Which reminds me! Bob [the security guard] was really proud of my grades too. Haha. We're tight. Bob and I. No really. He's like an uncle to me or something. But he was really excited for my amazing grades. I had lunch with Fabi and Susan as per usual and that was fun and then I checked my mail and my family had sent me a Halloween package and my Dad sent me a card! So fun!
A card from dad! How exciting!
SILLY STRINGGGGG [Pink silly string!]
AND a MASK! Jewlie to the rescueeeeee!
After that I worked on my homework briefly. Nicomachean Ethics are SO boring. But then me and Fabi went to Fred Flare to pick up her Holly Golightly Eye Mask! And it was nice because it was so beautiful outside and the walk to Fred Flare is a nice one through the little park and through Polish Town/Little Poland/Whatever the P.C. term is. So Fab got to see where I work and I got to chat with Jen for a little while about business and Gossip Girls and such. She told me they got 500 orders in yesterday! So me and Fab headed back and using her amazing Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robins 6th sense found one [in a place where I've never seen a chain ANYTHING!] and treated me to a delicious Mango smoothie for being her tour guide. But it was my pleasure. I've come to love Brooklyn. And I love Fab. And Fred Flare.
On the metro ride back I got lots of compliments on my lovely new Dooney and Bourke bag. And we met some pretty nice hig school kids. It was cool because they all knew eachother and you don't get that a lot in the city. When I got back I worked on some more Nicomachean Ethics and then I watched some Friends. Guys. I seriously LOVE Friends now. I'm addicted. It's so hilarious.
But I had to stop watching Friends so that Susan and I could go to Third North's Got Talent. It's like the preliminary round for Ultra Violet Light [a talent contest in Feb. that's like a HUGE deal]. It was mostly like a bad Karaoke night but Stacy [our CDE] was hilarious. She tap danced and told jokes and was just...Stacy. Gotta love her. But danggggg. There were these two guys from the laundry party jam session that live in the 13th floor of the North tower and they were CUTE. The one played guitar and the other sang. They did a medley of classic rock. But they didn't place or anything. [They should have. Haha.]
AND OMG OMG! Creepy weird kid was there! I don't know if I ever told the story about Creepy Weird Kid but I"ll give a brief synopsyis of it. Basically at one of the TAG [our dorm govt.] meetings this kid [Creepy Weird Kid] said that he looks into our window from his all the time and just watches us. HELLOOOOOO STALKER ANYONE?! How creepy and weird is that?! So yeah. And there's just something off about him. So we named him Creepy Weird Kid [like Ugly Naked Guy on Friends]. And he was there. And he serioulsy put his chair right on the other side of the pillar from me and Susan but out far enough so that he could still see us! WEIRDDDDD. And he kept getting up and leaving and then walking in from the other side so he was like circling us like 5 times. No joke. It was like really creepy and weird. So me and Susan had a good laugh about that.
When I got back I saw that Nick had called [and Nick NEVER calls] so I called him back and we talked for a while and then then REAL motives came out. He wanted me to edit his college application essays, which I'd already told him I would do so he emails them to me. And then the truth comes out. HE TELLS ME HE NEEDS THEM BY MIDNIGHT TONITE. Wait...WHAT?! But of course I say I'll do it anyway. So we finish our chat and I call Kyle back and we sort of work on Nick's essays together. Basically in the words of Kyle, "We saved those essay's lives!". Which we did. And I discovered I love editing people's papers. Haha. Random I know.
There were a few interuption scandals but I won't mention any names or situations since I already discussed them with Susan. Haha. I love that girl. Chelsea tagged me on a bunch of her facebook photos...so here they are! Thanks darling!
At the Tiffany's party before the screening of Seamless.
Starbucks on the metro to Bloomingdales!
Dunkin Donuts after Bloomingdale's!
....Yeah. We had A LOT of coffee that weekend.
Trying to get me into my dress for Halloween on Thursday night.
STILL trying!
Another version of my "Let It Snow Baby...Let It Reindeer" photo.
Us being silly! Duh.
But anyway. I finishsed editing the essays and talking to Kyle and now I'm thinking it's definitely time for bed. So have a FABULOUS Halloween tomorrow everyone!
Much Love.
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