Then me and Lindsay headed out to Washington Square for our classes. On Tuesday and Thursdays we both have 8AM classes next to eachother. So I went to my first class [Cultural Foundations] in the Silver Center with Professor Di'yanni. He's Italian. And kind of old. But REALLY funny. He's been married 36 years [go him!]. But he was great. I loved him. Like, his class will be really enjoyable. We only have to write 3 papers [3-5 pages double spaced] do two independent projects [one in the library, one at the Met] and then our Midterm and Final. So that't not bad at all. And there isn't very much reading for his class. We're reading the Bible right now [no, I'm not kidding]. Anyway. He let us out 1/2 early so I met Lindsay at the Starbucks on the corner before our next classes. It was packed in there so they had this guy with a headset on walking down the line taking everyone's order and it was really efficient. My drink was done before I even was done paying for it.
Next, me and Lindsay headed to our classes. Mine was in the Kimmel Center. There was like no line for the elevator which was nice. I got there 15 minutes early [it was Latin American Studies] so I got a good seat right in the front [next to this really cute guy!] and he introduced himself. His name is Mike, he's a freshmen like me, a film major, he's from Jersey and he lives in Third North! So we talked and such before class started and I also met the other guy who sat next to me. His name was Dan and he was cute too. And a film major. But he lives in Brittany. Anyway. Then the class started and our professor was really nice. She's from Latin America so she's really well educated and works as a journalist on the side. She gave us the syllabus and told us the books we needed for class and then dismissed us. 45 MINUTES EARLY. Like what the heck?
But basically the entire class had to go to the bookstore to get the books for L.A.S. We all got in this elevator only to find out it was the service elevator so that was crazy and really funny! We had to ride it all the way back up to the 8th floor to find another elevator! Me and Mike walked to the bookstore and he helped me find the books. I got used ones [thank god! Books are so flipping expensive!] and then he had to go to another class and I was meeting Lindsay and Fabiola for lunch. But he took my number so we're going to study together and such. I'm just glad I made a friend in a class! Someone to help me with my homework!
Anyway. Lindsay's class had gotten canceled so she had headed back to the dorm but was going to meet me 30 minutes later so I wrote stuff down in my planner for the year and called my dad and talked to him and my mom about classes and such. Then I met Lindsay and we met Fab at Weinstein for lunch. It was good. I brought some back for dinner later. So Fabiola had another class at 12:00 and me and Lindsay went back home and I started my homework and talked to Kaity about her first day at home. At 1:00 there was the first of the mandatory fire drills. Every Tuesday at 1:00 there's one that we dont' have to evacuate during. But it's loud and annoying.
So I worked on my homework from like 1:00 to 3:00 and then I took a break while Fabiola french braided my hair and I had a snack and chatted with Patricia, Susan and Lindsay in the kitchen. We've all come to a conclusion: we have A LOT of reading. But so far I have the most. So yay me! ....only not. L.A.S. is going to be a huge pain the butt but luckily the Proffessor is cool and I'll have Mike to help me if I need it. So yes. After I had my snack/chat I went to check my email and re-lock my laptop. Except that I suddenly became retarded and couldn't figure out how the heck you lock it back up. So I spent, I kid you not, 10 minutes trying to figure out how to re-lock it. Finally I got it and then I continued to work on my homework. I didn't finish my homework until 5:50. UGH. It was painful. And very tiring. After I finally finished my reading/note taking I just wanted to go to sleep forever! But instead I went downt to check my mailbox and the Delia's Catalog my mom had sent me came so me and Fab looked at that and I circled the stuff I wanted.

Lesson of the day: Yes. I get out of class at 10:45 in the morning and that is fantastic. But holy mother of God do I get a lot of homework. L.A.S. is probably going to cause me to kill myself. Which would be funny if we didn't have suicide nets and windows all over the place at NYU. I mean, I'll like the class I'm sure, it's just SO much reading. Boring reading. Ew.
Anyway. At least I have the fashion show to look forward too. And I'm expecting a package from Auntie Sandy. So I have that to look forward to also. And vintage shopping with Kayla tomorrow. But let me tell you. I'll be going to sleep early tonite! Lindsay uploaded some pictures onto facebook earlier today that I thought you might like to see. They're mostly different versions of pictures I already posted.

Me and Fab at FAO Schwartz.

Me pretending I'm a cop!

Me walking in Central Park [Lindsay's a stalker. I didn't even know she took this one!]

Me at the scene of the mysterious black mold incident.

Fyre and Ice
Then I called Mom 2 [Mrs. Alty] to tell her how much I love my slippers. Seriously. I wear them ALL THE TIME. I've never really worn slippers before but these are so soft and comfortable that whenever I'm in the house I'm always wearing them. And we just chatted about my times at NYU and such and I gave her my address and she told everyone that I said hi. Then I talked to Kyle and practiced for my N'Harmonics audition. EEEEE [nervousness]!
After that I put my pjs on and watched Garden State and just relaxed. And now I'm off to bed because I'm very tired and not feeling very well. So good night everyone!
Much Love.
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