We took the metro [and saw Chris giving some old lady directions on his way into work at Ricky's on the way]. And once again, it was a virtually non-sketch experience. Except for this lady that asked me if we were at the L Train station like 90 million times. But she was only sketch because she had those crazy magnified glasses like Professor Trelawney in HP. So we took the L to the G and then we were in Brooklyn. And it didn't take long at all, maybe 20 minutes. But on the way Susan goes "Wait....we're taking the L to the G train?" and I was like "...yeah" and she was like "Don't you remember what Tina said?" and I was like "....no" and she was like "Yeah. Tina told us if someone was giving us directions to their house and you had to take the L train to the G train not to go because it was really sketch." And then I was like "Oohhhhh. Yeah.....oops." Haha. But Brooklyn wasn't TOO sketch. Although we probably only saw like 3 cars and maybe 20 people max the whole time we were there. It was crazy. It was like an abandoned ghost town. And everything was in Polish because apparently we were in the Polish neighborhood. Actually. Brooklyn reminded me a lot of Pontiac. Except not so 8 Mile-y. But anyway.
So we got to the Fred Flare Warehouse and it was pretty funny because you wouldn't even know it was there if you weren't looking for it. It's just like a giant wall of brick. So the door was open and me and Susan just sort of...walked in. Haha. And it was like a giant room with a bunch of little cubicles in it and nobody really noticed we walked in. So we awkwardly stood there for like....5 minutes. And then I was like "...Helloooo?" And Keith pops out from a cubicle and is like "HI! Are you picking up an order?" And I was like "Yessss." And he was like "Okay, what's your last name." So I told him and he went to get my order and he comes back and goes "Wait. Are you THE Jewlie? The one that comments on the blog?" And I was like "....Yes?" And he turns around and goes "EVERYONE. This is JEWLIE the one that comments on the blog all the time." Like. I'm not even kidding you. That really happened. Those are like direct quotes. It was probably the funniest/most awesome moment of my life. And so we got to chat for a while about the city and school and such and he was so funny and so nice. I basically love him. So then of course I'm like "This is going to sound really awkward but...can I get a picture with you?" And he was like "OF COURSE!" And Julie [a girl who works there/writes in the blog] is like "I can take the picture!" And I was like "You can be in it...if you want." And so Susan took the picture for us and it was so cute because Keith goes "It's a Jewlie/Julie Sandwich!" And then he gave me some free stuff because apparently he loves me. So now I have to go back soon. Because I didn't get to meet Chris.
Me, Keith and Julie!
My super cute ring that Keith gave me.
The Camera ring I bought. So cute!
They're so cute I could just eat them up!
The necklace I bought. I'm seriously in love with it.
The key fits in the heart. How cute!
The free CD I got. It's The Kung Fu Girls. They're fabulous. I'm like obsessed. And I'm seeing them at the Knitting Factory in October.
Going to Fred Flare was "totes" fun! It made my day!
So then me and Susan left Brooklyn and when we got home we pretty much did nothing. For a long time. Haha. We just like talked with Tina and got some REALLY yummy lunch. And I called my Daddy to wish him a Happy Birthday! And I got my package from last night. It was super cute houndstooth flats from Delias! So I called mom to tell her thank you and that I got them and all about my scandals at Fred Flare.
Then I went to check the FF blog and what do I find?! A mentioning of moi from Keith! Here's a link to the entry [http://www1.fredflare.com/blog/?p=1409] but I hightly recommend you read the blog from these cuties everyday! So fun! After that I complained about my homework so more and didn't do it...some more. Haha. And I talked to my bestest betch for a while. Which was fabulous. And then I took a nice long nap. Which made me feel really good. After my nap I decided it was time to crack down on the LAS homework. So I read 95 pages today and plan to read the other 100 tomorrow. So go me. And my paper is finished. So yay me! Then [this is so exciting!] Kayla's mom and her grandma came up because they were in town to see Kayla. I love them. Her mom was like "Jewlie. You HAVE to come to Virginia Beach sometime. Soon. When do you want to come?" Haha. And I was like "Whenever. That'd be so fun!" And her mom is just the sweetest mom. And her grandma. Let's just say my grandma and her's would get along fabulous. Kayla's grandma is like really eccentric and she was so funny and I loved her! And she's a really sharp dresser too.
Then me and mom did some more online shopping together at Delia's and I checked my mail and ANOTHER package from Delia's came. And it was more shoes! This time a cute black and white star patterened pair of flats. Loves it! Then after some last minute clearence shopping with mom, I watched John Tucker Must Die with Susan, P., Kayla, Dylan, Sophie, Lindsay, Fabi and Tina. It was really fun for just us girls to hang out. Plus that movie is hilarious.
After the movie I decided I wanted to do some crunches, so me and Kayla and Sophie got our yoga mats out and worked out for a while and then I put Spice Girls on and me and Susan were dancing and the neighbor boys saw us and they were dancing around making fun of us and it was SO funny/embarassing. Plus it'll be funny because we're having our Laundry Mixer with them on Sunday night. Yeah. Our Mixer is that we're going to do laundry together with the boys from the 13th and 14th floors in the North Tower....yeah I really have no idea whose idea that was. But it'll be fun!
After that I talked to Kaity and Natalie after the Cartel concert and I talked to Kyle for a while. Hopefully I'll get to talk to Brittany soon because it's been a while and I miss her dearly! But anyway. Today was MUCH better and sorry for the emo post yesterday. Love to everyone. Send me letters!
Much Love.
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