Naturally me and Lauren mocked everything Duda said during the whole class and talked about how boring LAS is on the way back home. She walked with me most of the way because she works at the Palladium on Tuesdays. So that was nice. She's hilarious. Then I got home and realized I was STARVING. So me and Linds went downstairs to get some food and I had a really delicious salad and some really yummy soup. I miss soup. The soup here is almost always of the meat genre. Ew. So then I came upstairs and checked my email and all that good stuff and while I was checking my email, around 2:00 when Susan usually gets home, I heard the door open. So I didn't even bother to look away from my laptop and I just go, "Helloooooo Susan!" in my Kevin voice. And I turn's not Susan. It's a security guard. Yeah. I felt like the biggest idiot ever. I was just like "'re not Susan." And then awkwardly went back to work. I officially hate the security guards. And now they probably think I'm a crazy person. So then Susan actually did get home and I went back down to get more food to go with Fabi and Susan because I'm trying to use all my meals for the week by tomorrow. Then I took a nap. Let me tell you. I napped for nearly an hour and a half. And when I woke up, I was STILL tired.
But I talked to Kaity for a while about our plans when I'm home and about Brittany. She's in the hospital but we're going to visit her on Thursday. Put her in your prayers if you can. Then I went back to sleep for another half hour. And I woke up with a pounding headache and I felt sick to my stomach. Fabulous. So then I had some tea and started my LAS homework. Hallelujah and praise the Lord because I am finally DONE with the Not-So-Epic of Latin America. That's right. In only 4 short weeks we have finished the 1000 page nonsense that is my stupid LAS book. Though now we have another book to read and a 14 page paper to write. But still. I feel accomplished.
So then, since the security guards are such total idiots that they can never find the stair cases and keep mistaking me and Kelly's ROOM for one of them, I decided to make them these lovely signs.

And you know what. ONE OF THEM STILL ASKED ME WHERE THE STAIRS WERE!!! I mean really. Really people. Are you THAT ignorant or are you just TRYING to annoy the hell out of me. Seriously. I'm trying to do my homework or sleep and all these security guards do is wander around our house looking for the CLEARLY MARKED stair cases. U-G-H [as the boy in the new Cingular commercial would say].
After I finished that, I checked my mail and I got a card from my daddy. Awww. I love and miss him dearly. Then I cracked down on reading The Republic. Only I hadn't realized how much I actually had to read for it. And so I can't finish it tonite because I'm simply WAY too tired to retain anything else right now. So I finished packing my stuff for Thursday and now I'm off to say goodnite to Kyle and then go to sleep. Hopefully I'll feel more rested tomorrow.

Much Love.
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