Anyway. Then I walked home and it was freezing. And when I got home I started working on my homework that's due tomorrow. And then I got distracted by talking to Susan and Sarah while drinking some of Lindsay's left over coffee [I made a dirty chai and it was SO good] and then Lindsay called and asked me and Susan if we wanted to have lunch. So duh. We did. And I saw this guy that I keep seeing everywhere even though I don't know him and don't have any classes with him. And then I headed back upstairs and finished my homework for tomorrow. Which included typing up my LAS notes which sucked. A lot. And of course throughout the course of that I got distracted and chatted with Kayla and various other characters.
And then I got an email saying GSP was giving 30 free tickets to see Across the Universe for Thursday. So of course me and Lindsay practically ran to the GSP offices. Only there were 2 problems. 1: I forgot my I.D. and cell phone and didn't realize this until we were half way there. So then I had to use Lindsay's phone to call Susan to tell her to bring it down to the front desk. And then I had to hike all the way back to Third North to get it and then all the way back to Astor Place where Lindsay waited for me. And 2: So we got to the GSP offices at like 6:45. The office closes at 6:00. Wait...WHAT?! We were pissed. Because duh. We want the free tickets! So we left a note saying that we'd been there and our emails. So they probably won't give us the tickets but whatev.
On our way home I checked my mailbox and had something from my mom and Mom! It was trés exciting! From my mom I got some cute stationary, some REALLY cute Disney stamps and an Alloy catalog and from Mom I got a Flying Pig! The Flying Pig is SO hilarious. Me and Kayla shot it at Kelly and she goes "Is that a frog?" Like really. Wait...WHAT?! I was like is that a joke? Clearly it's a pig! But anyway. We had highly amusing times with the Flying Pig. And so then I talked to my mom and I talked to Mom on the phone and it was nice because I love them both and Buddy barked at me on the phone! I miss my Budders.

Fatty Fatty No Friends. That's what Kayla named him.
Then I decided to get ahead on my homework for Social Foundations and read the Socrates. After that I watched The Hills with Fabiola, Lindsay, Susan and Kayla. Let me tell you. SCANDALS! Especially on the preview for next week. But Holy mother of God! I couldnt' believe the way Spencer and Heidi were acting at Ketchup! Seriously people! And then I was like SO happy when Elodie said to Heidi "Yeah. You don't even know the difference between right and wrong anymore. It's kind of sad." And Heidi looked so upset. And I was like GO ELODIE!
Anyway. Then I was really tired so naturally I flung the Flying Pig around the room a few more times, re-met Dean from across the building [apparently he's into Sophie. Scandal!] and then now I"m off to bed. So yes. A hightly uneventful day. ....Though I still managed to find a bunch of things to say about it...? Whatev.
Much Love.
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