I made record time to Social Foundations today. 7/10 of a mile in 12 minutes. That's pretty dang fast! So I got there and it was like 7:50 and the class was trickling in and around 8:10 we're all looking around wondering if the class was canceled again. And the girl who looks like Vanessa Hudgens looks and me an goes "Okay. If he's not here by 8:20 we're going to Starbucks." But then he showed up. And talked. And talked. And talked. And his voice makes me want to go to sleep. Like no joke, I was doing that whole blinky eye thing and then squinting because my eyes would just not stay open! So yeah. I mean the material is interesting but the Professor Oliver is SO boring! Anyway so then I went to Writing I [my favoritest class in the world!] and it was amazing. As per usual. I love it. I feel so at home in that class.
Here's a picture P. took on the way to the Gottex show. I love this!

Then I made a trip to Starbucks or *$ as Tina told me they used to call it in texts or aim when she lived in Texas. Haha. I got my tall non-fat latte and then headed home. And when I was walking home I was in such a good mood. Do you ever have those moments where you're just listening to your music and taking a walk and you feel so happy and good and its like your life is a music video? ...Okay probably not. But that's how I felt.
So I got home and chatted with Susan for a while [because I love her. Duh.] and then she went to class and I started to work on my Cultural Foundations homework. And to my surprise Tina came up! I love Tina. She brought us two books full of cool sewing projects! And we chatted about certain house issues and tomorrow's Betch Smackdown [The Floor Meeting where, to quote 10 Things I Hate About You "The shit hath hiteth the fan...eth.] And I just enjoyed her company. We talked about Starbucks and Think Coffee and C-Bou [I MISS METCH!] and bonded because I love her. And then she came up again later and brought me a pair of pants she didn't want anymore [they're so cute! And from Express!] and a pink sweater with beading on it! And some magazines she didn't want anymore. So as if Tina wasnt' already my favorite person ever I look in cupboard later in the evening and there's a new box of Hello Kitty Fruitsnacks in there. And I know they're from her because when she came up earlier she goes "So. I heard about the granola bar incident. Poor Hello Kitty! Who would steal her!?" And then they magically appeared later and Kayla, Susan and Lindsay didn't replace them. So we concluded it was Tina. She's so cute and sweet, I have no idea why the girls on the 13th floor hate her.

So then me and Susan went to lunch and I overate and then had a stomach ache and it was sucky. But the food was tasty [BITS!] So we came upstairs and looked at magazines and I worked on Latin American Studies. And then the girls went down to dinner and I worked on more Latin American Studies. And then I went down to check my mail again and I got a package! It didn't have a card or anything but I guarantee it was from my mom. It's for celebrating National Talk Like A Pirate Day! And it has a bunch of cool Pirate stuff in it. Which was exciting. And then I met Fabiola's boyfriend via web cam and talked to Kyle an Curt and listened to Coldplay. And sitting with Kayla. She's so flipping hilarious. I love her. But now I'm off to bed.
Much Love.
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