I went to Cultural Foundations and was falling asleep. Which sucks because I love that class and Professor Diyanni is SO entertaining. But I stayed after class so we could conference about my paper. He really liked it. He wrote really nice comments on it which I'm going to share because they make me feel good. Haha. "Very good work Jewlie. This is a fine draft." Yeah. That was like the best moment of today. And we got out early to do the conferences so I had time to stop at Starbucks and get a tall non-fat latte so I could stay awake during LAS. I saw Daniel again on the way to LAS which was nice. It's always good to see a friendly face. LAS wasn't that bad. I stayed awake the whole time. And I really do enjoy Professor Darenblum. Except we need to come up with our paper topics by Thursday and I have no idea what to write mine on. Any ideas anyone? It can basically be anything to do with Latin America.
I walked home and it was SO windy. I thought my skirt was going to blow up like 5 times. But it never rained...or thunderstormed. So hopefully it will late into the night so it can help me sleep. When I got home I worked on my homework. I had a lot to do for tomorrow. But I got most of it done by the time Susan came home at 2:00, we went and got lunch to go as per usual. And as we were eating lunch I realized something. One of the buildings outside my window which used to be this weird black tower thing...is now gold. And I swear to God it was NOT gold when I left on Thursday. So I'm thoroughly weirded out by that.
After lunch I worked on some more homework and then decided to take a nap. I'm not feeling so well today. I think I'm sick. I have a really bad sore throat, I'm tired all the time [no matter how much sleep I get] and I've had a headache since yesterday. So that's no good. After my nap I worked on some more homework and then me and Susan did our nails. I hadnt' done mine since the Fashion Show. Ew. So I pained them white. And we watched The King of Queen while we did it and it was so nice to watch TV. I weirdly miss that about being here. Sometimes watching TV is really relaxing. I don't really have anything relaxing here.
After that I worked on editing my Cultural Foundations paper. And prayed that it would start raining. I really hope I feel better soon. I have midterms next week and the week after and can't really afford to be sick right now. I worked on my paper [didnt' finish editing it though, but I only have about 30 minutes left on it maybe] and then I got caught up on my letters. I had two postcards and 3 letters to write. So Ian, Kyle, Brittany, Natalie and Auntie Sandy- you all should be getting letters soon! So that took...forever. Then at 7:00 me and Susan and Fabi went down to get some dinner to go. OH. MY. GOD. DINNER WAS FABULOUS! The best food I've had in months. Seriously. There was mashed potatoes [which I was just saying I wanted earlier when me and Susan saw a KFC commercial] and 3 cheese macaroni AND strawberry frozen yogurt. Ugh. Heaven on earth. I was so pumped. I was like "OH MY GOD MASHED POTATOES! THIS MAKES MY MONTH!" And the guy working just laughed and said "You're the 3rd person who's said that tonite."
Oh and Nick called. Which was nice. It's always nice to hear his voice. AND. He has my USB cord! I basically flipped out when he told me out of happiness. Except now I have to call him, Kaity, Kyle AND Brittany tonite. And I have a meeting until 10:00 and I don't feel well at all. As the day has progressed I've gotten worse and worse. The head ache is the worst part though. It feels like my head is going to split open. UGHHHHH.
So I talked to Nick for a long time. He's going through some stuff and I'm just kind of worried about him. But he'll figure it out. Then I went to the floor meeting/program dealy. We basically opened up our sewing machines and our Faculty Advisor, Dani taught us how to use them and make patterns and such. Tina is taking us to the garment district this weekend to buy some material so I'm really pumped for that. My headache went away and it was nice to hang out with the nice 13th floor girls [Lindsey and Ivy]. Then I went to the TAG [Third Avenue Govt.] meeting with Susan and Kayla and it was really boring. Except for there was one cute guy that smiled at me. I'll probably never see him again. Oh well. Then I went to check my mail...nothing today. But all my letters go out so expect mail on Saturday everyone!
I got back upstairs and called kaity and we chatted and then I realized I still had to go down to C2 to print A BUNCH of things. UGH. So annoying. So then I went down and printed and then I talked to Kyle and now I'm off to bed. The camera is still unable to upload pictures [thank you Nick Johnson] but luckily I'll have my cord back STAT. So here's some photobooth pictures. OH! And it's finally raining!
Much Love.
A topic for LAS.. history of Guinea Pigs.. I know, weird but SJ liked the history of Guinea Pigs in her Social Studies class last year...
A topic for LAS is Guinea Pigs. I know, weird but SJ liked the history of Guinea Pigs in South America...
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