It was pouring rain and we had to wait outside for a while but it didn't even matter because it was THAT exciting! At 8:30 we got checked in and got our flipping AWESOME goodie bags. You have no idea. We got SO MUCH FREE STUFF. And I know you all know how I feel about free stuff! We had some time to kill before classes started so naturally we went to Starbucks and got lattes.
After that we headed over to the Condé Nast Building for our first classes. I had the floor tour [EEP!] and it was FANTASTIC. It was so cool to see all the behind the scenes things!
Some of the cubicles.
The model board.
The style board.
The books.
The closet.
The closet.
The closet.
COOLEST PICTURE EVER!!!!!! I felt like Lauren.
Next, me and Chelsea had our Q&A session with the editors. Amy Astley was there! And so was Kimball Hastings [Style Blogger!] They basically told me exactly what I thought they would. That it doesn't matter where you go to school, it's what you get out of it and as long as you have passion and knowledge of the industry you'll get in. So...FIT here I come...?
The editors.
Then it was a break for lunch. Me and Chels had packed bagels so we went to [you guessed it] Starbucks! After lunch we both had the session with the Creative Director of Teen Vogue. She basically CREATED Nylon. Yeah. It was interesting but it was mostly about magazine design [something neither me or Chels are really interested in.]
The Creative Director of Teen Vogue.
After that I had...VERA WANG. But I saw Tommy Hilfiger on the way to class! Vera was awesome. She was so funny and sweet and very motherly. She gave some great advice and I learned a lot interesting little facts about her. Like she's used at least 1 Beatles song in every one of her shows for the past 5 years! Apparently she's a huge fan and is really good friends with the director of Across The Universe.
When Chels' class was over she met up with me in the theatre for our AMAZING Tim Gunn seminar! Okay. I LOVE Tim Gunn. I want to like be best friends with him so that we can just talk together all the time about everything. Seriously. I'm not kidding. I love him. He's so hilarious. And really insightful and it was just incredible to even get to listen to him talk about style and fashion. He even said "Make it work!" I ALMOST DIED! And this one guy asked him during the Q&A session "Do you know where the nearest Red Lobster is?" I SERIOUSLY LAUGHED SO HARD. That kid made my day. And Tim goes "Actually there's one in Time's Square a few blocks from here! I didn't even know it existed before André...actually Santino showed it to me." Classic. It was great.
Tim "Make it work" Gunn.
Then after Tim Gunn we got...MORE FREE STUFF! And headed over to the Tiffany's party. The party was wonderful. The drinks were all Tiffany's blue and there were yummy little snacks and popcorn for the movie ["Seamless"]. The movie was great. It was really interesting to see all the behind the scenes stuff. And they gave us jelly beans that were Tiffany colors. And then...we got MORE free stuff.
Us on the red carpet!
It was kind of crazy getting home. We were going to take a cab but decided to take the metro but I had no idea to get home. So we sort of improvised it. But ended up taking a cab too. Haha. We're dorks. So we finally got home and took pictures of all our free stuff. We estimated how much free stuff we got and once we got to $350.00 we stopped. So clearly it was WAY worth it. It was worth it without any of the free stuff actually. But I do love free stuff.
Free stuff! [Dooney and Bourke bag included!]
Tiffany's Jelly Beans.
My student I.D!
I OWN A TIFFANY NECKLACE. OH.MY.GOD. It's a little shopping bag that says Tiffany and Co. on it and it's silver and OMG OMG OMG! I feel so classy now!
I took 20 pages of notes at classes!
Full size Tommy Girl perfume.
An unedited, unpublished book! Priceless!
The first Clique book.
One of my 3 perfume samples. So cute!
Mascara from Maybeline!
After that Chelsea met up with her friend that goes to NYU and I talked to Kyle and ate some yummy food. And now I'm off to sleep. Today was the best day ever. Just like every day of my life. Haha.
Much Love.
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