So I went to class and had a fabulous time in Professor Diyanni's class. The man should seriously consider being a stand up comedian...on The Odyssey? Haha. But yeah. We discussed Odyseuss and Penelope and Telemachus and all those great people. And it was fun. But I was really tired [too much sleep maybe?] so I rushed over to *$ as Tina would text it and the line moved really fast so I got my standard [come on people, you know this by now] and headed over to boring Latin American Studies. So I get there and me and Lauren [who oddly enough looks exactly like Lauren Frank] discussed last night's episode of Gossip Girls and then it was like 5 minutes after class should have started and Professor Darenblum wasn't there and neither was Duda [KSDJFLSDF]. So Lauren goes "Okay. We're leaving. She's not coming. Someone use the wi-fi to check their email." And sure enough. Class had been canceled. I kid you not, everyone gets up and is like "WOOOOOOO!" and we all rush the elevator. Because 1: the class is seriously SO boring and 2: it's the WEEKEND! So me and Lauren are practically skipping through the city singing about how our class got cancled and we wouldn't have to see stupid Duda.
Then I was talking to my mom on the phone and all of a sudden I pass this random guy looking down a gutter and I hear this meowing sound. So I'm all freaked out because clearly there's a cat stuck under the road! So this girl in front of me sort of stops and so I stop too and we're looking down there where the guy is standing listening for the cat and then the girl asks the man if there's a cat stuck down there and we look up and the guy looks at us and meows. That random apparently crazy/homeless man was meowing. Like trying to luer people closer to him and I know that doesn't sound that bad but it was SO freaking scary. The girl looked at me like she was really freaked out and we walked away quicky and she was like "Oh my good. That was so creepy." And I was like "I don't even know you but I'm so glad you were there when that just happened because that's how people get kidnapped and raped." And she was like "Yeah...that was really really scary." So yeah. That was my homeless guy story for the week. Not a good one like last week's Alicia Keys guy. I miss him. Haha.
So I got home and ate some chocolate cake that Tina had brought me like a week ago. Yeah. I am in college and I ate chocolate cake for breakfast. And then I read The Way I See It on my Starbucks. And found it hilarious so I'm sharing it with you all.

The Way I See It #225
"People don't read enough. And what reading we do is cursory, without absorbing the subtleties and nuances that lie deep within-Wow, you've stopped paying attention, haven't you? People can't even read a coffee cup without drifting off." -David Shore [Creator and executive producer of the television drama House.]
I found that brilliant and highly amusing. Because I HAD stopped paying attention. Ohhh the ironies of reading Starbucks cups. So after I finished my Starbucks I listened to Operator Please because I was in THAT good of a mood and just like....let loose. It was awesome [Did you have an AWESOME time at your AWESOME party? Did you drink AWESOME shooters and just sit around and soak up eachothers AWESOMENESS?] By the way. Usually if something like that shows up in my blog it's a quote from something. And I quote it because I think it's funny and it's whatever just popped into my head. So yeah. That explains that.
Then I decided it was time to crack down on that stupid Writing I paper. So I worked on the introduction and it's totally way better. And I rearranged a few things and I think it works now. So I forwarded that to Noel, this girl who's going to edit it for me for next week. And then I ate some of the chinese food Tina left me with Juliana and I told her all about Michigan and how we basically have nothing cool except the great lakes. And Mackinac. Which interested her. Surprisingly. After that I started my draft of my Cultural Foundations paper which is due Monday. I'm writing it on how basically everything in the book of genesis is completely unrealistic except for dreams, which are only realistic because they can't be proved or disproved. Yeah. It's actually really really boring. And long. And completely unnecessary. But I'm sort of at the point where I'm like "Okay it's a first draft, and I'm basically killing myself over my workload....so I don't really care." Because I seriously had like another mini-meltdown over my paper today. But I talked to my mom and she made it all better.
So I continuously worked on my paper from like 6:00-9:00 except for when Stephen called. And then Kaity called. And then Angie called. So I got kind of distracted. But I was happy everyone called. Especially Stephen since he never calls me anymore. But he got into Western and I'm so so proud of him! Now he's just waiting to hear from Central. But I'm sure he'll get in. He's a pretty smart guy. So then me and Kaity chatted about her scandals. Girrrrrrl let's just say next Saturday should be interesting to say the least. Then I talked to Angie, she caught an earlier bus so she should be arriving around 10:00 tomorrow morning! And we talked about our plans to go to MoMA [she's never been!] and shopping in Chinatown and Soho and it should just be a really fun and relaxing weekend. Then I got a surprise phone call from Mom [I know! ANOTHER call!] and we chatted about some of my scandals about next week but I'm excited to go to Pizza Fridays. I miss Pizza Fridays. And Mom! And Pookie and the boys. And I miss Sam. A lot. But she'll be home so hopefully we'll get to do something.
After I got done talking to Mom I put the finishing touches on the conclusion for my Cultural Foundations paper and then went downstairs to check my mail. And I got a package from my mom! It was this really cute hat and a t-shirt. And there was a picture of a pug dog on the envelope. So cute! So now I'm going to drink so tea and call Sam and Kyle and then go to bed early. Because frankly, I'm exhausted and stressed and that doesn't make for a happy healthy Jewlie. Plus everyone in the house thinks I'm crazy and going to jump off the roof. No good.
Much Love.
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