So I get home and I realize the place is a COMPLETE MESS from last night's meeting [which I didn't get to go to because I had to staying in my room all night.] Like there's food everywhere. Old, nasty food. And the furniture is still all out of wack and it just pisses me off. So I CLEAN UP THE FLIPPING COMMON ROOM EVEN THOUGH I FEEL LIKE I MIGHT DIE AND I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH MAKING THE MESS. Ugh. I'm sorry. I'm so complain-y but I don't even care. Everybody has those days [everybody knows what, what I'm talking 'bout everybody gets that way!] So I clean up the house, pick up all the trash and what not and then I head off to my interview.
In case you were wondering I wore my black and red plaid dress with a black sweater under it with my black leggings and black boots. And of course a jacket because it's freezing and a hat and a scarf. So I was actually running really early [better than late] so I stopped at this park that's a block from Fred Flare and just sort of chilled there for a while. I was in a really good mood because I was listening to Feist and Regina. And I was excited for my interview. So I end up getting there 20 minutes early and Keith takes me to a room where Jen can inerview me and he asks me how school is and midterms and such. I love Keith. So then Jen comes in and flips out because she thinks I'm like the most adorable thing she's ever seen. And she asks me some questions and it was really casual and everything and she's so sweet [and had on the CUTEST shoes ever!]. So I'll be making 10 dollars an hour and working Monday 12-4 and then Fridays/Saturday/Sundays [not all of them but it'll change which days they want me to come in] from like 11-3/4ish. And I get a 25% store discount. And Jen was telling me about what I get to do and it sounds so fun! I get to help Diana and I get to help them pick out new stuff to buy and I guess they're going to have a secret Sample Sale at like midnight or something and Jen said I could work it and I'm just sort of going to be a mult-tasking/do it all kind of girl. Lots of little odds and ends. That kind of thing. AND. Jen said that her sister-in-law is the Fashion Editor at Teen Vogue! And Jen said when I'm ready for an internship just let her know because her sister-in-law has gotten tons of people internships! [HELLOOOOOO AMAZING CONNECTION!] So I left and I'm going to go in on Monday to work a couple hours to see if I like the job or not. Excitement!
So then I'm on my home/the Wellness Center and I'm in a really good mood. UNTIL. I get lost on the Subway. In Brooklyn. Yeah. So I had to call Susan and she got me back. All I did was head the wrong direction on the subway so it wasn't a big deal but it took a while to get back on track and I was already exhausted. So I get back to 14th and 3rd Ave and I'm heading towards the Wellness Center and they tell me that they don't have time to see me today. And I'm like wait....WHAT?! So I head back and sit with Susan while she eats and then I resolve to head back the Wellness Center to just wait it out. When I get there, the lady behind the counter tells me it'll be 2 hours to see a nurse and all the nurse can do is tell you to see a doctor. So...yeah. I already KNOW I have Strep Throat I need to see the DOCTOR to get MEDICINE. Yeah. The next appt. was Monday at 6:30 at night. So I took it. But I seriously like started crying because I don't feel well at all and I'm exhausted and everyone here is going to be pissed that I'm not seeing a doctor until Monday.
Now I'm in bed, in my pajamas and I'm just going to work on homework and cry and feel sorry for myself and I don't care who that pisses off because I haven't been this sick in ages and I'm allowed to not have a good day. At 3:30 Katie came to bring me various goodies to make me feel better. I was so happy she came. She's the best big sister ever.

But now I'm off to sleep.

And sleep.

And sleep.
Much Love.
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