Professor Oliver was being SO boring this morning. I seriously like almot fell asleep at least 10 different times in his class. And it sucks because I think what we're learning is super interesting, I just can't stay awake. Also, I didn't sleep well last night. So I'm sure that was part of it. Boo. Anyway. Then I had writing class which went well. Me and Noel just talked about our Peer Editing and such. I really like her. She's a nice girl, really bright too. I'm glad I know her, in case I need help with my paper and my knight in shining armor is too busy doing his own homework to help me out.
On my way home I made sure I walked through Astor Place because I've been meaning to take a picture of this for some time:

So yes. That made my day a little brighter [despite the trés cloudy weather]. So I went upstairs and I'm not even kidding you, I took an hour and a half nap. I was just exhausted. Plus I haven't been feeling too well today. I'm very tired and clamy and I've had a headache all day that's been getting progressively worse. But anyway. So I took my nap and then me and Susan and Fabi went to get some lunch to go. The [this shit is] bananas the past few days have been AWFUL. I miss them...haha. But I had my daily dose of Frozen Yogurt and granola. After that I checked my email and sort of mulled around.
Kayla got home at 3:00 and that's when the madness started. Basically we sat around for 3 hours and did absolutely nothing. Haha. It started by me singing "Gimme More" because it's so obnoxiously catchy. So then we went to look it up on youtube. But in the mean time we got distracted because I insisted on showing Kayla the Up Close and Personal McFly videos. We watched the one where they lip synch Il Divo. And we watched Harry wake everyone up. I love Harry. He's so adorable. Kayla like Dougie. Just like my bestest betch. So we did that. And then we watched Britterz. Then we looked at pictures of Kayla's friend from home who looks like the ever-so-epic Zac Efron. Then we went and sat in the common room and started singing. And I was playing with my ring tones. And then we decided that we ought to record Kayla some ringtones. Holy mother of God. It was SO hilarious. So we're like singing all these random songs [All You Need Is Love, Wannabe, Shoes, Gimme More and Girlfriend] and it was just...I haven't laughed that much in weeks. It was great. Then I was like "I really want some [to the tune of Gimme More] Diet. Diet. Diet diet coke!" And I don't even know. We were just so slap happy.
After that I checked my mail and my Seventeen magazine FINALLY came today! And I got a package from Auntie Sandy! It was this cute little notebook shaped like a dress on a hanger. And it was so funny because the note said "hope this package is finding you well and NOT doing Latin American Studies". Clearly she reads the blog. So then I talked to my mom and Kaity and Kyle. And then finally after much procrastination I started my homework.
OH OH OH! And I got an email from MTV yesterday saying that they're filming this special with Ryan Sheckler and they wanted to know if I wanted to go and bring some friends so me and Susan and Linds are going on Wednesday to some taping thing and we might win a date with Ryan. He's SO adorable. Loves it. And they're giving out free stuff too. And we all know how I feel about free stuff. So excitement for that!
So I got through half of my LAS reading which was fabulous. Only 90 pages to go tomorrow. Not bad if I do say so myself. So after I finished my homework Kelly brought me a cookie and it was yummy. I had a really bad headache [and still do actually] so I just tried to take it easy until it was time for The Hills. We [me, Lindz, Susan, Fabi and Kayla] watched The Hills in Fab's room and it was SO good. I LOVE BRODY. He's so flipping cute! I want him and Lauren to get back together so bad! And next week's episode looks so scandalous!
But my head is killing me and I'm really exhausted so I'm off to bed. Hopefully I'll feel better in the morning.
Much Love.
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