So today it rained. Which was amazing. I miss the rain. Unfortunately I had to walk all the way to my Mercer street classes in it. Only to find out that Professor Oliver had canceled class. Which really sucked. Because my Writing Class is in the building too and it's too far to go back to the dorm for only an hour and a half. And I couldn't go to Starbucks because I went before class. So basically I was stuck in the building. Luckily they had a computer so naturally I went on myspace. Duh. Then it was time for Writing...don't even get me started. Haha.

Mmm. Starbucks.
I have a short film for the next part of my day:
So I came home and all I wanted was my Special K bar because it's my comfort food and I was hungry and had been craving one all morning. And so I don't even go to my room, I go straight to my drawer's gone. SERIOUSLY. Someone took my LAST granola bar. I'm not kidding you. I almost cried. So now I've relocated my food to my room. Which is ridiculous but whatever. I can't afford to keep losing food.
So then Tina and I went to Ricky's so we could get the stuff to fix my roots. They were basically out of control. So we did that. And I ate some Double Noodle Soup. Mmm Mmm Good!

Then I tried to find a loop hole from having to walk back to Bobst to do my library assignment. No luck. So Susan and I got some lunch to go [the bananas were FABULOUS today!] and then I worked on what I could of the library assignment. Around 3:00 me and Susan walked down to Washington Square and I went to Bobst for the first time ever. And I found the books all by myself. Yay me! So I got that finished and then I went to my thing to register for classes for the spring. It was REALLY boring. But I got Starbucks after that so yay for Starbucks!

Where oh where are my Special K bars?!
I had to walk all the way home in the rain but it was kind of nice. OH! And I got a new Delias catalogue. I see some purchases in my future with my 15% off entire purchase coupon. So yes. Now I'm off to study/read the first two Cantos of Dante's Inferno and then watch ANTM/Gossip Girls and eat my tasty [bits!] frozen yogurt! And talk to Kyle. Duh.
Night all!
Much Love.
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