After I finished my reading I ate the rest of my lunch that I had brought up earlier and I talked to Susan about going to the Relient K concert because I REALLY want to go. Then after more procrastination I decided I should probably work on my writing homework. So I read the short stories [I actually really enjoyed them a lot] and then wrote my paper and used Fabi's printer to print it out. By then I was ready for another break so I called my mom and we talked for a long time and looked at Winter coats online and picked out a really cute one from Delias. Me and Kayla chatted for a while and then I decided that instead of working on the rest of my reading I would procrastinate even MORE and this is what I did.

Then I checked my mailbox again and I had a package from my mom! It was my good headphones and some tea and these really cute post-it note thingys. Very exciting! I just love getting mail! Then me, Kayla, Fabi, Kelly and P. went to get some dinner. This is the first time I've eaten two meals from the cafeteria. I was so flipping full I thought I was going to die. Seriously. I was in so much pain. That's the last time I ever do that again. Then I did more of my reading for Latin American Studies. And surprisingly I finished what I wanted to finish.
Then...okay people. Sit down for this one. I GOT ACCEPTED TO TEEN VOGUE FASHION UNIVERSITY! Holy mother of God! THIS IS THE FLIPPING COOLEST THING EVER! No. Seriously. It really is. Like I was freaking out. I went into Kayla's room and I looked at her and I was like "Kayla." And she goes, "You got the email." And I was like "I GOT IN!!!!!" And then we were screaming and jumping up and down and then Fabi and Susan and Lindsay and P. came in and we were all screaming and jumping and it was crazy but I was so happy they were all excited for me. So. In case you don't know what Teen Vogue Fashion University is you can check it out at But anyway. It's this program at Teen Vogue for a Friday, Saturday and Sunday in October and I get to go to a Locksley concert and the Target Go International fashion show. And then I get to take courses with....TIM GUNN AND VERA WANG! And I get to do a discussion group with the editors at Teen Vogue AND take a tour of THE CLOSET and all of Teen Vogue and learn how it's created and how everyone got to work there and we get free Dooney and Bourke bags filled with exciting stuff AND there's a party on the Saturday night at the Tribecca Cinema and it's Tiffany's themed and it's like a "mock"-tail and the drinks are Tiffany's Blue colored and then they're having a screening of Seamless which is a documentary on 10 fashion designers and basically it's going to be amazing! And then I get to have a mini Fashion U. graduation! But yes. I'm so excited. Most of you know that I applied for this [with pretty much no hope of getting in because they only take about 200 girls in the WORLD] wayyyyy back in June. And I've been consistently checking my email in hopes of hearing back and oh my goodness I can't believe I'm in! Seriously. SKDLKDSF SO amazing!
Then me and the girls gathered into Fab's room and we watched Fashion Rocks. Very disapointing. Not nearly as good as last year. And I hated like all the performances. Except Avril...what? She actually did pretty good. And Mary J. Blige and Usher were fantastic. Usher is a great dancer. AND THENNNNNNNN. I got a call from the lovely Miss Katie Carter and she said she was in the area so she stopped by and it was SO great to see her. I love my big sis! And we chatted about New York and Teen Vogue Fashion U. and all sorts of things and then she met Kayla [and loved her] and invited us to a party next week. AND THEN [I know I could it get any MORE exciting?!] she was like "Yeah well I'm getting a two bedroom apartment in the Union Square/Astor Place area for school next year and....I'm looking for a roommate. In case you're interested. You could just stay for the school year or for the summer if you wanted to and it'd only be like $1000 a month-ish." UHMMMM DUH. So yes. Mom-we'll be having a discussion about this soon. OH. And I got my winter coat today from Delias [well Mom ordered it for me] it's red plaid and long-ish and it has a funnel neck. I'm in love with it.
So anyway. Now I'm off to bed because I have homework to do tomorrow and we're getting our makeovers! EEEE! I love it here. So much excitement.
Much Love.
1 comment:
I remember when you were telling me you were applying!
That is SO COOL! Jewlie- you're so cool! haha wow
I'm so excited for you. That is AWESEOME. That is way sweet.
Oh my God. Yayyy!!!
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