So I'm sad to say that the TRL episode aired live yesterday. So probably everyone missed it. But here's Ashley's Live Performance. You can see me and Susan for literally a millisecond I think. I didnt' even see us. Susan did.
Then it was back home for me. I did my reading for Nicomachean Ethics [borrrrrrrrring] which basically put me to sleep and then I had lunch with Susan. And there was pumpkin pie. SO GOOD. I checked my mail and I had a lovely card and picture from Auntie Sandy [I too look forward to Thanksgiving Shopping!] and a WONDERFULLY NICE letter from Mrs. Jerolamon saying thanks for helping with Pre-Homecoming stuff. Which duh. It was MY PLEASURE. But there was a lovely little gift card from Forever21...HELLOOOO NEW CLOTHES! So Bestest Betch-Tell you family thank you and that a thank you card will be arriving once I get my life back [aka weekish?]
After that...well I'm not gonna lie I cant' really rememeber what I did after that. Probably I went on myspace or something else pointless like that. But I know I took a nap. And it was ahhhmazing. When I woke up I think I did some more reading...? Yeah this day has been really typical so I naturally I can't remember like anything that happened. But I do know that at 7:20 me, Susan and Fabi went to the Harry Potter/Myers-Briggs test. It was pretty amusing. And there was free food. And anything free basically has my name written all over it. There was also trivia. But we were out of our league seeing as the questions were hella hard! But it was a good time. Fabi got some weird eye-ball thing and I don't know why but we found it the funniest thing ever.
After we took the test we got "sorted" into our houses. Yeah. It was stupid but it was something to do. Here's Fabi and Susan getting "sorted".

So then we decided that next week we're going to go swimming in the pool! EEEEP! I'm excited! And when I came back I printed out my retarded Writing draft for tomorrow and then came up here and managed to procrastinate doing my Cultural Foundations Paper even longer! But yes. That's why this is so short! I have to write my paper! And then talk to Kyle and get some sleep!
Have a good night everyone! Sorry this was SO boring [like Latin American Studies].
Much Love.
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