So we went to Central Park:
And there was this really cool Alice in Wonderland monument. But we didn't see the Balto one. Next time perhaps.
Me, Lindsay and Fab in front of The Pond. Yes it's really called that.
We had breakfast there.
Yay Central Park! Some British guy took this picture of us and after he was done he goes "Righty-o!" It made my day.
Then we decided to shop down 5th Avenue. SO MUCH FUN!
Me and Fab in front of the fountain in front of The Plaza.
Then we went to FAO Schwartz. Holy mother of God! It was AH-MAZING! Seriously. I want to live there.
"OH NO! It's a Horn-Tailed Dragon!"
"Hmmm...which house will we put Jewlie in...RAVENCLAW!"
"We're g-l-a-m-o-r-ous!"
This is my favorite photo of the day. I love Harry Potter! But we got Hagrid's head cut off. They're made of legos. Too bad. I would have preffered the REAL Harry.
After we left FAO Schwartz we went to all the really high-end stores [aka Burberry, Chanel, Dior, Saks]
A beautiful Dior dress that I loved!
The display in front of Chanel. I fell in love with a $6000 purse.
Me in a Burberry hat. Trés cute!
"KSJDFJSLDFK OMG YOU GUYS IT'S HANNAH!"-Me. I love her. Me and Fab sang all her songs in the Disney Store. Which by the way was 3 stories! And the coolest Disney store like....ever.
My BFFs Zanessa and Ashley!
Us with Goofy! We got free Disney Princess temporary tattoos too!
"My hero!" A Juicy Couture guard in Saks.
I'm the Queen of Couture!
Dear Mom-please note:I am madly in love with this L.A.M.B. winter coat. Haha
So then after a long hard day of being on our feet [literally from 9:30AM to 5:00PM except for 10 minutes on le metro each way] I came home and uploaded my pictures, ate a bunch of pretzels and READ MY LETTER FROM MY BESTEST BFF IN THE WHOLE FLIPPING WORLD! It's my first piece of mail! And then I talked to Kyle and wrote a letter back to Kaity. I also took a Green Tea from the fridge and left a dollar in there because frankly, I have no idea whose they are and I really wanted one! I also cut up the catalog the doorman at Burberry gave me. Agyness is all over them! Loves it! I put the pictures up outside my door and am sending the extra ones to The Bestest. I'm working on letters to Brittany and David too. I miss them.
At 8:00 I headed down to C3 to work out in the dance studio and listen to Paramore but then after like 30 minutes these two asian guys came in. At first they were like stretching and such so I didn't pay much attention to them and kept working out to Paramore. Then after like 5 minutes one guy started teaching the other guy a dance combination and they did that for like 10 minutes. And THEN they stopped doing everything, sat on the floor and just looked at me. And I started feeling really awkwad but I wanted to work out for at least an hour. So I just kept going but they kept sitting there looking at me, so finally I finished a song and got up to turn my music off and I kid you not: I was maybe half way across the room and these two guys get up and put their CD in and start dancing. THEY WERE JUST TRYING TO GET RID OF ME. Like seriously. How rude! They were trying to get rid of me so they could work out! It's a public excercise room! They could have asked me to turn my music off nicely or asked to put their CD in. I wouldn't have minded...BUT NOOOOO they had to try and scare me out of there. So I was all in a huff when I came up to the penthouse and what do I find? About 5 random kids walking around our house! I thought they were friends of Patricia or Kayla's but as soon as they left Kayla goes "Yeah. Those kids just wandered in here because they "wanted to check out the floor". Wait....WHAT?! How did they get in our penthouse? You need an elevator key. I guess they said they'd be riding the elevator up and down because they were bored and got off at our floor. But seriously. That is SO creepy. I'm like all freaked now. So I have to report that to Tina tomorrow at our floor meeting.
Then I watched part of Down With Love with Kayla and her friend Dylan [who is a Sophmore at Marymount] and then I called home and talked to my dad for a few minutes and my mom for about 30. But then Mrs. Kappy called and mom ditched me to talk to her! But whatev. Then I talked to Kyle and worked on my letter to Brittany and decided to go to bed early since we're going to grocery shopping at 11:00 in the morning and I had SUCH a long day.
Much Love.
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