I was unnaturally tired during Cultural Foundations. But it wasn't a big deal because we just discussed Roman art and I'd just read the chapter the evening before. Nothing too exciting happened in that class today. I'm sure the funny kid said something...funny but I was really out of it. We got out a little early and I headed to Starbucks to get my non-fat latte. Then I filled out my planner because that always makes me feel better. After that I was off to LAS. It really wasn't that bad today. It went a little slow but overall, not so bad. We turned in our paper topics. I'm doing how fashion was influenced by the poltical/social/economic scene in the 20th century. Should be interesting. AND! During LAS I started to loose focus and realized what I should be for Halloween! I'm going to be a rose [thank you ANTM!]. I'm just going to wear green tights, red flats, my prom dress from last year with a green long sleeved shirt under it and a red hat. And hopefully I can get somebody to do my makeup really cool. So that was exciting.
After class I went to the GSP offices for my faculty advisor meeting. She was 20 minutes late. And I was 10 minutes early. So I just read some of my Latin American Studies book. It wasn't a very useful meeting. But whatev. It's good that she knows who I am. She thinks Gallatin might be a good idea but that it's hard to transfer into. LAME. I really want to transfer to Gallatin. It just seems like a better option for me. But we'll see. So yeah..overall that was pretty pointless. She basically said that I seem to have everything under control and that everything seems to be going good. Duh. I've always been so career focused. Plus I have amazing luck here.
Once I got back I worked on some homework. I have a lot to get done for this weekend. I took a quick nap and then I went down to C3 to work on the study guide for LAS with Mike. It went pretty well. We didn't finish but we split it up and we're going to study again on Sunday so that should be good. We're both really nervous for the midterm. It's going to be basically impossible.
I went upstairs and talked to my mom briefly and continued to work on my homework. I did that for a while and then when Fabi got home I asked her if I could see the suitcase that I borrowed and sure enough. My leggings were still in there. I felt really dumb. Then I made some tea and was telling Fabi how my throat hurt and noticed a GIANT lump on the left side [where it's killing me] so I looked inside my throat. And what did I see? White spots. Yeah. No good. So I run down and have Tina look [because duh. Tina knows everything about everything in the history of anything.] And she confirmed the white spots. I HAVE STREP THROAT! THE WEEK BEFORE MY LAS MIDTERM! AND THE DAY BEFORE MY FRED FLARE INTERVIEW! NO GOOD! So I'm all bummed about that and I make some tea and call Susan love and ask her to bring me throat lozanges. She brought me Strawberry ones. She's the bestest.

Boo. Strep throat.

Tina says Tea will make me better.
So then Kayla gets home and basically yells at me for not going to the Wellness Center and tells me if I'm not going today that I have to get out of the Common Room and stay in my room. And like seriously. She didn't ask if I was okay or anything. She just like yelled at me that she couldnt' miss class. Which like I understand but like I can't really afford to get it either but it happend. And I'm not trying to infect anyone or anything and it just really hurt my feelings because she was really rude about it. But whatev. I'm over it.
So I spent the rest of the day locked up in my room. I talked to Brittany for a while. And I talked to Kyle's mom [by accident...sort of]. I like her. She seems super nice. But I just worked on homework and Susan and Fabi came in to see me [THEY'RE not scared of my sickness] and Susan goes "Yeah. Julianna asked me if I'd heard about the dollar thing and I was like no what is that? And she goes 'Yeah we're all pitching in a dollar so Jewlie will take a cab to the Wellness Center.' And I was like really people. IS THAT A JOKE?!" I love Susan. Because yeah. Really. I mean really. I'm not going to infect anyone anymore than I will if I wait 12 HOURS to go to the Wellness Center when it's not pouring rain out. God. Sorry that really pissed me off.
So yeah. I worked on homework and then eventually I went down to get some food but there wasn't anything I could really eat. So I just got some juice with seltzer in it and some brownies for everyone else. Then I checked my email and such and sat and listened to everyone at the fun party without me because I'm not WELCOME because I"m a little sick. I seriously feel like crying. It's not fair. OH. And in other scandals Kelly moved her H2O bottles but only 12 of the 24 and SHE LEFT THE BOX IN THE FRIDGE! Really. I mean...nevermind. I won't even go there. And now I'm going to talk to Kyle and then it's off to bed early for me because I have to make up my stupid Social Foundations class at 8:00 tomorrow morning, then head over the Wellness Center and then off my super fun Fred Flare interview! Wish me luck everyone!
Much Love.
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