So after I put all the dishes away, I ate half a bagel and had some Chai Tea. It was tastey [bits!]. After that, I decompressed all the cardboard boxes that were in the house [which was like 80 million] and then Kelly helped me take them down to the recycling bin. Then I took out the trash. Today was cleaning day. Duh. After Kelly helped me do that, I complained about how much I really wanted some Starbucks but I didn't want to get dressed and walk all the way to Astor Place [even though it's like 2 blocks]. I'm really lazy. So eventually after complaining/talking to Kelly for like an hour I just put some jeans on and went down to the cafeteria and got some iced coffee. And it was good. I decided to get super ahead on my homework for the wekk because Angie is coming Friday and staying for the weekend. So I took my Social Foundations book down to the courtyard and did my reading there so I wouldn't fall asleep. Plus it was really nice out. And Kristi [the scary girl from the 13th floor ghetto] came over to say "hey" to me because apparently now that I hang out in the courtyard I register on her radar. Heck, if I picked up smoking maybe she would ask me to sit at her table. With her posse. So we chatted briefly. It was sufficiently awkward and then I continued to do my reading. After I finished it, I checked my mail and I got my Elle magazine with Reese Witherspoon on the cover. I was tres excited.
After that, I decided it was time for some late lunch. The selection..nevermind. There was no selection. It was 4:00 and they were STILL serving breakfast. And it wasn't even good breakfast. They didn't even have french toast sticks! So I just got a salad and made a yummy frozen yogurt parfait [quel suprise!]. I layered Vanilla frozen yogurt with granola, then yogurt, then coconut, then yogurt, then granola again and then yogurt and then chocolate chips on top. MMMM! Unfortunately I was still carrying my books and my magazine and my phone and my ID AND I was trying to carry my lunch too. So I made it to the elevator and then the door started to shut and I was like "CRAP! Where's my elevator key!" And in the midst of that, I dropped my frozen yogurt and granola went EVERYWHERE in the elevator. Lukcily no one was there to see it. I didn't clean it up. So I got upstairs and flipped through my magazine while I chatted with Tina. I love Tina. So I cut out some pictures from the magazine and hung them up around my area [pictures to come!] and then I decided I would get even MORE ahead with my homework.
Thusforth, I grabbed my copy of The Odyssey and headed back to the courtyard with Lindsay in tow. We worked on our reading until it got dark. During that point in time I talked to Kyle and my mom really briefly [sorry mom!]. I didn't quite finish The Odyssey but I only have 30 pages left and it's not due until Thursday. So it's all good [in the hood.] On my way up with Lindsay I noticed the granola was still on the elevator floor. And I turn to Linday and I say, "Hey Linds. Do you see the granola?" And she was like "Yeah. You did that didn't you?" And I was like "....Yeah. My bad." And we had a good laugh.
So then I changed to work out while me and Susan were waiting for our laundry and while I was waiting for Susan to be ready I talked to Kyle. Again. So I go into Lindsay's room and she asks me if I will help her take the food down for the laundry mixer and I'm like "Okay. Why don't you just have me and Susan take it since you're not going." And she was like "Okay. I asked Sarah to do it but she was acting all weird and said she wasn't going to go." And I was like "Duh. She wears the same outfit everyday. She doesn't need to do laundry." And Linds was like "Oh. Duh. I should have known that."
Apres ça, we headed down to do laundry and it

While me and Susan were waiting for our laundry we worked out. And it was intense. Except for the weird asian break dancers that starred me down the LAST time I was in the C3 studio were in there working out to Missy Elliot. Seriously. She went out like 3 years ago. So me and Susan dealt with it [we starred them down] and I taught her some simple ballet stuff. It was pretty fun. Once they left we put on Cartel and I taught her some sweet leaps and jumps. And we did pirouettes and made up cheers. Yeah. We're cool.
Then we went to switch the clothes from the washer to the dryer but we could NOT find an empty dryer. It was SO frusterating. But then we finally found one after like 15 minutes of searching and we just shoved all our clothes collectively into one dryer. It was crazy. Then we were going to finish our workout but my musician radar was on and I heard boys playing guitars. So I went to investigate. They played Wonderwall. It was amazing. They're from the North Tower on the 13th floor and said we should jam sometime. Sweet. So I went in to C3 and there was no one in there and so I said to myself, "Yes. No one in here. Just the way I like it." Then Sophie was like "Hey." And it was awkward because I didn't know she was in there. And I was talking to myself. Luckily it wasn't just some random person in there. That would have been really weird. Because one, I would have basically implied that I didn't want anyone in the studio, and 2 because I was talking to myself. And that's weird. But then me and Susan decided to finish our little dance lesson except I just put on Fergie and we rocked. Haha. Yeah. It was highly amusing. Luckily no one came in and saw us. That would have been embarassing. But whatev.
After we were really really sweaty and tired we headed up to the penthouse and sorted through our laundry. I put mine away and called Kyle. Wow. We talked a lot today. But that's a good thing. And now I'm really tired and am heading to bed because I have my stupid boring, far-away classes tomorrow. LAME.
Send letters!
Much Love.
1 comment:
The reason why I wear the same outfit everyday is because my body image is crap.
I bought all of my more "fashionable" clothes a year ago....and 60 lbs ago.
I am not emotionally strong enough to buy bigger clothes.
As much as I hate that nasty brown skirt....I hate my legs more.
This whole situation literally makes me cry.
I did do laundry every weekend (except this past one) when I went back to my grandma's house.
Was I acting "weird" because I was looking for someone who was actually going to laundry thing to bring it down?
I went out and bought that food....even though I wasn't going.
I don't remember Lindsay asking me to take it.
I'm sorry Jewlie :(
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