Anyway. So I got up this morning, took a shower, got dressed, but I didn't have time for coffee because I had to leave at 7:30 because my classes on Mondays and Wednesdays are a half hour walk from the dorm. So I'm running on 5 and a half hours of sleep AND NO CAFFEINE at this point [anyone who knows me also knows that this is like physically and mentally impossible for me] and I get to my class and oh. I discover I do not like my proffessor AT ALL [for Social Foundations]. He's really boring, takes like 45 minutes to go over the syllabus [at that point in time I didnt' even NEED it anymore because he'd gone over it so thoroughly] and then instead of letting us out early [like I had hoped so I would have time between classes to run to get coffee at Starbucks] he goes, "Now I think I'll cover the brief history of greek philosophers"....wait....WHAT? So then I have to pay really close attention and scribble down some notes on some stuff that I have no idea about and he lets us out 3 minutes LATE. But I'm like "Okay. I freaking NEED coffee and I have nearly 15 minutes. I can probably make it." Wrong. By the time I even get out of the building it's 9:20 and I have to be in my seat at 9:30 but I'm like "I have to get coffee." So I practically run to Think Coffee and the line isn't that long. So I order a latte and what happens. Oh. The guy takes like 80 million hours to make my drink. I'm like practically in tears because by the time he hands me my drink it's 9:29! NOT OKAY! So I'm speed walking like no other down the street to try to get to my class on time and I have to take the stairs because it's only on the 2nd floor and that's like the elevator law at NYU and so I'm late to my class by like 5 minutes and am the last of only 13 other students in my class to arrive.
Luckily my Writing I proffessor is like amazing. I love her. And the class. And that it's as small as my AP Lit class. It feels just like home. Except the proffessor is like 80 million times cooler than Mahler ever was. And in my Writing class we had to read an essay and then discuss it in a small group. I kid you not, one of the guys in my group was from GROSSE POINT. Like...WHAT? He actually knew where flipping Clarkston was! And he seemed really smart and cool [his name is Brandon for the record]. And there other people in my group were cool too. And we have no midterm or final in that class. Only 3 papers. So that's fantastic. And the proffessor was like "Yeah...if you can't get all your assignments in it's not that big of a deal. I'll make note of it but I understand that the people here are like shoving massive loads of reading down your throats. I'm not like that. We don't even have books to read. We'll just read short stories and essays. I want quality not quantity." I was like "Are you joking me? This is fabulous!" And our last day of class is December 10th. Which is like nearly 2 weeks before the semester is over. And she was like "Yeah. We won't meet after that. So we're like...done kind of early. Just so you know." So that's fantastic as well. But I just feel really good about this class. Like it will probably be my favorite. Which is great. Because I needed a little positivity in this day.
So I got home and talked to Susan about the loudness/lights on in the room fiasco from last night and she was like "No Jewlie. You're not asking anything out of the ordinary. It's totally cool. Don't worry about it." So I'm not going to stress myself out over talking to the girls about it. And then I went back in my room organized my schedule and started to work on my homework. Which by the way for Social Foundations the proffessor assigned us AN ENTIRE BOOK TO BE READ BY MONDAY. Yeah. At least I have a while to read it but still. That is like out of control. And then I called my mom and talked to her about my scandals and such.
Me and Susan had lunch together in the cafeteria in our dorm. It was pretty good actually. I had a salad and some frozen yogurt and a piece of bread. And then Susan had to go to class but I stuck around and hung out with Kayla while she ate. Then we checked our mailboxes and I finally got my package from Auntie Sandy! I was really excited to get it. I was dancing around singing "Package! Package! Yeah I got my packageeeeeeee!". It was quite humorous. Anyway. She sent me this really cute hot pink pen that flashes purple lights and a Strawberry Shortcake notebook. Trés cute! And then I headed up stairs to continue working on my homework. Ew.
I worked on my homework for a while and then I took a nap. Because of my lack of sleep last night. And because reading for an extensive period of time makes me exhausted. But then Kelly, Kayla and Sophie woke me up to go vintage shopping! We hit lots of really cool stores. But the best one was this cute little shop called AuH2O. It's run by this girl named Kate Goldwater [get it?! AuH2O?] and she just graduated from NYU last year from Gallatin! So she chatted with us and was like "Yeah...I'm always look for model so if you want to give me your email address...and I'm having a fashion show on Sunday if you wanted to come I could send you the details." I was like "wait...WHAT?" That's fabulous! And there was THE CUTEST dress I have EVER seen. Seriously. I wanted it so bad. But it was too much money. Lame. But anyway. We actually can't go to her show on Sunday because we're already going to the Reem Acra show but it was nice of her to invite us. And now we have to cool connections.

This is one of the cool stores we went to. Kaity would love it.

This amazing dress that Kate Goldwater made out of Metrocards. So cute!
Then I headed back while the other girls went to Urban Outfitters and I talked to Lindsay in the kitchen really quick and then went back to homework. Gross. Oh and Natalie is already working on her SECOND letter to me and so is Kaity. So you all best get your acts together. I know Amanda is going to send me one any day now too. And poor Anne Marie, I think the letter she wrote me got lost in the mail. But yes. Send me love people!

That's a picture of me in the kitchen cupboard. I'm also on the phone with Kaity in this picture.
So I worked on my homework until I finished all my Social Foundations homework for Monday [I had to read Theogony and Works and Days by Hesiod]. So now all I have to do this weekend [and by weekend I mean tomorrow through Monday] is my Writing I assignment [should take about 2 hours] and then Genesis chapters 12-36 [another 2 hours with notes] and then 176 pages for LAS [that sucks hardcore and will probably take me at least 6 or 7 hours with notes...maybe more]. But at least I have 5 days to do the LAS. And I have Mike to help me so that's fantastic. After I finished my homework I discussed with Fab what we are going to wear to the Gottex show tomorrow. Downstairs Lindsey says we can dress casual but to arrive early. We're all super pumped! And now I'm off to bed since I have class in the morning. But then it's weekend and I have so many things to look forward to. Night all!
Much Love.
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