Ummm yeah. That's The Aneid. I'm supposed to be reading it right now. Apparently it's a greek epic. What's with everything being so epic lately [Latin America, Zac Efron, The Odyssey, now this!?]
So I woke up this morning at 5:00 in SO MUCH PAIN. Seriousy I was laying in bed crying I was in so much pain. I was about ready to grab my phone and call home because I've never been in THAT much pain before. Apparently my pain killers had worn off in the middle of the night and the pain got so bad it woke me up. So I got up, drank like 5 huge glasses of ice water and took 2 more advil. Then I attempted to go back to sleep. I had to get up at 6:30 [so hard] and hop in the shower. Only to find...THERE'S NO HOT WATER. Seriously. It was FREEZING. I was so pissed because I was already cranky. So whatev. I get in the shower, go to class, blah blah blah.
Then I get home at like 11:00, change my clothes and head out to Brooklyn. You guys. I had SO much fun at Fred Flare today. Like oh my gosh I should be paying them to work there. Keith and Chris and Julie all said hi to me and then Julie went to get Jen and Jen showed me the ropes. First she taught me how to make boxes. I'm a pro-box-maker now. Then she told me all my responsibilities. I sort of do a little bit of everything. I make sure everyone has enough boxes all the time and then when there's enough boxes I put them in bags and take them over to where the UPS guys come in the morning. Then I use the wheely-carts to wheel the bigger boxes over to where the UPS guys come and then I get to fill orders. Filling orders is my favorite because I get to see all the totes cute stuff! I pretty much want everything. But especially the Holly Golightly eye mask! SO CUTE. Oh yeah. If you don't know what Fred Flare is go to the website [supes cute!] www.fredflare.com It's amaze. So yeah. Filling orders. Basically you wrap everything in tissue paper, put the receipt in, then a special 25% card for the Holidays and then fold the box up, tape it shut and then put the address label on and voila! It's supes easy and fun! I like to see where everything is going. Something today was going to Pleasentville New York. There's a real Pleasentville!
Plus the whole time we were working they play fun music and everyone sings along! And Jen and I got to bond. I love Jen. I want her to like...adopt me. We talked about Halloween and school and ANTM and Gossip Girls. Jen is OBSESSED with Gossip Girls! AND she told me that SHANDI is has something for Warehouse pick up! SHANDI! I hope I'm there when she comes! And we get to work with Kenny too. I adore Kenny. It was so cute all he did was talk about his two nieces. They're 7 and they're being princesses for Halloween! Kenny was really nice. He helped me out a lot today. But Jen was totes my fav. I didn't want to leave! It made my sickness not even that bad. And the walk to Fred Flare isn't that bad. I like walking through Polish Town [it's so not called that, but it's where all the Polish people live and EVERYTHING is in Polish.] And there's a really nice park only like a block from FF.
So I left and didn't get lost on the subway [yay me!] and came back and talked to my bestest betch for a long time. And I had mashed potatoes. Mmm! Then it was pretty much time to go to the doctor's. THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME! Now the doctor is telling me it might be mono. But girrrrrrrl I am NOT going back to the doctor's because they TAKE BLOOD to test for mono. And whatev. I can totes wait it out for a couple more weeks if I have mono. I'm not going back. I dont' care. They're NOT taking blood from me. Plus there's no like...cure for mono. Just like pain killers and stuff. But yeah. I looked at the symptoms for mono and it's everything I have. Like white spots on your tonsils, inflamed lymph nodes, sore throat, lack of appetite. So...yeah. PRAY FOR ME! I have Teen Vogue next week! I CAN'T have mono.

Hmm mono? Tonsillitis? The world may never know!
Susan darling went with me. What a good friend! And then I got back and checked my mail. I had two new magazines! Cosmogirl and Teen Vogue! Except I STILL haven't read my October Seventeen or Nylon. I need to get on that. And I got a package from Auntie Sandy! It was so cute and totes exciting! It made my day. Then I went upstairs and ate some easy mac and talked to Lindsey for a while. I"m so jealous. Tomorrow Sarah is seeing Regina Spektor. I wishhhhhhh I was going! But she's such a sweetheart. She said if I gave her some money she'd get me a shirt. I'm FOREVER in her debt. Maybe I'll get her something from Fred Flare in return.

After that I talked to my mom until I realized I still had A TON of reading to do and really needed to do it. So yeah. I'm going to go do that now. Because The Hills is on soon and then I have to talk to Kyle and go to bed. And take some drugs. My throat is starting to hurt again. Boo. EEP! For parents coming in 4 days! BOO for my LAS midterm being in 3. I'm screwed. Okay so yes. Love to everyone. Don't get mono!

Much Love.
EEE it's so exciting that you're actually working at Fred Flare.
I mean, remember when we were watching their pod casts in French?!?!
Stay Cute!
Jen and I need to hang. Gossip Girls is practically the reason I'm breathing.
chelsea :) (yes, i'm blogging! yay!)
My mom and dad used to live in Pleasantville before I was born! It's in upcounty Westchester.
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