So me, Kayla, Fab and Susan left to walk to Sephora at like 2:00 and it was a pretty hefty walk. Well...not really. But for you guys back home it probably would have been. We passed all these really awesome stores on the way [A HUGE Forever21, H&M, American Eage, Prada, AxE] and we were just excited to get to Sephora so the walk went by really fast! But it was SO hot out! We were all nasty and oily when we got there. Ew. So anyway. We got to Sephora and it was like one giant party! There was an increidible DJ and free Voss water with this really weird new thing. They have these flavored vitamin supplements that you can put in your water and it has all the nutrients you need for the day and the same nutrition as 15 mugs of Green Tea! So you can imagine how good it is for you. So we all got to try some. I had Pomegranate flavor and it was trés delicious. So after we were hydrated we checked in and started getting our makeovers! It turns out all the makeup artists were from all over the country and the guy that did Kayla's actually did the makeup for the Gottex show on Thursday!

So as you can see we looked FIERCE! And we just looked around the store and the girls all bought some of the makeup that was used on them because duh. We LOVED it. And so we just hung out in Sephora for a while and then we headed home. But of course on the way we had to stop in some shops. And me and Susan talked about what I should be for Halloween. I really have no idea, so help me out! I'm up for anything really. On our way home me, Susan and Fabi stopped by Starbucks from some Frapps because it was still SO hot out. When we got home we went down to get some dinner. My main course was Cheesecake flavored Frozen Yogurt. Haha. I know I know, I'm really healthy! And then I came home and worked on my homework very briefly but then I called Brittany and we talked for 2 hours. Haha. But I loved hearing from her and we got to talk about lots of things and all the scandals and such. And then I worked on my homework until I finished my goal for today [only 20 pages to go tomorrow!] and then I got a call from David! And it was AMAZING to hear from him. Because I haven't talked to him since I got here. We only got to talk briefly but it was still so great to just hear his voice.
Then I hung out with Fab, Lindz and Kayla in the newly rearranged living room and cut out pictures from magazines and talked about the latest celeb scandals. Then my favoritest betch called and we chatted! Yay chatting! Then randomly Lindsay decided she wanted some Ben & Jerry's so we [Susan, Fab, Kayla and P.] decided to go next door for ice cream. It was SOOOOOO good. I'm an ice cream eating champion. I'm entering the Ice Cream Eating Contest on Tuesday and the girls are going to come and cheer me on. I'm totally going to win.

Then after many laughs at Ben & Jerry's [seriously. WE LAUGHED.] we went over to Walgreens [while singing "This is why I'm hot. This is why I'm hot. This is why this is why this is why I'm hot."] but the magazine selection was suckyyyyyy so we walked to the magazine store and looked at all the international magazines. But seriously. We were acting CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYY. We were all highly caffeinated. But anyway. Then we got back and just hung out in the living room looking at some more magazines and listening to music. And now I'm off to bed.
Much Love.
1 comment:
Halloween idea... Buccaneer Lady.. I don't know if you can pull that off.
Check this website out for ideas:)
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