So on my way to school this morning I had noticed trailors on Astor's Place and I looked to see the characters names and it was Channing Tatum's move again! So I called Susan to tell her and we met at Barnes and Noble's [right outside the trailors] after I got out of class to look for the Gossip Girl Prequel. We found it but Susan is just going to have her mom buy it for her. But we didn't see Channing. Boo. We went straight to lunch from there. It was alright. I just enjoyed Susan's company.
Then I finished off my Cultural Foundations paper and checked my email and such. I was reading the Fred Flare blog and I noticed Jen said something about how they still need people to work some positions there and to email her with questions. So I emailed her and asked her if I was even semi-qualified and I got this email in response about 20 minutes later:
"Hi Jewlie!!!!!!
OMG! I'm sooooo happy you sent me this email! I totes want to get you in here for an interview! Please give me a call as soon as you can and we can figure out a great time to meet and yes we are totes interested. You could help diane, or pick orders, or even box orders. there's so much to do!!! xo i look forward to hearing from you!
I have my interview at 12:00 on Friday so that's really exciting for me! It would look really great on my resumé if I could say I worked at Fred Flare. And I'm a shoe in for the job since Keith and Julie already love me. And apparently Jen does too now. And it'd be so fun to work there. It pays nicely too and they said they'll give me flexible hours. So hopefully that works out for me!
After that I called to tell my mom [and Kaity and Natalie haha] and I just relaxed for a while. Now. Here's the latest scandal. Kelly has a box of like 24 water bottles in the refridgorator and we KNOW she's not drinking that many a day and it's taking up LITERALLY half a shelf. And we left her a note on the fridge to remove the box and just leave a few water bottles in there and SHE HAS IGNORED IT FOR TWO DAYS. So today me and Kayla hatched a little plan to get her attention. I took my sharpies and stickie notes and wrote "Kelly" with an arrow pointing the note...ALL OVER THE HOUSE. It's ridiculous! There are post its everywhere! It's so hilarious. And I was worried Kelly would come in while I was doing it and P. came home and Kayla goes "Oh...hi KELLY." And I flip out because I have my mug full of sharpies and a bunch of post its in hand so I quickly shove the mug in my cupboard and bolt out of the room and Kayla goes "Is it Kelly?" And I go "I don't know! I didnt' even check I just wanted to get the heck out of there." And Kayla starts cracking up and goes "Hey...P." Haha. It was highly amusing.
Next I worked on my Cultural Foundations reading and took a 45 minute nap. It was really nice. I'm still really tired. I probably could have slept a few hours but I just don't have the time. After my nap I emailed Professor Daremblum about my paper topic and she approved it. I'm going to write about the influence of Latin American Fashion with politics and such during the 16th and 17th centuries. It should hopefully be interesting since I have to write a 12 page paper on it. I'm started to feel a little overwhelmed especially with midterms coming up. I have two midterms next week [including LAS I'M GOING TO DIE!] and I have another Cultural Foundations paper due October 29th and then my LAS paper is due November 29th. And I KNOW I'll have another Social one due pretty soon plus constant readings. And we have another Writing paper pretty soon too. SO MUCH TO DO! But wow. I don't want to talk about it anymore because it'll just stress me out. Here's a picture Lindsay took of me and Susan on the way to see Ryan Sheckler.
After that, I worked out for a while to de-stress myself and then it was time for ANTM and Gossip Girls. Now I'm off to talk to Kyle and then go to sleep. Have a nice night!
Much Love.
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