
"Alright. Next fire drill we're all going down in negligées or naked."-Kayla, on getting to stay INSIDE during the fire drill.

Today's entry WILL be cut short [I swear it this time] due to an unexpected fire drill that just occurred about 3 minutes ago. So today in a nutshell. School = the usual. I had Professor Diyanni's class and it was really nice to see Rana and Elizabeth again. We talked about Paradise Lost which is so so good and everyone should read it. Though it's pretty challenging to read I must admit. Then I came back to the dorm, had Lucky Charms for breakfast and checked my email before heading off to work.

Jen had the day off [boo.] so it was just me and Diane packing orders today. We had 207 so that's quite a bit for a Tuesday. Then I had to make loads of boxes and do returns as well so I ended up working my full 5 hour shift. First 5 hour shift in like 3 weeks. It was long to say the least. But it was enjoyable. I love Chris and Diane. And Amanda. She wrapped up my new glasses for me! Yeah we just got in like 4 new colors of the Risky Biz sunglasses and I'm loving these ones [they're the Johnny's incase you wanna get some for yourself.]

When I got home from work I started to do my Writing homework for tomorrow and then went to dinner with Fabi, Susan, Lindsay and Kayla. They had mashed potatoes. Mmm! Then it was back upstairs to start Gulliver's Travels. So far it's not too bad. But it's not like spectacular either. I was planning on finishing Book I except for then we had that unexpected fire drill. It was sucky. It was cold. And we had to walk down 14 flights of stairs. Kayla got to stay inside because she was practically naked. Lucky her. But me and P. got to the front of the re-entrance line so we got the elevator first which was AWESOME. But now I"m off to work out and then call Kyle. Mom- I SWEAR I will call you tomorrow. Hopefully. I've just been pretty busy with work and school this week. Love and miss you all!

Much Love.

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