ANYWAY. I walked to my boring, far away classes while listening to The Kung Fu Girls. Because I was in the mood to listen to them. And because I'm missing their show on Friday night at the Knitting Factory and because I just talked to Mia last night and we discussed how awesome it is to have Macbooks and pink hair. So I got to class and I seriously thought it got canceled because Professor Oliver didn't show up until like 8:07. But...he showed up. So he FINALLY gave us our paper topics thank the Lord and surprisingly it doesn't sound that bad. He says he likes imagination and that if we want to write it in dialogue or as like a screen play or something we can. So we have to write 5 pages explaining the trial of Socretes and we have to pretend we were one of the jurors and tell why we would have voted guilty or not guilty and of course use the texts to support our responses but it shouldn't be bad at all. Which is fabulous since I have to do it while I'm at home. Boo. And I actually stayed awake the whole class today, I was even awake enough to make some short but intelligable comments. Yay me!
Writing class today was AWESOME. We're starting our photography unit. I love it. It actually made me consider joining the Photography Club. Their meetings are on Tuesdays so I might go next week. So we discussed our photography assignment and then we looked at some photographs and just talked about them and described them and such. It was really cool to see what everyone else got out of a single photo. Really interesting stuff. I'm excited for this unit/essay. It should be really fun. Then the girl from California whose in my class [don't know her name yet, that's why she's still California girl] who had told me she loved my boots on Monday stopped me after class and goes "Thank you so much for telling me about your boots. I loved them so much I went right after class on Monday and got some. And I've been wearing them ever since. I'm in love." And I was like "ME TOO! I want to wear them EVERYWHERE because I just want people to see me wearing them!" And she was like "Me too!". She lives in Rubin so we walked to 8th street and Broadway together and she told me about California and how she wants to write for National Geographic someday and I told her about Michigan and how I want to write for Teen Vogue and such. It was really nice.
On my way home I passed downstairs Lindsey and she waved at me and I waved back and this lady in front of me thouht she was waving at her and she looked at me really confused and so I was like "Oh. I know her. She was waving at me. Haha." And she just up and starts a conversation with me. Like this totally random, late 30's-early 40 year old woman. It was really awesome actually. It just goes to show not all of us New Yorkers are rude. We're just ususally in a hurry. So she was telling me about how her daughter is on her last year until she gets her PHD and how she's only 4'10" and that she's really short like me. And she asked me about school and what I wanted to do when I grew up and how I was liking the city and my classes and that it was awesome that I got into NYU since it's so competitive. It was just I don't know. I liked it. Haha.
When I got home I finished book IV of The Republic and then I took at quick power nap and went to have some lunch with Susan around 12:00. Then I checked my email and such and went to the ATM with Lindsay [of the upstairs genre] so I could pay the taxi tomorrow. And then we just got ready to meet RYAN SHECKLER!
I'm not sure if I explained how MTV emailed me and was like "Yeah we're doing this special on Ryan Sheckler and we want you to come and blah blah blah 2:15 on Wednesday." So I invited Susan and Lindsay and we all went up to Times Square to go to this thing with Ryan Sheckler [who by the way is a really attractive 17 year old pro-skater who has his own reality show on MTV, in case you didn't know.] So basically we stood around for a long time. But we met these two cool girls from Pratt. One is majoring in Fashion Design and the other is a Film major. They were really cute and funny. So yeah. We stood outside the studio forEVER and then finally....RYAN CAME TO THE WINDOW! [And Damien. I'm really attracted to Damien. Haha.] And then all of Ryan's SUPER hot friends came to the window and his brothers Shane and Cane. Cane is SO adorable oh my goodness! I wanted to hug him [which is impressive for me. I hate small children]. So then they came down to see all of us and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD. I was SO close to Ryan. LJSDLF. I could like...smell him. Haha. It was a good smell. But yeah. He was literally standing right in front of me. But yeah me and Susan and Lindsay will probably be on the show [My Life With Ryan] quite a bit so I don't know when it's airing but I'll try and figure that out so we can all watch me screaming like a complete idiot because Ryan Sheckler is hot. And a skateboarder.

So we stood a total of 3+ hours. And I wore my birks. Yeah I'm an idiot. So my feet were killing me AND my lunch must have been salty because I was literally DYING of dehydration. So I bought a H2O bottle on the way back home in the metro station at 42nd and Broadway. I literally drank it in like less than 2 minutes. The whole thing. It was ridiculous. So Susan went to meet her mom for dinner and me and Lindsay headed back home. When I got home I went down to the computer lab to print my boarding pass...FOR TOMORROW! But stupid spirit air is all "You can't do online check-in unless you booked through" Which I didn't. So now that's ONE MORE THING I have do tomorrow on my super tight time schedule. I'm really nervous. Like. I HAVE to make this flight. I'll cry if I don't. I'll probably cry from stress anyway. Haha. So yeah. That really pissed me off. But then I went to get food...even though I'm not hungry AT ALL. So I got like 3 bananas some frozen yogurt and 3 cookies. Because I know the girls will eat them during ANTM. Oh and I checked my mail and I got something from mom! And I got a postcard from my cool grandma! It's from Spain. Yeah she's like a world traveler. She's hilarious. I can't wait to see her this weekend!
I got upstairs and drank like 80 million glasses of water. Then I finalized everything for tomorrow and checked my email and such. Then I attempted to finish Antigone. And then I emailed MTV about letting me go to see Paramore next week on TRL. Because that would be amazing. And literally hour later the girl from MTV called me back and was like "Yeah you can have two tickets no problem! And if you wear a shirt or something you'll totally get tons more air time." So yeah. I'm pumped! After I got caught up on all my emails and such it was time for ANTM/Gossip Girls!
After ANTM/Gossip Girls I finished the last 10 pages of Antigone and then talked to Kyle and went to sleep because TOMORROW IS MY BIG DAY! See you all in less than 24 hours.
Much Love.
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