This is where I'll be in one week. I MISS YOU METCH THE BETCH! And Kaity my bestest betch.
Today was a horrible day. I'm really stressed out from homework and my paper still sucks. A lot. But I'm dealing with it. Sort of. Basically I spontaneously broke down and cried 3 times today. No good. Tina and Kayla are really worried about me. But they're taking care of me. And Tina brought me up some Chinese food. Yum! So yay for for. But there was a bit of a scandal. Tina came up here with...RICKY. Dun dun dun dun [that's a me and Kaity noise.] So...don't know what's going on there. I think they're talking things out. But hopefully NOT getting back together. And then the girl who cheated with Ricky came up here to confront Kayla about telling Tina. But I haven't talked to Kayla about it yet so more updates on that tomorrow. It was ANTM night. Victoria is still my favorite. And Kaity's favorite. AND David's favorite. David called me tonite. I love him for calling me. And we talked and he calmed me down and I helped him pick out which senior pictures to get. He's so gorgeous. It's insane. And we talked about ANTM which was awesome. And we talked about how we're going to hang out next Sunday or maybe Saturday during the day. So yes. I'm talking to Kyle but I'm heading off to bed because I've had a terrible day and I need some sleep.
Much Love.
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