So I headed home and checked my mail...nothing today. And I had a bunch of emails from my mom and they were HIGHLY amusing. Seriously I was laughing so hard! I miss her. So then I worked on my homework and chatted with Lindsay about my complicated boy life from back home and we talked about all our hometown traditions which was fun. And then we worked on homework some more. And I took a 15 minute power nap which was super helpful and then me, Lindsay, Susan and Fab went down to have some lunch. The tofu was SO good today! Seriously. Mmmm! And we talked about certain people and how things were gonna go down tonite and Susan goes "Yeah. Those little bebebobos!" And it was SO flipping hilarious. We were all like crying in the cafeteria. And Kaity sent me a text that was like "Is the meeting tonite?" And I was like "Yeah." And goes "Bobobebes are going down!" And we all laughed really hard about that too!
Then I headed back upstairs and did a bunch more reading and talked to Fab for a while. And I figured out who the package was from! It was from Mom Alty! Which totally makes more sense. So thanks Mom! And then after I did some more reading I called Stephen and we chatted for like 2 hours and it was really nice because I haven't talked to him in a while and I missed him. If he doesn't get a date to prom he's taking me. Which would be fun to be with Brittany and Kaity and David and everyone! So yeah. OH. While I was on the phone with Stephen I was leaning back in my chair and I thought the wall was behind me and it wasn't and I fell backwards on my arm and it hurts REALLY bad. Haha. Kayla thinks I might have sprained it. So I put some ice on it and I'm taking it easy. But it was really funny in a "Wow I'm a total retard" kind of way.
So then I went to dinner with Fab and we just got it to go that way I could grab some frozen yogurt for the meeting that will go down in history. Haha. And so I just sort of hung out with P., Susan, Fabi and Kayla until the meeting. But we found out Adam Brody is filming a movie in Queens on September 27th and 28th so me and Lindsay are going down to where they're filming to see if we can see him!
OH. And last night right when I was going to go to bed, Kelly asked me about what happened with the 13th floor girls and Tina and I told her and then Kayla came in and the three of us were talking and Tina came up to talk with us and Fab and she told us that because of the 13th floor girls, there won't be a fashion exploration floor next year [even though this was the FIRST year!] and that we might cease to be an exploration floor this year! So yeah. We all came to the conclusion that were PISSED about that. Seriously. I can't believe the 13th floor girls might ruin this for us! So then we took a field trip at like 12:30 to visit what I like to call "The Ghetto". Seriously. The 13th floor is so nasty and gross and I'm SO happy we don't live down there. Seriously. Some day I'll take pictures because it's AWFUL. But we got to see Tina's room [which is really cool] and her bunny! But yeah. 13th floor....LSDLKSDF. Not okay.
So yeah. At 9:30 all the girls from the 13th floor showed up for the meeting and it got started. I'm not even going to go over like anything that happened because bobobebe's did NOT go down and it wasn't scadalous at all. There were some shifty eyes and some girls were acting pretty sketch...but that's it. No one got busted. No one confessed. Everyone pretty much pretended like they had no idea what was going on. Which pisses me off like you have no idea. So basically...yeah. But Lindsay bought us cookies! Yay Lindsay! And Tina is having this contest where we all got in groups of 5 with girls from the other floor and Tina gave us an extra large white t-shirt and $20.00 and said in a week there would be a panel of 5 judges and whoever's group had the best t-shirt/dress/skirt/whatever you made out of the t-shirt would win an awesome prize! So that should be fun. Plus it'll give me a chance to get to know some of the 13th floor girls a little better.
Tomorrow morning I'm teaching Susan how to do ballet at 8:30 and then Tina and me are going to this NYU garage sale thing to get a table for the sewing machines we're getting for the 13th floor. And on Sunday Tina has to be on patrol [meaning she has to stay in the building ALL day] so she said we could come down to her room and she'd cut our hair or dye it or give us highlights! So that's exciting. I don't know what I'll have Tina do but it'll be entertaining. I'll just see what she thinks.
Oh and I started decorating my little area in the common room with magazines and such [sorry that's the only picture today! It just wasn't that eventful]. I hardly got to talk to Kyle today and I've been having sort of an off-evening. And there isn't really anyone to talk to about it at this hour [it's midnight]. Yeah. Tonite...I don't know. I'm just missing people and such. And thinking. A lot of thinking. But tomorrow will be better I'm sure.

Much Love.
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