My first clas for today got canceled which is why I worked on homework this morning so I just went straight to Writing I. I actually really love that class. My teacher is so nice and so understanding that I literally wanted to ask her if I could just hug her because she was being so chill about everything. So we did an in class write [it wasn't graded or anything but it was interesting and pretty easy] and then we discussed the two memoirs that we had to write our paper on. And it was cool because I really loved the pieces we read. We have to revise our papers for Wednesday's class so I'll have to go down to the computer lab tomorrow probably.
So then I walked home and listened to my iPod which always helps me pass the time and I stopped in Barnes and Nobles because it's like 3 blocks from where we live and I wanted to see if they had the paperback version of Twilight because I really want it and Susan wants to read it as well. They had it, but I didnt' buy it and I didn't really look around much because it was really empty and I felt awkward.
Once I got home I immediately started to work on typing up my notes for Latin American Studies. Let me just say this now. I started working on it around 12:00 and I just printed them about an hour ago. No, I'm not joking. Seriously I thought I was going to kill myself. I worked on those stupid notes that whole time except for the 40 minutes I took to eat lunch with Kayla and the hour I took to go with the girls to Chipotle for dinner. And I mean there were some random like 10 minute breaks to refill my water bottle or check my email really quick but seriously. It took me like 5 or 6 hours to do that. And we have even more pages to do for next week's class. I seriously was sitting at the table in the living room and I just felt so overwhelmed and I just broke down. I feel like I'm so on top of all my other classes but this one is just like eating me alive. There's just so much work I don't understand! And I work on it a lot. Like tonite I was supposed to go see Spiderman 3 in the Cantor Film Center for only $2.00 and then go to Battle of the Bands at Virgin, but no. I couldn't go. Because I hadn't finished those stupid notes!
So yes. I went out to Chipotle with Fabi, Kayla, Susan, Kelly and Juliana [she's back from Orlando...yay!] and I checked my mailbox on the way out and I got my letter from Nata-Lee-Ah! I was so excited! She decorated the envelope and then there were pictures on the inside of all our favorite celebs! And I got a letter from my mom with cool HSM temporary tattoos! So that made my day a little better.

But when I got home from going out with the girls I went upstairs to email my notes to myself so I could go down and print them off in the computer lab so I go all the way down there and what happens....THE STUPID MACS IN THE STUPID COMPUTER LAB DON'T HAVE THE STUPID PROGRAM I USED ON MY MAC TO DO ALL MY NOTES! So I'm like wait...are you joking me right now?! Like is this seriously happening?! When I opened the file it looked like this: "LSKDFJSDf;%&^&*)SDKSDF//:" Because it didn't recognize the program. BUT BOTH COMPUTERS WERE MACS! So I'm like near tears because I've just spent literally HOURS doing these notes and they won't print. But luckily Susan let me use her printer to print them out because she's amazing and loves me. So thank God for that. But I don't know what I'm supposed to do! I feel bad if I use Susan's printer all year. OH. And that's the other thing. I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to buy Microsoft Word for my Mac. Because I need it like everyday for my Writing I class and so far I've used Kelly's but I can't really make a daily thing out of it. And yeah. It's like a $120.00. I NEED MY MONEY! I'm a poor college student! I can't drop $120.00 on Microsoft Word! But I really don't have a choice. So I'll have to do that this weekend.

This is how I feel about "The Epic of Latin America"
In other news. As I'm sure you can tell I'm SUPER overwhelmed [THANK YOU LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES] and basically I had the worst day ever and just want to cry and quit school. But I will prevail. Hopefully. So yes. Now I'm going to watch The Hills with Susan and Lindsay [which will make my day a little better as well because I love them. And I love The Hills] and then I'm going straight to bed because I just want to be done with this day.
Sorry for being so negative. It's just hard to have a bad day in a place where no one really understands you yet.
Much Love.
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