Just a pre-cursor, this is my big story of the day coming up. So me and Lindsay are headed to the GSP offices to see if we could still get free tickets to Across the Universe Thursday night [which we did. Yay!] and we're stopped at this crosswalk at Broadway and Washington Place and there's this homeless man. Which isn't unusal because duh. We live in New York. But anyway. So all of a sudden, while me and Lindsay are talking about Bed Bath and Beyond, this homeless guy busts out, like I'm not exagerating like full out starts busting out "SOME PEOPLE WANT IT ALLLLLL! BUT I DON'T! WANT NOTHING AT ALLLLLLLL! IF I AIN'T GO YOUUUU YOUUUUUU YOUUUUUUUUU!" [Which is is Alicia Key's "If I Ain't Got You]. Seriously it was SO loud. And he was like 2 feet away from us. And he just keeps going and the funny thing is, he's actually really good. But me and Lindsay were still trying to talk [plus its like unwritten code that you don't acknowledge homeless people] but we couldn't help it. We started giggling because it was SO funny. So then, the guy turns to me and is like 6 inches from my face and keeps singing REALLY loud and like seranading me. It was so funny because I was trying to ignore him and keep talking but he was so loud that I couldn't even hear myself! So we cross the street and he's like right behind us STILL singing. But luckily he didn't follow us.
Anyway. So I got home and talked to Fabi for a while and then worked on my homework for a while [I have to read The Odyssey. And apparently I'm like the only person on the whole planet who has never read it before] and then I took a nap for an hour because I was really tired. And then Susan came home at like 1:45 and we went to lunch and I was telling her my homeless guy story and she goes "No way. I saw a homeless man singing that song today before class." And I go "What time was your class?" and she goes "10:40 at Bobst." and I go "NO WAY. We saw him at 10:50 two blocks from there!" So it was totally the same guy. We must have just missed him earlier. But then we were like "I wonder how many times he sang that song today?" Haha.
So then I came back upstairs and read The Odyssey until 7:00 when me and Fabi and Susan went to Baskin Robins to get a Mango Smoothie. Alright here we go. So I order the mango smoothie and the guy goes "You want a hot coffee?" and I'm like "No. I want a MANGO SMOOTHIE" and he like gets pissed and is like "Down here down here!" and points down to another register so I follow him and he looks really pissed and I have no idea why and then he hands me a frozen cappuchino. Like wait....WHAT?! Mango smoothie and frozen cappuchino don't even sound REMOTELY SIMILAR. But he's all pissed so I just take it eve though I don't want it because obviously that means I'll be up until like 3:00 in the morning. So I go back to the other register to pay and the girl is like "What is that?" and I was like "Honestly...I have no idea. I didnt' order it." So then SHE gets all pissed and then I look at the menu and figure out what it was and she's like "Okay. $4.11" Which like WTH?! I could have gone to STARBUCKS and gotten like a grande pumpkin spice for that much. So I hand here a 5 dollar bill and then I realize I have 11 cents so I'm like "Oh wait...I actually have 11 cents." and she goes [ I kid you not] "OH. NOW you tell me." Like she's all angry and stuff. So yeah. And they gave Fabi and Susan a hard time too and they go "It's because we're really busy." There were only 2 other people in there besides us 3. Like really. 5 people is busy? Come on people.
So then I came home and talked to Susan about how I'm excited because tomorrow is pirate day. And so I'm going through my pirate stuff and there's these two dum dums in there and I'm like "These suckers didnt' come with my package." and I toss them aside and then I'm going through the rest of the stuff and I'm like "Oh let's see. There's a toy car, a sucker...." and she goes "What did you call that?" And I was like "....a sucker?" and she goes "You mean a LOLLIPOP?" And I was like "No...a sucker?" And she apparently has never heard anyone call it that in her life. And she goes "OHHHH. Is that what you were calling those two lollipops?" and I was like "....yeah" and she goes "I thought you were calling them suckers. You know, like those SUCKERS weren't in my package. Like...when you get mad at something and you call it a sucker." And I cracked up. Because I thought that was SO hilarious. I don't know why. Probably because I"m way over caffeinated.
After that I talked to Kyle. Because he had a bad day. And it was a good talk. And I didnt' call Brittany because she had a band thing. And tomorrow is Gossip Girls AND ANTM! And Pirate day! OH! And my Cosmogirl came today. Heidi looks like a HORSE. Her spread looks JUST like the oh-so-epic Bet On It. I'm not even kidding [Kaity. You HAVE to see it.] So yes. I didnt' have any pictures for today so I took this because I needed some form of picture. This is what happens when I'm REALLY hyper late at night. And don't want to read The Odyssey. Yeah. Photobooth happens.

Night all.
Much Love.
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