Then we went back upstairs and I was just being my usual lethargic self, not really doing anything in particular. I called my dad so I could procrastinate from doing homework and we talked for a good hour. Then P. came upstairs and told me that Tina's giant Marie Antoinette poster was downstairs near the trash pile. So we went down to get it because duh. We wanted it. It's like from the original movie premiere and such! So we hauled it upstairs and then we discovered why it had been thrown out. SOMEONE [aka someone from the 13th floor] had given Kirsten Dunst a MUSTACHE AND BEARD. Like...really people? Come on. Tina LOVED that poster and it's irreplaceable [to the left to the left]. So cut off the bottom part of the poster where it says "Marie Antoinette directed by Sofia Coppola" and then I went down to Tina's room to ask her about it. But she wasn't there so I left her a note on her message board. I continued to do my homework and then Tina came up and told me that she woke up and the poster was like that. She looked really upset. It was sad. I felt really bad for her.
So then me and Lindsay and P. decied to walk to Borders. Even though it was raining. And was like 20 something blocks away. But whatev. It was nice to get outside and just walk around. So we got to borders and I looked around and to my excitement discovered that Mary-Kate was on the cover of Harper's Bazarr! And I found the new issue of Nylon that just hit the stands so that was really exciting. I grabbed both of those and headed up the CD/DVD department. I was looking for Funny Face but they didnt' have it. Boo.
And then I get a text message from Fabiola. "Somebody jumped from u hall!" Today a freshman from NYU who lives at University Hall [3 blocks from where I live] jumped off the roof and comitted suicide. I don't know if you realize how terrifying that is. I mean. U-Hall is on Third and 14th street near Union Square. That is a REALLY busy area. And I can guarantee you that people were on the street when that boy jumped. Like what if you were on the street and saw that happen? What if you were that boy's roommate? Or his RA? Or his parents? He jumped from a 14 story building. And died. On purpose. In the middle of the day in the rain. And the RAs expect there will be 2-3 more in the next couple weeks. They call it the "ripple effect". That's all I really want to say about that now.
So I sort of didn't feel like shopping anymore so I grabbed my magazines and the cds I got and me and Lindsay and P. left to walk home. Luckily it wasn't raining anymore. It was a much faster walk home. And it's really nice down there [Grammercy Park area]. And on the way home we ran into these stones near the Stueyvesant Park area [because it's in the Peter section]

So that was cool! And then when we got home I checked my mail [nothing] and headed upstairs. Tina and Melis were there discussing Tina and Ricky's movie. And so I worked on the rest of my homework and then I took a nap, but my mom called and it woke me up so we chatted for a while. Then I grabbed some dinner [more pita and hummus!] and worked on my homework some more. Then Kaity called but I had to call her back after I finished my homework. So I finshed it [finally] and called her back and she told me her scandals about Crazy Lady and they were HILARIOUS. You have no idea. She's really crazy. But our conversation got cut short because she got to Memer's. So then I swiffered the whole house [minus one part of the common room which Kayla did] and then I put some tunes on and talked to Sophie for a while.
I started to label the models/celebs in my books because now I have P.'s amazing model knowledge to help me identify like...everyone. Ever. And I waited for Kyle to call me back. Which he did eventually and we talked for a while. And now I"m going to go to bed because it's been a tiring day.
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