So. Today was a very....dramatic day. I don't really want to go into all the details. But I'll give a brief run-down of everything. I woke up, decided not to wash my hair because I was exhausted and I wanted to review my presentation notes. Because you know, I had that presentation today for Latin American Studies. So I review my notes, have some breakfast and hurry out the door to Cultural Foundations. Well. I get about 3/4 of the way to class and realize. I DIDN'T PRINT MY PRESENTATION NOTES. I only printed my regular class notes. And of course I didn't email them to myself either. So it's 7:55 and I have to walk ALL THE WAY BACK TO THIRD NORTH. So by the time I get here, it's like 8:10. So I hurry up and email it to myself then run into Susan's room to print my notes and by the time all this is done it's 8:30. So I'm half hour late for class and I haven't even left yet. So I'm like "Okay...forget it. I can't go." So I email Professor Diyanni and tell him what happened and of course he's cool with it because he loves me. But seriously. I was like flipping out.
So I use the time that I should have been in class [my FAVORITE one too] to get ahead on more homework for next week. So I get my 2 chapters that are due Monday in Cultural Foundations done. So at least by then I feel a little...accomplished. At around 9:15 I left for LAS and I get there right on time and I'm sort of nervous because I hate public speaking but I try not to freak out too much. Professor Darenblum starts class and is all "Today we're going to be talking about the ABC countries, which are Argentina, Brazil and Chile, so now Jewlie is going to talk about Brazil and Chile." And I"m like "Wait....WHAT?! What about Argentina?" And she looks at me like I'm crazy. And I tell her "You assigned me chapters 27-29." And she goes "Oh...that was a comma not a dash." And I about busted a cap. I DID SO MUCH EXTRA WORK! And she tells me "I never would have done that because that would have been like 80 pages." And I say to her "Actually it was 77. And I did it." So of course she feels bad and I'm like "Whatever it's no big deal I'll just skip Argentina in my presentation." But of course on the inside I'm pissed. Luckily after class she calls me over and tells me she feels really bad and wants to give me extra credit. So yay me...?
Anyway. I walked home and worked on my Writing homework and some more Cultural Foundations homework and chatted with Fab. Then I took a brief nap and replied to all my emails and such. At 2:00 me and Susan went to get some lunch to go because they had Strawberry Frozen Yogurt! Mmmm! So we ate and chatted about various things that I can't recall because I'm pretty tired. Oh, actually I remember. We talked about the mysterious bags of candy that appeared in our rooms this morning. But apparently they're from Momma Ferguson [Kayla's mom].
We ran into Tina and she asked me and Susan to help her carry up our new sewing machines and various other things. And here's some pictures of the boxes. That only the three of us carried. All the way up from C2.

There was a yard stick in this box. Crazy right?!

All the boxes are in the closet. Along with my coats.

That's the wall updating I did yesterday. I think it looks fabulous.
And then me and Kelly and Fabi helped Tina bring up the tables for the sewing machines to go on. But we can't open them until we have our meeting with Dani [our faculty affiliate] because she knows how to put them together and such. So I came up and procrastinated by checking my actual mail and other various things for 2 hours [including calling my mom, sorry I yelled at you! And talking to Natalie!] and then I wrote my 100 word summary. Which really frusterated me. To almost the point of tears. But Fabi gave me some of the yummy peanut butter candy to make me feel happy again.

Me being all emo about my writing homework.

Fabi and her Mexican candy to the rescue!
After that I worked on more homework. Mostly I organized my schedule for getting everything done on time and such. Which made me feel a lot better. And then I started to read The Republic by Plato. Which I actually really enjoy. So I plan on finishing books I and II tonite after I update the blog. But then I needed a quick power nap so I set my alarm for 15 minutes later but it never went off because I got woken up. But it wasn't a bad thing really. See I woke up because I heard Tina crying. Yeah. Ricky [her stupid mean evil coniving jerk boyfriend] cheated on her. WITH A FRESHMAN. WHO LIVES IN OUR DORM. I know right?! RIGHT!? Seriously. And this girl KNEW that Ricky was dating Tina. Like really. WHAT IS THAT?! WHO DOES THAT?! So Kayla found out because this girls' roommate is in Kayla's studio so Kayla told Tina and it all went downhill from there. But the thing is, Tina was producing Ricky's movie. Like she DROPPED A CLASS so she would have more time to produce this movie. So duh. She's not producing it anymore. So Ricky doesn't have a producer. And she made a few phone calls, and he also doesn't have a camera man, casting director, space to film, space to rehearse and no crew thanks to Tina. Yeah. Bobobebes are going DOWN. So of course we all tried to help Tina but she's really just angry right now. But we did get to go downstairs and kick Ricky out of Third North. She wanted him to leave because he wanted to "talk with Tina about it" but she just wanted him gone. So me, Sarah, Kayla, Susan and Kelly all went down to the courtyard and Kayla looks at Ricky [who was on the phone with his MOM. Pathetic.] and says "Tina would like you to leave?" And Ricky says "What are you going to do? Kick me out?" And Kayla says to him, "No, I'll just call public saftey." And he's like "Seriously?" And Kayla goes, "Yes." So Ricky gets up and leaves and we followed him all the way out of the building until he was gone.
So yes. That was the scandals of the day. In other news, I'm really tired. School is starting to wear on me. And it's hard keeping up with all my homework. But luckily Angie is coming in a few days and we're going to the MoMA and to China Town and various other fun things and then it's only a matter of days before I get to come home and see Kaity and my Kyle! So yes. I'm off to finish books I and II of The Republic and then call Kyle.
Oh. And I didn't get any mail today. Boo.
Much Love.