
"Why Paula? Why?!"-Me, on Paula Abdul's horrendous lip-syncing performance.

I've been completely distracted by the Superbowl and therefore have lost all track of time. AKA this is gonna be a short one. List style.

1. Woke up at 10:23
2. Checked my email and such
3. Had a nice long chat with my mom
4. Read and cut up my Seventeen
5. Kelly got into her sorority thingy. It was very exciting.
6. Had breakfast with Fabi and Lindsay
7. Did homework
8. Did more homework
9. Completed all my homework for this week
10. Looked up funny British slang words and talked to Fabi
11. Printed some stuff
12. Got some dinner
13. Watched the Superbowl

So yeah. It was a REALLY uninteresting day. Sorry about that. But tomorrow is sure to be packed since I have 3 classes and then work. And possibly Gossip Girls? Which reminds me, it's rumored that the Writer's Strike is nearly over! Yay new episodes soon!

No Superbowl Commercial will ever beat these.

Oh Britterz how I miss you!

And of course this one is a CLASSIC [I dedicate it to my dad].

Try to have a good Monday morning ya'll! And I'll see you next week!

Much Love.

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