Me all ready for my flight!
But we got out of Cultural Foundations 15 minutes early so naturally I went to Starbucks. Mmmm grande non-fat latte! And then I walked to boring Latin American Studies. It actually wasn't that bad because we just had presentations which are a lot more interesting than when Professor Darenblum talks. Although she is really cute and funny. It's just easier with the presentations because the kids dont' normally speak so much spanish. Which always confuses me. A lot. So I was really anxious the whole class because I was so worried I would miss my flight that when Professor Darenblum let us out I literally BOLTED to the door.
So I left my class at 10:45 and I'm not kidding you, by 11:30 I WAS AT THE GATE READY TO BOARD. SERIOUSLY. Wtf. I thought it was going to take SO much time. Like in 45 minutes I caught a cab, took it to LaGuardia, got my boarding pass, went through security and found my terminal and sat down. Really. I had NOTHING to be worried about. Except then I was 2 hours early to my flight. So I finished reading Antigone and got some food and then worked on my photograph description a little.
Waiting at the terminal.
Finally I boarded the plane and the girl boarding behind me had a puppy! A Pekingese! It was SO adorable. But I didn't end up sitting next to her. I actually sat next to this girl who is a junior at some college in New York. I forget the name. She lives in Queens but grew up in Grosse Point. We just chatted the whole trip and she was really cool. She wants to be a dancer. And we talked about how much we miss Hungry Howie's and Caribou and Target because they don't have it in New York. I was glad I sat next to her. I think we're on the same flight home too, so after we got off the flight she was like "I'll probably see you Monday!" But I never caught her name. I hope she's on the flight home with me though.
We got in 1/2 an hour early so I read my Teen Vogue while I waited for my dad to arrive to get me. It only took us like 45 mintues to get home from the airport and mostly I talked about New York and food. Haha. You know me. I love me some good food. When I got home my mom pretty much cried she was so excited to see me. The feeling was mutual. I really missed her and my dad. A LOT. AND MY FAT BABY! Ohhhhh I missed my kitty so much! So I played with him for a while and me and my mom watched Hannah Montana [The Wish Gone Amiss episode!] Then my mom had to go to rehearsal so Kaity came to pick me up to go visit Brittany in the hospital.
Okay. I don't even care how dumb this sounds. When Kaity got here, we cried. Like we legitly cried. Because we missed eachother THAT MUCH. And then I gave her all the magazine clippings I've been saving for her and I gave her the CD I made and we listened to it on the way to the hospital. It was seriously so much fun visiting Brittany! It was AMAZING to see her. I wish we'd gotten to talk more. I could have stayed the whole night. I hope we can still have some one on one time even though she's pain. Because we have some things we must discuss. But yeah. Oh my goodness. We laughed so hard when we were there. It was so nice for it to just be the three of us again. And Kaity told us gross stories about people eating their frozen placenta and Cody, the AI kid in her SWEAT class that threw up his lunch and ate it again. I know. Gross. And Brittany told us her boy scandals. And let me tell you. She has some serious scandals at hand. But then, out of no where, it was 8:15 and we had to leave to go see David at Marching Band.
Seriously. I look demented here.
Okay. First let me say, that everytime me and Kaity go somewhere we basically get lost. But the worst for us is Pontiac. Seriously. EVERY time we go to Pontiac or drive through it, we always are fine getting there....BUT WE CAN NEVER FIND 75 ON THE WAY BACK! It's so mind-blowing! So we're driving along and I just turn to Kaity and I go "I have no idea where we are." And she goes "Yeah. Me neither." And so we keep driving because everytime we get lost, we always just keep driving and then it gets to a point where I finally recognize something and know how to get us home. Yeah. It's crazy. So we're driving for like 20 minutes and we're stopped at this light and I'm on the phone with Natalie and all of a sudden I look over and see this shopping complex and there's a place called Phatheads. EVERY TIME WE GET LOST IN PONTIAC WE END UP THERE! I can't even explain how we manage it! So we're like "What the heck. How did we do this?!" And then we see the North 75 signs and it all comes back to me. Every time we see the signs we try to follow them and we NEVER find 75. So naturally we follow the signs and somehow we end up on Dixie. Like really people. Every time we get lost, we get un-lost a different way. I don't even know how that happens!
But we managed to get to the high school by 8:50 and it was SO awesome to see David! And it was so great to have a real hug from someone that is not my mom or like...Kayla [girrrrrrrl I DO love your hugs though]. Haha. So then I ran into TB on the way in to find Anne Marie and she just ran at me and was so excited! It felt so great. I was worried one missed me. But I'll get to talk to her more tomorrow at the game I'm sure. So then we ran into Nick. And I wasn't really sure how that would go. But it was so good to see him. And he was still his awkward self. And it was refreshing to meet someone awkward and know that nothing had really changed at home. So we had a good hug too. And then right as I was about to open the door to see Anne Marie, she opened it [she had no idea I was coming] and the look on her face was PRICELESS. That's the only word to describe it. It was like a double take and then a look of COMPLETE shock. And then she jumped on me and we hugged and I'm pretty sure she almost cried [I know I almost did. Haha.] And so it was fun to get to talk with everyone. David and I have to conference corner soon about various girl troubles and same for me and Anne Marie.
This is typical David and Nick. I love them.
Then me and Kaity had to rush off to our one true love...METCH THE BETCH!!!!![Our table at Caribou]! So we pull into Caribou and I just go "It's so good to be back Caribou!" And we went to see Metch. And then we ordered our drinks [they have Pumpkin Spice Lattes there now! But not as good as Starbucks] and Kaity got a vanilla light cooler. And we just sat at Metch. And discussed scandals and such. And then out of sheer luck, one of the ladies who was working at Caribou came over and was like "Umm do you guys want this pizza? We haven't eaten it and we don't want it." AND IT WAS HUNGRY HOWIE'S. WITH CHEESE BREAD. FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [my favorite!]!!!!!! So yeah. That was our sign from God welcoming us back to C-Bou.
US AT METCH THE BETCH! [I look demented here too. But whatev.]
Unfortunately I didn't have time to stop by to see Stephen but I did get to stop by Kyle's house really quick and see him. It was so perfect. We missed eachother. A lot. It was really great to see him. And it's really just so surreal to be home. Like I feel like I Just left yeseterday and yet, all my good times back home in New York seem like ages ago. But I can't really believe I'm here. It's a really weird feeling. But it's nice. It was nice to get so many hugs and so many smiles from familiar faces. But I can tell it's going to go by WAY too fast.
Me and Kaity went home and I talked to my mom for a while when she got home from rehearsal. It was nice. I really did miss her a lot. Tomorrow is going to be such a fun/crazy/hectic day. But I'm pumped! Natrually after that, I talked to Kyle and now I'm exhausted and ready for bed [I'm sleeping in until 8:30!!!]. Night all.
Girlssssssss at home: I miss you lovers. Have a good super long weekend. Don't too any REALLY fun stuff without me. I'll be back Monday in time for The Hills. Save me some Frozen Yogurt. Haha. Oh here's two really random pictures Kayla took. Loves it. I was interpreting the names of the Vitamin Waters.
Much Love.
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