When I got home I headed upstairs and started to work on my homework. And I ate half a bagel. Mmm! Then I chatted with Susan a while and then Lindsay and then I continued to work on my homework. At around 1:00 we all went down to lunch with Fabi and chatted and ate yummy food. They had tacos! And today's frozen yogurt flavor was Cheesecake. So good! Then we all checked our mailboxes and MY TEEN VOGUE CAME! And I got a letter from Brittany! I was SO excited! I haven't started to write her back yet but I'm going to tomorrow for sure! But yay Teen Vogue!

So then I continued to work on my homework and I got distracted a few other times by aim, Susan, photobooth, you know. The usual. And so I was talking Greg on aim and I asked him if he was coming home for homecoming. And he was like "Yeah. Are you?" And I was like "Pshhh I wish. I don't even know when it is" And he was like "It's next weekend." And I was like "The first weekend in October?" And he was like "Yeah..." And I was like "Wait a second...maybe I CAN come home. I have that Monday off!" So then I went off looking for a bus. No luck. Then a train. No luck. Then for the heck of it, I'm like alright....I"ll just check the flights. Whatev. It can't hurt. So I check for a flight....AND I'M COMING HOME IN 9 DAYS! EEEEEEEE! Yeah. I'm coming in at 3:30 on Thursday afternoon and I'm leaving for the city at 4:30 on the following Monday. And it was only $160.00. And it's Homecoming so everyone else will be home! So basically it was fate that I come home next weekend! So I called my mom and she said it was okay and my dad said he could pick me up at the airport and so now I'm coming home!
When I called Kaity it was hysterical. Because I was like "Ask me what I'm doing October 4th at 3:30." And she was like "Okay...what are you doing October 4th at 3:30?" And I said "...COMING HOME!" And she was like "Wait...WHAT?! REALLY?" And we both started crying because she's my best friend in the whole world and DUH I miss her more than anything! I'm so excited to see her! And we're going to go to the game together on Friday night with Kyle and then me and Kaity and Natalie are going to have a sleepover after the game and I'm going to go to her house before Homecoming to see everyone all dressed up and it's going to be so much fun! Plus we get to go sit at Metch on Thursday night at C-Bou!
Of course then I called Kyle and I told him and it like didn't even click with him first. He was like "Oh. Cool." And then after a few minutes he was like "OH MY GOD YOU'RE COMING HOME NEXT THURSDAY! I'm so excited!" And I'm so so excited to see him. We're going to hang out Saturday night while everyone's at homecoming and at the game. But it's going to be so great to see them. AND MY PARENTS! I miss my mom and dad. And Stan the man! And Wilbs! My kitties! Awww...I miss them.
So then I proceeded to call everyone else and tell them I'm coming home and duh. Everyone is thrilled. So I talked to Tina and Susan and Kayla for a while and then we went down and grabbed some quick dinner. Everyone else talked and such but I had to finish my stupid notes for LAS. LAME. When I finished them I talked to Stephen really quick and he updated me on some scandals. I had some Frozen Yogurt and then I helped Tina and her friend Dan work on their homework. They had to make up a scene with some lines they were given and they wanted to make sure I got the plot because I guess last time it was too complicated. But I totally got it. So yay me. And Tina said I was one of the favorites. I love Tina. After that, I finished The Odyssey. Which was dumb. And pointless. Duh.
I also got a chance to talk with Brittany tonite which was fabulous. We're going to hang out when I get home next weekend. EEEE! So in conclusion, it was Monday night. Which can only mean one thing: THE HILLS. So of course I watched it with Susan and Linds. Loves it!
So now I'm off to talk with Kyle real quick and then I'm going to bed. Night all!
Much Love.
1 comment:
jewlieeeeeeee i miss you. :)
love, Meagan
yo' cousin!
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