it was time for me to go through security. Here's where another chunk of my bad day fits in. THE SECURITY GUARDS CONFISCATED MY PEANUT BUTTER BECAUSE THEY COUNT IT AS A LIQUID!!!! And it was a whole jar of Jiffy creamy peanut butter and I REALLY wanted it. And they were all "Well you can take it back and check a bag for it if you want." LIKE I WAS GOING TO CHECK A BAG FOR MY PEANUT BUTTER. So I was just like "You can keep it." And the guy totally eyeballed it RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. Those bobobebes.
So after that little scandal I found Daniel and his friend Emily. I LOVE Emily. She's hilarious. Apparently she went to Cranbrook with Daniel and she's a freshman at NYU too. She lives in Brittany [that's a dorm just FYI]. But no. I love her. So we managed to get it so that we all got to sit in a row on the plane. We were the party row. That brings me to YET ANOTHER part of my bad day. WE WERE ON THE GROUND IN THE PLANE NOT MOVING FOR AN HOUR! It basically takes an hour to get to New York. So by the time we took off we pretty much could have been home by then. And I was like having a mini anxiety attack because I HATE being on the plane when it's not moving. But anyway. Me and Emily rocked out to our iPods the whole time while Daniel did his Chem homework and it was so funny because me and Emily would listen to the same songs at the same time and we would lip sync them to eachother and dance but no one else could hear us. Then I attempted to sleep a little. Not so successful SINCE THERE WAS A BABY AND IT CRIED THE WHOLE WAY THERE. Seriously. God was out to get me today. I HATE crying babies. LSDJFK.
So we got in and basically everyone in the plane hated me and Daniel because it took us forever to get my bag down and by then I was laughing so hard that I triped over a seat and then my bag flipped over and I had to drag it, not on the wheels, the whole way down the aisle. But we were highly amused. So we got Emily's luggage and then the 3 of us split a cab. But of course, since this was a bad day, WE WERE STUCK IN RUSH HOUR. So I literally like passed out on Daniel's shoulder and didn't wake up until we were at Brittany. We all just got out there because it's pretty close to Third North but we were harrassed by a homeless man. LAME [and semi-scary]. But I made it back okay. I checked my mail [!!!!] and I got a letter from Auntie Sandy [I SWEAR I'M WRITING YOU BACK THIS WEEK!] and something from the AP College Board giving me a certificate saying I'm an AP Scholar whever the heck that is.
Then I saw Fabi and Susan start to get in an elevator so I called out to them to hold it but they didn't know it was me so they held it and then stuck their heads out and were like "JEWLIE!" So we were reunited [and it feels so gooooooooood!] and I unpacked and such. I decided to go get some food since I hadn't used any meals yesterday or today and here's the final part of my bad day. THERE WAS LIKE NO FOOD. Seriously. This is what I came upstairs with: a pear [for Kelly] some coffee and 3 pieces of bread [that were bought at the grocery store, not even the fresh bread]. That's it. Seriously. There were no bagels, no fresh bread, no deserts, no frozen yogurt, no good fruit and no good main course. I WAS PISSED. AND THEN. I SPILLED THE HOT COFFEE ALL OVER MY NEW SWEAT PANTS! The first time I've ever worn them. Coffee all over them. And it burned. But I dealt. I just had some of my juice and some pretzels. Mmm pretzels!
I caught everyone up on my scandals and showed them my fabulous pictures from Kaity and then I talked to Kyle for a little while. After that it was time for The Hills but it was just the Cram Session so I only watched half of it. AND THEN IT TOOK FOREVER TO UPLOAD THE STUPID 3 photos I took on photobooth. And I was like flipping out because I just wanted to go to bed! Then I checked my email and now I'm off to call Kyle and then go to bed early. Because I'm REALLY tired. Night everyone!
Much Love.
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