After that we walked around the upper eastside towards Central Park and we saw a bunch of houses decorated for Halloween. So I took Lindsey's picture with one.
We all decided we want to live now. Haha...yeah right. But it was still supes fun and gorgeous. So we got to Central Park and decided to just walk around because the weather was actually pretty nice. I climbed a tree...? Haha. But it was so nice to just be outside and walking around and enjoying the weather. I loved it!
We saw all parts of the park that I haven't seen before. We saw the zoo [and the SEALS!] and a kid's park and it was just lovely. We had some time to kill before we had to go meet Chelsea at the metro station so I told the girls about how my goal for this year was to find Balto [ you know...the sled dog?] because at the beginning of the movie they're at the statue of him and it's a real statue in Central Park. Of course Susan has NO idea who the heck Balto is and I have to explain the whole story [HOW DOES SHE NOT KNOW BALTO?!] And she's like "Yeah. We're never going to find it." So I'm all like "Let's find a map, let's ask some people, let's find it!" And, NOT KIDDING YOU, Susan turns around and goes "Oh. There it is." Just all matter of factly. SHE FOUND BALTO AND SHE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHO HE WAS! But I was really really really excited. You have no idea.
I love Balto. Haha.
So then we went to meet up with Chelsea and we all did a little shopping on 5th. We went to FAO Schwartz [of course] and it was totes fun like usual!
When we left I saluted the guy...I have no idea why I did that. He probably thinks I'm an idiot now.
"Houston. We have a problem."
So by then after all our scandals, me and Lindsey and Chelsea were pretty tired, plus we had the concert later, so we decided to head home. Of course we got lost. And it poured rain. Haha. We couldnt' find the subway OR a taxi for AN HOUR IN THE RAIN! It's funny now, but man was it cold then! Luckily, after searching for a taxi for a looooong time we came across the subway. We got back, got some coffee, got some food and then started to get ready for the Locksley concert!
Locksley was so amazing live! You have no idea! They're like The Beatles meets Rooney meets The Kooks. And they were supes down to earth. They let audience members play their instruments with them during the concert! The lead guitarist was like " my guitar if you can play G, D, E" Wait...WHAT?! That's like amazing! They were really funny too! I suggest everyone check them out. Oh and at the end during their last song everyone got up on the runways and the stage and danced and sang with them. It was like...euphoric. I'm not even kidding. It was insane but amazing. And we met/got our picture taken with the bassest Aaron! He was totes cute!
Us and Aaron.
Me and Kayla
Me and Chels!
That's a clip of them live [but on Jimmy Kimmel not at our concert].
So I came home and checked the Fred Flare blog and Jen had posted an entry. And guess what was in it...? No joke this is direct quote [ew. That rhymed.] "WAIT…WHAT?" I KNOW RIGHT?! I flipped out! Jen is picking up on my weird lingo! This made me so happy I was laughing so hard. It made my day. Oh and here's some pictures of the Bubble Tea from two Thursdays ago and our trip to Ricky's this past Thursday night.
But then, naturally, I was supes tired plus there's all the seminars tomorrow and such so it's off to bed for me!
Much Love.
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