Those are some more Homecoming pictures. I love the first one. Haha.
I spent like hours and hours tagging everyone on facebook from all the homecoming pictures. I think it seriously took me like a good hour. Especially since I don't really know everyone that well. And then I was going to go get ready to go to rehearsal with my mom but Nick called and Nick never calls so when he does I know it's important. So I sat down and talked with him for like 45 minutes. I'm really worried about that kid. He just doesn't seem...himself lately. Actually like the past couple months really. But I know college will be good for him because speaking in terms of personality we're a lot alike and college has done wonders for me. But I still worry about him.
So by then it was time to go to rehearsal with mom. But first we went to PacSun because they're having a MASSIVE sale. And I got lots of new shorts and bathing suits. Really cute ones too. I used to like only shop at PacSun. But really. I got such nice stuff. And it was fun to shop with my mom in an ACTUAL store. Except she kept trying to buy me everything. Haha. So then we headed over to Beauty and the Beast rehearsal and they didn't even start until like 1/2 hour before I had to leave. I did however get to say hi to The Brody's and Tom and I met some of the people in the show. They were all really friendly and nice to me. The costumes are FABULOUS for the show. Seriously. I wish I could go see it. I really really do. It's going to be good I can tell.
My grandma picked me up from rehersal at 3:30. Oh yeah. Did I mention the surprise got busted?! Yeah. I was bummed. Apparently the family leaked to her that I was coming home. So it wasn't this huge surprise. LAME. But anyway she picked me up and I put my bathing suit on and changed out of my jeans and then Nick came over. And we probably tried for like an hour to get my music from my Mac onto his External Hardrive and we could't do it. And we called Tom but he didn't even know how to do it [and he's a computer genius!]. So we just sort of chilled and then Kaity got here and we all chatted and then Nata-Lee-Ah got here. And that's when the problems started.
First my mom calls me, FLIPPING OUT, that she can't find her purse. And wants to know if I have it...? Like no. I didn't carry TWO purses out of the mall. And I didnt' drive so where would I have put it? But she's flipping out and it makes me really upset so then I'm in a cranky mood. Then I find out Brittany can't come over. And I didn't get to talk to her about ANY of the stuff I wanted to while I was here. In fact, I think I spent more time with/talking to Nick than Brittany. And that's just not right. So I was REALLY bummed, I didn't even get to say goodbye! And then I hear that Anne Marie can't come [yeah. didn't get to say goodbye to her either and I didn't even see her at Homecoming!] and that David might not come either. So of course I'm in a really bad mood and then Nick's all "I have to go work on college apps" [typical Nick]. So it was just me and Kaity and Natalie which of course WAS a blast and we laughed about silly things as per usual and then Stephen got here. But by then we just waited until Natalie had to leave before we took the boat out. I was sad that I had to say goodbye to my Nata-Lee-Ah! She was being SO hilarious yesterday.
So then me and Stephen and Kaity took the boat out but by then it was too cold to swim. LAME. So we did 360's in the boat and then headed back in and decided to go to Marble Slab. We called David and he said he'd meet us up there which like made my day. Me, Kaity and Stephen all rode in my car and we picked up Kyle and met David at Marble Slab. Me and Kaity decided to wear these 4th of July crowns and all the little kids in Marble Slab were eyeing them. It was funny. Of course me and Kaity got Birthday Cake ice cream with Rainbow sprinkles. Our usual. And Kaity's fabulous friend Megan [who works there] gave us her discount so it was only $3.00 for both of our ice creams together. THAT was fabulous. I officially love her. So we just sat at Marble Slab and I took all these random pictures of everyone because MY CAMERA'S BATTERY DIED! I know right! I was SO sad. But oh my goodness. David was being SO funny. I was like crying I was laughing so hard. Like everything was funny!
Kyle hates this picture. But I love him. Even if this is a funny picture of him.
Then we had a little scandal. I won't really write about it in the blog for the sake of certain people that I love very very much but let's just say Stephen and David got into ANOTHER little betch fight. So they went over to Caribou to "talk" [aka fight] and me and Kaity and Kyle just sort of waited for them...20 MINUTES LATER we went over to see what the heck they were doing. And we found them on the little couch "talking" it out.
So I tried to mediate but David had to go home [and Stephen was already like 30 minutes late for being home]. But Hank was there! Hank is so funny. Actually. Everyone last night was so funny. I was like dying every 3 minutes from laughter. But no. Hank was being hilarious. Anyway. So guess who else was there....THE GREEK GOD OF SEXINESS! And I managed to snap a really poor picture of him.
And Alyssa was there [Stephen's sister] and she got braces. Which actually look really good on her...? Yeah I have no idea. And we chatted briefly and GREEK GOD OF SEXINESS ASKED HER OUT LAST WEEK. I KNOW RIGHT?! That's like..the luckiest thing in the world! I guess he was all "Hey you forgot something." And she was like "What?" And he goes "My number." HAHA. Yeah I love him. But anyway. So me, Kaity, Kyle and Stephen just hung out in Caribou until like I don't even know what time but I think it was like 9:40ish. It was so nice to just be with them. Oh and like a million people asked me and Kaity why were wearing crowns. And I kept having to explain that I didnt' know why...we just wanted to.
So then I took Kyle home. That was really upsetting. I don't even want to talk about it. Just know it was sad. But I'll see him in like....6 weeks. And then I took Kaity and Stephen back to my house and I said goodbye to Kaity but it wasn't that bad because we're meeting tomorrow at Java Flix before she has to go to school. It was kind of hard to say goodbye to Stephen though. I really do love that kid, as much as we fight/argue. Plus he's my hugging soul mate [we're the perfect huggers].
I headed inside and watched a Hannah episode with my mom. It was the one where her evil cousin comes in to town and tries to expose her secret. Then we headed upstairs and that's when I realized MY USB CORD FOR MY CAMERA IS MISSING. I think Nick accidently took it home with him when he grabbed his external hardrive. So that SUCKS. I won't be able to upload any pictures until my parents come not this weekend but next weekend. And that's IF Nick has it. I really hope he does. OH OH OH. And I figured out that me and Daniel are on the same flight tomorrow. So hopefully we can sit next to eachother. We're going to share a cab back. So that's amazing.
But yeah. I'm exhausted. Although it IS like 12:30. And I have to get up at 7:00 so I can meet Kaity tomorrow. Night everyone. New York Lovers-see you tomorrow around 6:00. Love you!
Much Love.
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